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Academic Success Workshop. Welcome to our online workshop for students on Academic Probation II. We at Meredith believe you can be successful here. You are not alone. Along with other students in academic difficulty, you will: Learn about academic policies
Academic Success Workshop Welcome to our online workshop for students on Academic Probation II. We at Meredith believe you can be successful here. You are not alone. Along with other students in academic difficulty, you will: • Learn about academic policies • Identify your sources of academic difficulties and generate specific resources for improving your academic performance • Be introduced to campus resources • Learn the Nuts & Bolts of GPA, transcripts, and goal setting exit
Before you begin Obtain your packet from the Academic and Career Planning, 2nd Floor of the Park Center Your packet contains: • A Contract for Academic Improvement • Your current unofficial transcript • Directions for the workshop You will need a calculator, pencil or pen, and scratch paper. Find a quiet place to complete this online workshop. Plan to spend some concentrated time with this material. exit
Why am I on academic probation? • You are on academic probation because your MeredithGPA at the end of the last semester was below the minimum for the total number of hours attempted for all semesters. When a student fails to achieve minimum progress, she will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. When she does not achieve minimum progress the following semester she is placed on Probation II. • Minimum Expected • Total Hours Attempted Meredith GPA • 1-16 Hours GPA 1.5 • 17-25 Hours GPA 1.7 • 26-59 Hours GPA 1.8 • 60-89 Hours GPA 1.9 • 90+ Hours GPA 2.0 Looking at your transcript, the TOT-DATE row and HRS ATT column gives you your total hours attempted. The TOT-MER GPA is your latest Meredith GPA. Source: Academic: Policies and Procedures Meredith College Undergraduate Catalogue exit
Things I must do while on probation When a student fails to achieve minimum progress, she will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. A student on probation must conform to the following guidelines the next semester in which she is enrolled: Failure to satisfy all these requirements will result in a delay of future class registration until the student has presented detailed plans for correcting her academic deficiencies to Academic and Career Planning. • 1. Register for no more than 14 hours • Enroll in ENG 111 if her general education composition requirement has not been met • Repeat courses in which a D or F was earned • Complete an academic success workshop (this online workshop counts as your academic success workshop) and Contract for Academic Improvement followed by a meeting with an Advisor in Academic and Career Planning. These meetings must occur within the first month of classes. Source: Academic Policies and Procedures, Meredith College Undergraduate Catalogue exit
Let’s begin Looking at the first section of the form, Contract for Academic Improvement, think about the goals you set for last semester and answer the following questions ON YOUR CONTRACT. If you cannot remember your goals from last semester, list the things that you had wanted to accomplish last semester. List below the goals you made last semester following the probation workshop: 1. 2. 3. Did you meet those goals? If so, what helped you meet those goals? What worked well for you that you would like to continue to put into practice? If not, why not? What prevented you or stopped you from meeting them? How will this semester be different from last semester? Be specific. There are resources available for students who are having trouble meeting their goals. The next few slides outline some of those resources… exit
Resources • All students encounter challenges during their academic career. The key to success is identifying YOUR roadblocks and taking action towards resolving the problem. Here are some links to resources that can help you: • If you are having trouble with… • Goal Setting or motivation, visitAcademic and Career Planning.Sometimes students struggle because they do not know what they want to major in or lack focus in their studies. • Study skills or time management, visit Academic and Career Planning.We can provide resources to help you or offer regular coaching meetings. • Personal issues, like loneliness, roommate problems, family issues, or trouble adjusting to college, visit theCounseling Center.If you are distracted by personal issues, counseling may help you cope better so you may focus on your studies. • Financial issues, visitFinancial Assistance.Sometimes students spend more time at work and don’t have enough time to study. Financial Assistance may be able to help you with your financial situation. • A disability, visitDisability Services. This office also can assist students who question whether a possible disability may be the cause of academic difficulty. exit
More resources Time Management Test Taking Tutoring Reading Learning Styles Advising Process Note Taking Foreign Languages Writing Papers Click the specific topic to learn more. exit
Assessing Your Resources The next section of your contract asks you to think about your specific resources and strengths for meeting this semester’s goals. Complete the following questions ON YOUR CONTRACT and bring your answers to your meeting with a staff member from Academic and Career Planning. What are your: Strengths? 1. 2. 3. Challenges? 1. 2. Resources & Support Systems? 1. 2. 3. Soft spots (areas you would like to improve)? 1. 2. 3.
Goals Setting for the Semester Now that you’ve thought about last semester’s goals and the resources available to you, take a few minutes to create some goals for this semester. The next provides a guideline to writing goals. exit
SMART Goals For This Semester Make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Action oriented, Realistic, and Time -phased (they have a specific deadline). List 2-3 action plan steps for each goal, stating how you will reach your goal. Write them down and bring them to your follow-up meeting to discuss. Goal # 1: To ___________________________________________________________________________________. Action Step – _______________________________________________________________________ Action Step – _______________________________________________________________________ Action Step – _______________________________________________________________________ Goal # 2: To ___________________________________________________________________________________. Action Step – _______________________________________________________________________ Action Step – _______________________________________________________________________ Action Step – _______________________________________________________________________ Goal # 3: To ___________________________________________________________________________________. Action Step – _______________________________________________________________________ Action Step – _______________________________________________________________________ Action Step – _______________________________________________________________________
Take a 10 minute break Study Tip Take a short break each hour to refresh your mind and body. You’ll do better. Set an alarm clock or timer and come back! exit
Nuts & Bolts about GPAs You will need to learn more GPAs before continuing the contract. • What is a GPA? • How do I calculate my GPA? • What about multiple semesters? • How do I read or understand my transcript? • Why do I have three GPA totals on my Meredith transcript? • How does repeating a course help my GPA? • What is the minimum GPA I must earn to get off academic probation? • What grades to I need to earn to reach my GPA goal? exit
GPA = Quality Points ÷ Hours Attempted Your GPAis determined by dividing the total number of quality points that you have earned by the number of hours you have attempted. For example, if you have earned a total of 90 quality points and have attempted 50 credit hours, your GPA will be 90 ÷ 50, or 1.8 exit .
GPA = Quality Points ÷ Hours Attempted Quality points(QP) are calculated by multiplying the number of credit hours for a course by the numerical equivalent of the grade you earn in the course. Each letter grade has the following numerical equivalency: A = 4 B = 3 C = 2 D = 1 F = 0 If you earn an A in a three credit-hour course you will have earned 12 quality points (3 hrs x 4 = 12QP) for the course. Multiply the grade in each course by the number of credit hours for the course and then add the totals for each class together for your semester total. Example: CORE 100 (4 credits) x B (3.0) = 12 QP Mat 130 (3 credits) x C (2.0) = 6 QP Psy 100 (3 credits) x A (4.0) = 12 QP Art 101 (3 credits) x B (3.0) = 9 QP Total semester Quality Points = 12 + 12 + 6 + 9 = 39 QP exit
How to Calculate a GPA • Calculate the quality points for each subject. • Add the quality points from all the subjects. • Divide by the total number of hours attempted. Remember…A = 4 B = 3 C = 2 D = 1 F = 0 ENG 111 3 hours B (3 hrs. x 3 = 9 quality points) MAT 144 3 hours A (3 hrs. x 4 = 12 quality points) BIO 101 3 hours C (3 hrs. x 2 = 6 quality points) BIO 141 1 hour B (1 hr. x 3 = 3 quality points) CORE 100 4 hours B (4 hrs. x 3 = 12 quality points) Total quality points = 42 Total hours attempted = 14 GPA = 3.0 GPA = Total Quality Points ÷ Total Hours Attempted 42 QP ÷ 14 hrs. = 3.0 GPA for the semester 1 2 3 exit
GPA for Multiple Semesters To determine your GPA over multiple semesters, add your quality points and hours attempted from ALL semesters and follow the GPA formula: GPA = Total Quality Points ÷ Total Hours Attempted Now let’s learn how to read the transcript. exit
Parts of a Transcript HRS ATT - hours attempted HRS CRD - hours credited QUAL PTS - quality points TOT-SEM GPA - current semester TOT-MER GPA - cumulative totals only from Meredith College TOT-DATE GPA - cumulative totals from Meredith and transfer credits FALL 200x HRS HRS QUAL ATT CRD PTS FYE 1001.00 B 1.00 3.00 ENG 111 replaced on 1/18/xx ----- F 0.00 ----- 1a BIO 101 3.00 C 3.00 6.00 BIO 141 1.00 C 1.00 2.00 PSY 100 3.00 C 3.00 6.00 PED 120 0.00 P 1.00 ----- 2 HIS 103 replaced on 1/18/xx 3.00 D 3.00 3.00 TOT-SEM GPA: 1.429 14.00 1b 12.00 20.00 TOT-MER GPA: 1.429 5 14.00 12.00 20.00 TOT-DATE GPA: 1.162 37.00 6 35.00 43.00 TRAN: 23 4 3 1 aThe original F grade remains on the transcript for the replaced course and the transcript is updated when the repeated course is completed. Notice that the 3 HRS ATT are still included in the totals (1b). F credits are not counted towards graduation credits. 2 Pass/Fail courses are not counted in the GPA calculations unless you fail the class. Passing credit counts towards graduation credits. 3TOT-DATE amounts may differ from TOT-SEM and TOT-MER rows since this row includes transfer credits. 4 5 &6TOT-MER GPA along withTOT-DATErow , HRS ATT column determines probation status (see CHART) CHART exit
Understanding the Three GPA Totals HRS ATT HRS CRD QUAL PTS TOT-SEM GPA: 1.429 14.00 12.00 20.00 TOT-MER GPA:1.429 14.00 12.00 20.00 TOT-DATE GPA: 1.162 37.00** 35.00** 43.00** • This student is on probation I status at the end of the semester because her total Meredith GPA (1.429) was below the minimum of 1.8 since her total hours attempted (37 hrs.) fell within the range of 26 - 59 hours attempted. • TOT-SEM (semester GPA), TOT-MER (cumulative total GPA at Meredith), and TOT-DATE (cumulative total GPA from Meredith plus any other institution’s credits transfer) ** numbers will differ from other rows when credits from another institution transfer to Meredith. • TOT-MERGPA and TOT-DATE, HRS ATT determines academic standing. Increasing your hours attempted requires you to increase your quality points which could make it very difficult to get off probation. This is why it is important to repeat courses with Ds and Fs (see next slide). CHART exit
Repeat Courses with D or F Grades FALL 200x HRS HRS QUAL ATT CRD PTS FYE 1001.00 B 1.00 3.00 ENG 111 replaced on 1/18/xx ----- F 0.00 ----- BIO 101 3.00 C 3.00 6.00 BIO 141 1.00 C 1.00 2.00 PSY 100 3.00 C 3.00 6.00 PED 120 0.00 P 1.00 ----- HIS 103 replaced on 1/18/xx 3.00 D 3.00 3.00 TOT-SEM GPA: 1.429 14.00 12.00 20.00 TOT-MER GPA: 1.429 14.00 12.00 20.00 TOT-DATE GPA: 1.429 14.00 12.00 20.00 The recommended way to improve your GPA is to repeat courses because this will increase your quality points while keeping your hours attempted down. The hours attempted for repeated courses are not counted in the GPA calculations. This student’s new hours attempted for her Spring semester was only 6 due to the two repeated classes. She was considered a full time student because she carried 12 hrs, but for GPA purposes we only looked at the new hours attempted. She is now off probation because her TOT-MER GPA (1.9) is over the minimum MER GPA of 1.7 for hours attempted in the range of 17 -25 hrs (20). Repeated Courses SPRING 200x HRS HRS QUAL ATT CRD PTS HIS 103 3.00 C 3.00 6.00 ENG 111 3.00 C 3.00 6.00 ART 101 3.00 C 3.00 6.00 PED 126 0.00 P 1.00 ----- SPA 103 3.00 D 3.00 3.00 TOT-SEM GPA: 1.500 6.00 13.00 18.00 TOT-MER GPA:1.900 20.00 25.00 38.00 TOT-DATE GPA: 1.900 20.00 25.00 38.00 CHART exit A = 4 B = 3 C = 2 D = 1 F = 0
Advantages of repeating your courses Repeating your courses this semester will help you raise your GPA.By repeating two of her courses, she was able to get off probation with only C and D grades this semester because her hours attempted were not calculated in the TOT-MER GPA once again. Earning a D to get off probation is not recommended. When repeating a course with a D grade, the calculations will reflect the difference between the D and your new grade.Since she earned 3.00 QP the first time when she earned a D in HIS 103, the C grade from the repeated course is calculated at 3.00 QP instead of 6.00 QP (6 - 3 = 3 QP). If she had earned a B, then it would have been the difference of the B (9 pts) from the D (3 pts) giving her 6.00 QP (9 - 3= 6 QP) for repeating her course. This applies to other letter grades, i.e., repeat C course to get a B or A. A minimum TOT-MER GPA of 1.7 is needed for 17 - 25 hours attempted to be considered in good academic standing in our sample. Our student got a 1.9 GPA because her quality points went up to 38 and her hours attempted were only 20. 38 divided by 20 equals 1.9. CHART exit
FALL 200x HRS HRS QUAL ATT CRD PTS FYE 1001.00 B 1.00 3.00 ENG 111 ----- F 0.00 ----- BIO 101 3.00 C 3.00 6.00 BIO 141 1.00 C 1.00 2.00 PSY 100 3.00 C 3.00 6.00 PED 120 0.00 P 1.00 ----- HIS 103 3.00 D 3.00 3.00 TOT-SEM GPA: 1.429 14.00 12.00 20.00 TOT-MER GPA: 1.429 14.00 12.00 20.00 TOT-DATE GPA: 1.429 14.00 12.00 20.00 Did not repeat courses SPRING 200x HRS HRS QUAL ATT CRD PTS CORE 100 4.00 D 4.00 4.00 ART 101 3.00 C 3.00 6.00 PED 120 0.00 P 1.00 ----- COM 260 3.00 C 3.00 6.00 HIS 103 3.00 D 3.00 3.00 TOT-SEM GPA: 1.462 13.00 14.00 19.00 TOT-MER GPA:1.444 27.00 26.00 39.00 TOT-DATE GPA: 1.444 27.00 26.00 39.00 Not Repeating D or F Classes By not repeating her D or F classes, this student increased her total hours attempted to 27 hrs. instead of 20 hrs. from repeating the courses. Now her required minimum GPA has increased to 1.8 due to the increase in her total hours attempted. She is now on Probation II status because she still has not reached her minimum expected MER GPA. CHART exit
Determine Your Targeted QP • By calculating your targeted minimum quality points* you will be able to project the exact grades you need this semester to get off probation. • Students think they need to earn straight A’s to get off probation. For many, this is an unrealistic goal to set for this semester. * remember…Quality points = grade value x credit hours (3rd column of transcript) Look at your transcript exit
The next section of your contract states: “To get off probation, I must earn at least a GPA of _________.” Look at your transcript to do this section and put the answer ON YOUR CONTRACT. Locate the current semester printed on your transcript. You will not have any grades, or hours credited (HRS CRD) or quality points (QUAL PTS) listed. The next slide is an example for you to follow. What is my minimum GPA ? exit Get your calculator, pencil and scratch paper.
Finding your minimum GPA 1. Count the number of HRS ATT you are taking this semester. 14 for student X. 2. Now subtract any hours from courses you are repeating this semester. 6 for student X 3. This is your new total hours attempting for this semester. 8 for student X. She is considered full time at 14 hrs, but it is the 8 hrs we use in calculating her GPA. 4. Add the total from step 3 to the TOT-DATE, HRS ATT column. 8 + 15 = 23 hrs 5. Go to the CHART and find what your minimum expected Meredith GPA. Student X’s minimum GPA is 1.7 based on her 23 total hrs att (step. 4). 6. Record your minimum GPA on your contract or continue on for help. FALL 200x HRS HRS QUAL ATT CRD PTS FYE 101 1.00 ----- ----- ENG 111 3.00 ----- ----- BIO 101 3.00 ----- ----- BIO 141 1.00 ----- ----- PED 126 0.00 ----- ----- PSY 100 3.00 ----- ----- REL 103 3.00 ----- ----- TOT-SEM* GPA: 1.333 15.00 12.00 20.00 TOT-MER* GPA:1.333 15.00 12.00 20.00 TOT-DATE* GPA: 1.333 15.00 12.00 20.00 HRS ATT – hours attempted HRS CRD – hours credited QUAL PTS – Quality points These totals* are from the previous semester (s) and are not included in the current semester. Student X is taking 14 hrs this semester. The 15 hrs are from her previous semester. She is repeating PSY 100 and ENG 111. CHART exit
Recapping the calculations 1. _____ Count hours you are taking this semester (transcript) 2. -_____ Minus hours repeating (transcript) 3. =_____ New total hours attempting this semester 4. +_____ Add number from TOT-DATE, HRS ATT column (transcript) 5. =_____ New TOT-DATE, HRS ATT end of semester 6. Refer to the for your minimum GPA based on the new TOT-DATE, HRS ATT from step 5. 7. In order to be in good academic standing I must earn a GPA of at least: record your minimum GPA on your contract now. CHART exit
If you have Meredith credits only, then use this section. 1. ____ New total MER hrs att (step 5 of previous slide) 2.X____ Multiply your min. MER GPA (previous slide) 3.= ____ Quality points needed* 4. -____ Minus QUAL PTS, TOT- DATE column (transcript) 5.= ____ Your targeted minimum quality point (see next slide to learn more). If you have transfer credits,then use this section first. 1. ____ Total hrs att (step 3 of previous slide) 2.+ ____ Add TOT-MER, HRS ATT column (transcript) 3.= ____ New total MER hrs att (not the same as step 5 of previous slide) 4. X ___ your min. MER GPA 5. Follow steps 3 - 5 from the Meredith credits only section. What grades do I need? exit *always round up here - there are no fractional quality points.
If Meredith credits only,then this is her targeted minimum. 1. 23 New total MER hrs att 2.x 1.7 Multiply her min. MER GPA (see chart) 3.=40* Quality points needed (39.1) 4. -20 Minus QUAL PTS, TOT- DATE column (transcript) 5.=20 Targeted min. quality pt for this semester 40QP ÷ 23 hrs = 1.739 GPA A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 F = 0 Student X is taking six classes for credit (four 3-credit courses, two 1-credit courses) and 1 pass/fail. Her target is 20 QP. Using the chart below, she has many combinations to reach 20 QP. Earning 4 Cs gives her 24 QP and she would be off probation. Quality Points Chart 1 A = 12QP 1 B = 9 QP 1 C = 6 QP 1 D = 3 QP 2 A = 24 2 B = 18 2 C = 12 2 D = 6 3 A = 36 3 B = 27 3 C = 18 3 D = 9 4 A = 48 4 B = 36 4 C = 24 4 D = 12 Example of Student X exit *rounded up
Now, determine the grades you will need for each course you are taking this semester using the chart below. Be prepared to discuss this during your follow-up appointment with Academic and Career Planning. Example: If you were taking four 3-credit courses and your targeted quality point total was 30, then you could earn 3 Bs and 1 C (27 + 6 = 33) to exceed your target and to assure you get off probation. Another way would be to earn 1 A and 3 Cs (12 + 18 = 30) but this places you at the borderline. Quality Points Chart 1 A = 12QP 1 B = 9 QP 1 C = 6 QP 1 D = 3 QP 2 A = 24 2 B = 18 2 C = 12 2 D = 6 3 A = 36 3 B = 27 3 C = 18 3 D = 9 4 A = 48 4 B = 36 4 C = 24 4 D = 12 Grades I will need to earn to reach my minimum GPA goal Tip: Assign realistic grade goals to each subject on your transcript so that the grades total your targeted quality points. exit
You’re Almost Finished!Take another 10 minute break Study Tip Take a short break each hour to refresh your mind and body. You’ll do better. Set an alarm clock or timer and come back! exit
Important Dates Important dates to remember: (1) The last day to withdraw from a course is: (2) Schedule a follow up appointment with a staff member in Academic and Career Planning by October 1, 2009. Have your contract and workshop completed by that appointment and bring them with you to the appointment. Academic Calendar Withdrawing from a class may be an option to consider in salvaging your GPA. By mid-term you will know how well you are doing in your classes if you are communicating often with your professors. But remember that you may need to maintain full time status for financial aid or residence requirements. Record these important dates on your own personal calendar! exit
What can you do to be successful this semester? Attend a study skills workshop Go to the Learning Center Visit my professors during office hours Reduce work hours Get more sleep Pass assignments in on time Define career goals Talk to a counselor Register with Disability Services Talk with faculty advisor Develop a support system Reduce involvement in social activities exit
Frequently Asked Questions How is an incomplete figured into my GPA? • Initially, the incomplete is not figured into your GPA – adding no quality points and no hours attempted. • Once your incomplete grade has been submitted to the registrar’s office, your GPA for that semester will be refigured to include the correct grade. exit
Frequently Asked Questions How do I know if I’m considered a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior? TOT-DATE, HRS CRD Semester hours completed • Freshman 1 - 25 • Sophomore 26 - 59 • Junior 60 - 89 • Senior 90 and above exit
Frequently Asked Questions What GPA do I need to graduate? • All students must maintain an overall Meredith GPA of 2.0 or higher. You also need a 2.0 or higher in your major coursework. exit
A student on academic probation II who does not meet Meredith quality point ratio (QPR) at the conclusion of the semester will be suspended for the following semester. This student will be allowed to make up deficiencies at Meredith during the summer sessions. If her summer work does not raise her Meredith QPR to the minimum standard established for retention (refer to the Minimum Expected Meredith QPRchart), she will be suspended for one semester. A student on academic probation will not be approved to take summer course work at another college or university. What happens if I don’t get off Academic Probation II? CHART exit Source: Meredith College Undergraduate Catalogue
What happens if I don’t get off Academic Probation II? (continued) A suspended student may apply for re-admission after one semester and, if readmitted, re-enroll for any subsequent semester if space is available. A re-admitted student is on probation and must raise her Meredith QPR to the minimum standard outlined in the above chart. However, a re-admitted student who makes at least a 2.0 semester QRP during her first semester back will be allowed one additional semester to achieve the required Meredith QPR. exit
What happens if I don’t get off probation? (continued) The student has the right to appeal the academic suspension. She must appeal in writing to the registrar within 10 days of receipt of the notice of suspension. A standing retention committee will hear the appeal. Appeal application forms are available from the registrar. If a student is on academic probation after one or more consecutive semesters of being off, she will be subject to the rules which apply to a first-time probation student. exit
Quiz time The next part of your contract states: To get off probation, I must earn at least a GPA of _____. The 3 things I must do as a student on academic probation are: 1. 2. 3. You’ve already determined and recorded the minimum GPA you need. Complete the list of three things you must do based on the information found at the beginning of this workshop. Write these things down ON YOUR CONTRACT. • Helpful hints: • It was outlined in your probation notification letter from the registrar, it is also in your catalogue (available online) under Academic: Policies and Procedures, and • we stated four things earlier in the workshop (slide 4). exit
What’s Next? • Attend your follow up appointment with a staff member in Academic and Career Planning by October 1, 2009. • Be prepared to discuss your strategies for improving your academic performance this semester and how you are doing so far in reaching your goals. Bring your transcript. Return yourcompletedand signedContract for Academic Improvementto Academic and Career Planning, 2nd Floor Park Center when you come for your scheduled follow-up appointment. exit
This concludes the Academic Success Workshop. If you still have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your faculty advisor or Academic and Career Planning. Meredith College ~ Academic and Career Planning Division of College Programs (919) 760-8341 http://www.meredith.edu/acp advising@meredith.edu career@meredith.edu exit