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S ystem of customer satisfaction surveys & calculation of customer satisfaction index in SL

S ystem of customer satisfaction surveys & calculation of customer satisfaction index in SL. Audronė Miškinienė Head of Public Relations. Bronislava Kaminskien ė Head of Methodological and quality division. S ubject-matter. Set-up of System of Customer satisfaction surveys

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S ystem of customer satisfaction surveys & calculation of customer satisfaction index in SL

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  1. System of customer satisfaction surveys & calculation of customer satisfaction index in SL Audronė Miškinienė Head of Public Relations Bronislava Kaminskienė Head of Methodological and quality division European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  2. Subject-matter • Set-up of System of Customer satisfaction surveys • Position in QMS • Customer satisfaction index • Use of results European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  3. DG Decree signed 2006 Internet-related customer surveys (3) Traditional satisfaction surveys (5) Specialised surveys (1 or 2 per year) System of customer satisfaction surveys European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  4. 1.Web accessibility (monthly, quarterly) 2.Web users registered to Alert-me services (monthly, quarterly) 3. Opinion survey of web visitors (monthly) Internet-related surveys European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  5. Traditional surveys • General SL visibility & imageopinion poll (annual) • Eurostat data users (ESUS) (quarterly) • Visitors at Library-bookshop&Visitors‘ corners in Regional offices (quarterly) • Incoming user-requests (quarterly) • Opinion on statistical publications (annual) European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  6. Specialised surveys Target group:Secondary school teachers Territory:all LT Survey period:May-June, 2007 Objective:usability & understanding of stat. info in schools Survey method:1163schools: basic, secondary, upper-secondary.2 size groups: small (≤ 270 pupils) & large (>270). Sample: 240. 3 questionnaires for small & 4 for large schools mailed & web-based Questions:18: 10 teaching-oriented + on topical issues European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  7. Uniform survey principles Target groups Questions Approach / procedure • General public • Public administration institutions (inc. municipalities) • Students and school children • R&D community • Media • Politicians • Business • International org. • Embassies • NGOs Survey objective User-groups surveyed Periodicity Survey programme, data collection means and form Anticipated results and usage Feedback with users Regular CoP: 1. Clarity 2. Sufficiency 3. Reliability 4. Relevance National interest: 5. Awareness 6. Quality + Other 4–5 depend on topicality of issues European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  8. Outsourced Customersatisfactionsurveys, 2005–2008 • General – SL visibility & image opinion poll, July, 2005–2007 • Specialised: Public administration, Oct.-Nov. 2005 • Specialised: R&D community, Dec. 2006-Apr. 2007 • Specialised: Upper secondary schools, May-June, 2007 • Specialised: Business community, November 2007 • 2008 • General – SL visibility & image opinion poll, July 2008 • Specialised: Media, 3Q 2008 • Specialised: repeated Public administration, 4 Q 2008 European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  9. General SL Visibility & Image opinion poll, 2005–2008 Target group:1005 persons aged 18–65 Territory:95 points in all regions in LT Survey period:July Objectives:1.Awareness of population, opinion on availability of stat. info., its quality, CoP-related principles and comparisons. 2.Calculation of Customer satisfaction index Survey method:Standard interview by professional interviewer (10-11 questions, of which 6 constant).Omnibus method. European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  10. Customer satisfaction index (1) Customer satisfaction index formula produced in 2007 & calculated from constant questions incustomer satisfaction surveys,attributing weights to replies. Based on CoP principles and national needs Clarity Sufficiency Reliability / trust Relevance 4 characteristics= Customer satisfaction index + Awareness, visibility and image 5 characteristics= General customer satisfaction index + Quality European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  11. Customer satisfaction index (2) Customer satisfaction index is equal to weighted sum of indices for every question ul– weight of question l, m – number of questions used Il(t)– index for question l, k is the rank of positive answers (-k – negative answers) wl,j – weight, evaluated from distribution of answers European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  12. Customer statisfaction evaluation, 2005-2007 European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  13. Strategy of Statistics Lithuania, 2008-2012 Objective: Develop the system for evaluation of individual user needs and adjust it for the development of individual services Actions: • Transition to satisfaction of individual user needs • Calculation of customer satisfaction index for specialised user groups • Expansion of DB, application of DB-based internet solutions • Improvement of conditions for users of primary data Expected results: • Customer satisfaction index increased by 10 percentage points • Replies to user requests prepared in 3 working days on average • Structured statistical literacy training activities (5 and more a year) • User friendly website, products and services European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

  14. Thank you.Questions are welcome European conference on Quality www.stat.gov.lt

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