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Tulane University Employee Satisfaction Survey. September 2010. Organization of Results. Objectives Methodology Top Findings Executive Summary Detailed Results Loyalty Satisfaction Compensation Benefits Meetings Modes of Communication Grading Tulane Injury and Harassment
Tulane University Employee Satisfaction Survey September 2010
Organization of Results • Objectives • Methodology • Top Findings • Executive Summary • Detailed Results • Loyalty • Satisfaction • Compensation • Benefits • Meetings • Modes of Communication • Grading Tulane • Injury and Harassment • Employee Profile
Objectives • Obtain a baseline measurement of employee satisfaction from the ~2880 non-academic staff from which to compare to future studies. • Knowledge of and satisfaction with Tulane's Employee Value Proposition based on Engagement, Community, Sense of Place and Tradition, and Challenge and Growth. • Knowledge of and satisfaction with Tulane's Total Compensation Philosophy, that is Understandable, Flexible, Equitable, and Career-driven compensation for all staff. • Knowledge of and satisfaction with compensation, pay, and pay policies, including current performance management policies and the Hay methodology. • Knowledge of and satisfaction with other benefits: Tuition Waiver, Tuition Exchange, Child Care Programs, Long Term Disability, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Basic Group Life Insurance, Domestic Partnership Benefits, Term Life Insurance, Health Benefits, Dental Plan, Flexible Spending Accounts, Vision Program, 403(b) Retirement Plan, 457(b) Deferred Compensation, Family Medical Leave, Vacation Transfer Pool, etc. • Knowledge of and satisfaction with Performance Management, career development, and intra-organization management and communications.
Methodology • The population for the study is all full-time, Tulane staff employees. • There are approximately 2,880 Tulane staff employees. • The population was contacted by Tulane using email and invited to an online survey. • Additionally, 225 print versions of the survey were sent to staff not regularly online. • The survey instrument used to gather information is both an online and print questionnaire that is custom designed for its current use and adaptable for future tracking studies. • The survey includes some items comparable to those of the instrument used in the 2000 study, but in general reflected changes in the current employment practices of Tulane.
Top Findings • Most Tulane staff employees say they are loyal to the university and committed to their jobs. • They report strong feelings of pride in their roles in the Tulane community. • They feel committed to the success of Tulane, its image and mission. • They find their work at Tulane personally fulfilling. • They are very likely to stay on their jobs, though many would leave for better base pay. • The loyalty of Tulane staff employees stems in large part from satisfaction with their jobs. Overall satisfaction with their jobs comes from being satisfied with supervisors, Tulane’s direction and plans for the future, as well as compensation. • Despite widespread job satisfaction, over half of staff employees say Tulane could do more to make their jobs more satisfying and to make them more successful. • Staff employees are generally satisfied with overall compensation. • Satisfaction with base pay is the primary driver of satisfaction with compensation. • One-time pay policy is the least satisfactory aspect of compensation, but has no significant impact on satisfaction with overall compensation. • Satisfaction with benefits plays a markedly limited role in staff overall satisfaction with compensation. • Staff employees are satisfied with their overall benefits and with most specific benefits. • Staff are most likely to be satisfied with the benefits they know and use, thus most used benefits have highest satisfaction ratings and rankings. • Benefits both most used and most satisfactory: Health Plan, Sick Time, and Vacation Time.
Executive Summary Loyalty and Satisfaction • Tulane staff employees believe in the importance of Tulane to New Orleans (95%) and feel they contribute to the university (90%). • Staff employees say their work is personally fulfilling (76%). However, only 38% would remain at Tulane rather than take a job paying 10% more. • Job satisfaction is widespread among Tulane staff employees. • Two-thirds of staff employees say they are satisfied (46%) or completely satisfied (16%). • Another one-quarter of staff employees say they are somewhat satisfied. • Only one-quarter of staff employees say Tulane does not need to do more to make their job satisfying, make them more successful on the job, or make their career more successful.
Executive Summary Compensation and Benefits • Satisfaction with overall compensation is widespread. • Nearly half (44%) of staff employees are “satisfied” or “completely satisfied” and no employees say they are “completely dissatisfied” with overall compensation for work at Tulane. • However, one-quarter of staff say they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with overall compensation. • Compensation satisfaction is a single orientation dominated by satisfaction with base pay received, ranges of base pay for job descriptions, and annual base pay changes. • More than half of staff say they are dissatisfied with “one-time pay received”. • Satisfaction with the overall benefits package is widespread. • More than three-quarters of staff (86%) report some degree of satisfaction with benefits. • While satisfaction with overall benefits package is part of satisfaction with compensation, it plays a markedly less important role. • While staff employees express widespread satisfaction with their benefits package, less than one-third say it meets their needs or expectations.
Executive Summary Benefits • Most staff employees (≈75%) say they understand their employee benefits package. • Health plans are the most widely known and used benefit. • Aided awareness of specific benefits of the staff employees' package ranges from 53% to 98%. • Usage of specific benefits also varies widely. • Health plan, vacation and sick time are the most used employee benefits (more than 80%). • Tuition waiver is among the best known of the benefits (97%) and used by more than 40% of staff and 44% of those who know about it. An additional 34% of staff employees say they plan to use the tuition waiver in the future. • Satisfaction with health plan and retirement plan are the primary drivers of overall satisfaction with staff employee benefits package. • Vacation, health plan and sick time are the most important benefits according to staff employee rankings.
Executive Summary Other Issues • About three-quarters of staff employees say they have operating unit meetings regularly and the same report regular meeting with their supervisor. • Most (96%) Tulane staff employees use email to communicate on campus. • More than three-quarters of staff employees report using Tulane Talk from President Cowen, New Wave – the online newspaper, and the emergency text message system. • Tulane receives average grades from staff employees for its policies, goals and objectives, mission, and growth and future plans.
Loyalty Key Findings • Tulane staff employees are loyal and committed to Tulane University. • Nearly all (95%) of Tulane’s staff employees agree Tulane is important to the New Orleans community. • Most Tulane staff (90%) agree they contribute to and are committed to Tulane’s success. • Most (87%) of Tulane’s staff employees are proud to be a member of the Tulane community. • More than three-quarters (76%) of Tulane’s staff employees agree their work at Tulane is personally fulfilling. • Pride in being a member of the Tulane community stems from the job being fulfilling and the importance of Tulane to New Orleans. • Tulane staff contribute because of their commitment to Tulane, stemming from Tulane’s role in New Orleans and pride in being a member of the Tulane community. • Majority of Tulane staff (>85%) feel their job performance is important to Tulane’s success and its image in the community. More than 40% say their job performance is “very important” to Tulane’s success and image.
Loyalty Key Findings • Tulane staff are likely to remain on the job at Tulane. Only 14% of staff employees are likely to take a comparable job. • Tulane staff (nearly 75%) are likely to stay on their job at Tulane rather than taking a comparable job for the same pay. • Almost 90% are likely to stay on the job at Tulane rather than taking a comparable job for 10% less pay. • Consistent with results elsewhere, especially open-ends, fewer Tulane staff (38%) are likely to remain on the job if faced with a comparable job for 10% more pay.
Loyalty Tulane Staff Employees Said….
.20 My work at Tulane is personally fulfilling. I am committed to Tulane's success. .47 .15 .42 .41 I am proud to be a member of the Tulane community. .30 .50 .40 I contribute to Tulane's success. Tulane is an important part of the New Orleans community. .07 .06 Loyalty Orientations of Loyalty to Tulane are all moderately intercorrelated. The model describes a causal pattern among aspects of loyalty to Tulane. Commitment and contribution to Tulane and its success are interrelated, but weakly dependent on perceptions of Tulane’s importance to New Orleans or how fulfilling working there is. Pride in working at Tulane stems from its perceived importance to New Orleans and impacts commitment to its success.
Loyalty How Important Do You Think Your Job Performance Is To The…
Loyalty How Likely Are You To Leave Tulane To Take A Similar Job In New Orleans? Nearly all Tulane staff employees (92%) gave appropriate transitive responses to the three questions about likelihood of leaving their Tulane job for another job in New Orleans.
Loyalty How Likely Are You To Leave Tulane To Take A Similar Job In New Orleans? 14%
Job Satisfaction Key Findings • Loyalty of staff employees to their jobs at Tulane stems in large part from widespread satisfaction with current jobs. • Most staff (98%) offer a valenced opinion about their job satisfaction. • Sixteen percent (16%) of staff say they are “completely satisfied” and 88% say they are at least “somewhat satisfied”. • Less than 10% report dissatisfaction with their job at Tulane. • Twenty-seven percent (27%) of Tulane staff employees do not want nor expect Tulane to do more to make their job satisfying, make them more successful on the job, or make their career more successful. • Despite the high degrees of satisfaction and loyalty, 63% of staff employees say Tulane could do more to make their job more satisfying. • More than half (53%) of staff say Tulane could do more to make them more successful at their jobs and 45% say Tulane could do more to make their careers more successful.
Job Satisfaction Key Findings • Overall job satisfaction stems from • Satisfaction with supervisors • Satisfaction with Tulane’s direction and plans for the future • Satisfaction with compensation • More Tulane staff employees are “completely satisfied” with their supervisors (27%) than are “completely satisfied” with their jobs (16%). • Eighty-three percent (83%) of Tulane staff employees are at least “somewhat satisfied” with their supervisors. • While 86% of staff employees are satisfied with Tulane’s direction and plans for the future, only 16% are “completely satisfied”.
9% 2% Completely Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neither Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Completely Satisfied Job Satisfaction Overall General Satisfaction With Your Job At Tulane How satisfied are you with your current job at Tulane? • Only 9% report dissatisfaction, compared to the 16% who say they are “completely satisfied” with their job at Tulane and 88% of Tulane staff employees say they are satisfied.
NO YES Job More Satisfying 63.4% 71% 20% More Successful at Job 52.6% 71% 16% 0 3 Career More Successful 44.8% 1 2 Job Satisfaction Can Tulane Do More To Make… • One-third of staff employees say Tulane can do more in all three areas to make their jobs more satisfying, make them more successful at their jobs, and make them more successful in their careers. • One-quarter of Tulane staff think Tulane is doing enough to make their jobs satisfying and them successful on the job and in their careers.
Completely Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neither Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Completely Satisfied Job Satisfaction Overall Satisfaction With Aspects Of Your Job At Tulane • More Tulane staff employees are “completely satisfied” with their supervisors (27%) than are “completely satisfied” with their jobs (16%). • Eighty-three percent (83%) of Tulane staff employees are at least “somewhat satisfied” with their supervisors.
Overall general SATISFACTION with Your Supervisors at Tulane .47 .32 SATISFACTION with Overall compensation from Tulane for your work Overall general SATISFACTION with Your job at Tulane .22 .19 .27 .28 Overall general SATISFACTION with Tulane's direction and plans for the future Correlation - r Regression - β Job Satisfaction These Overall Attitudes Are All Moderately Correlated The model describes one likely theoretical recursive causal pattern among them. • Satisfaction with the job at Tulane is driven by satisfaction with supervisors far more than by the direction and future plans of Tulane.
Compensation Key Findings • Satisfaction with overall compensation is widespread. • No staff employees say they are “completely dissatisfied” with overall compensation for work at Tulane and nearly half (44%) are “satisfied” or “completely satisfied”. • However, fully one-quarter of staff say they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with overall compensation. • Satisfaction with overall compensation is driven by satisfaction with base pay, which is nearly four times more important that any other aspect of compensation tested. • “One-time pay” is the only aspect of overall compensation tested that has no impact on satisfaction with overall compensation. • Compensation satisfaction is a single orientation dominated by satisfaction with base pay received, ranges of base pay for job descriptions, and annual base pay changes.
Compensation Key Findings • Satisfaction with the overall benefits package is widespread. More than three-quarters of staff (86%) report some degree of satisfaction with benefits, which is 65% more satisfaction with benefits than with base pay or range of base pay for job descriptions. • While satisfaction with overall benefits package is part of satisfaction with compensation, it plays a markedly less important role. • Least satisfying and most dissatisfying are annual base pay changes and one-time pay. Less that half say they are at all satisfied and only 5% or fewer are completely satisfied with these aspects of compensation. • More than half of staff say they are dissatisfied with “one-time pay received”.
SATISFACTION with Your personal base pay 0.83 Compensation Satisfaction SATISFACTION with Overall benefits package you receive from Tulane (in addition to pay) 0.56 SATISFACTION with "One-time pay" you may receive periodically 0.52 0.81 SATISFACTION with Range of base pay for your job description 0.79 SATISFACTION with Annual base pay changes you receive Compensation Attitudes Toward Compensation • There is a single underlying orientation to satisfaction with compensation for work at Tulane. • It primarily impacts satisfaction with base pay, range of base pay, and annual base pay changes. • While satisfaction with the overall benefits package and one-time-pay are related to the underlying satisfaction with compensation, they are relatively independent orientations.
Completely Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neither Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Completely Satisfied Compensation Satisfaction With… • Nearly two-thirds of Tulane staff employees are satisfied with overall compensation from Tulane for their work. • Only 9% of staff are somewhat dissatisfied with over all compensation.
Completely Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neither Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Completely Satisfied Compensation Satisfaction With… • Most (86%) staff employees are satisfied with their overall benefits package; far more than with other aspects of compensation. • Here we see that only about half of staff employees say they are satisfied with their base pay or the range of base pay for their job descriptions.
Completely Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neither Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Completely Satisfied Compensation Satisfaction With… • Fewest (less than one-third) staff employees are satisfied with annual base pay changes and one-time pay for performance.
Compensation Drivers Of “Satisfaction With Overall Compensation” • Satisfaction with compensation is primarily driven by satisfaction with base pay. • Despite the high frequency of satisfaction with benefits, they play a relatively small role (about 13%) in determining satisfaction with overall compensation. • Satisfaction with annual base pay changes and range of base pay play even smaller roles in determining satisfaction with overall compensation for work at Tulane. • Combining these results with those from slide 25 suggests that these additional forms of compensation have very little impact on overall job satisfaction. SATISFACTION with Your personal base pay .578 SATISFACTION with Overall benefits package you receive from Tulane (in addition to pay) .165 Satisfaction With Overall Compensation SATISFACTION with "One-time pay" you may receive periodically .023 ns SATISFACTION with Range of base pay for your job description .096 SATISFACTION with Annual base pay changes you receive .126
Benefits Awareness And Usage • Health plans are the most widely used benefit, used by 86.7% of staff employees and at least 93.5% of respondents are aware of the Health Plans benefit. • There appears to be some confusion about which Health Plan is being used. • Open-end responses indicate that most staff are using a plan from “United”. • There are clearly options based on cost and levels of protection that are better known than the actual carrier. • Eighteen other benefits were tested and are reported here. • Aided awareness of these benefits among staff employees ranges from 53% for Tuition Exchange to 98% for Sick Time. • Usage of benefits also varies from 3% for tuition exchange to 85% for Sick Time. • Health Plan, Vacation and Sick Time are the most used employee benefits (more than 80%). • Dental, Retirement Plan, Vision, and Discounts (including Tulane ID for events) are also used by 40%-60% of staff. • Tuition Waiver is among the best known benefits (97%) and used by more than 40% of staff and 44% of those who know about it. An additional 34% of staff employees say they plan to use the Tuition Waiver in the future.
Benefits Awareness And Usage Of Employee Benefits • We tested awareness and usage of eighteen benefits offered to Tulane staff employees. • More than 90% of staff employees report being aware of only five of the benefits tested.
Benefits Awareness Of Employee Benefits • We tested awareness and usage of nineteen benefits offered to Tulane staff employees. • Eighteen are reported here (health plans health plans not included). • More than 90% of staff employees report being aware of only five of the benefits tested.
Benefits Use Of Employee Benefits • Sixty-six percent (66%) of those using a health plan identified United HealthCare as the plan. • Twelve percent of staff employees (12.5%) report using no Tulane health plan and an additional 6.5% refused to answer. • Eleven of the nineteen employee benefits tested are being used by less than one-third of employees (five are being used by less than 10% of employees).
Benefits Use Of Employee Benefits (Use / Aware) • Three of the staff benefits tested are used by the majority (86%) of employees and only three others are used by 50% or more employees.
Benefits Staff Planning To Use Employee Benefits • Most unused staff benefits are not likely to be used in the future. • Only three to six of the unused benefits are likely to be used by staff in the near future based on current plans.
Benefits Usage Of Tuition Waiver Program Tulane Staff Employees n=1296 44% of population • In the sample of slightly less than half of Tulane staff employees, one-third report taking advantage of the tuition waiver program. • Staff use the tuition waiver program equally for themselves and their dependents. • There are currently as many staff employees using the tuition waiver programs as report having used it in the past. • Very few (2%) of staff use the tuition waiver program for multiple degrees or certificates. • Less than 10% of staff employees use the tuition waiver program for themselves and dependents. 34% Tuition Waiver Users n= 446 34% 61% 59% Staff Users n=262 20% Dependent Users n=271 21% 54% 22% 10% 54% Current User n=143 11% Past User n=141 11% Staff Past User n=59 5% Staff Current User n=28 2% 8% 68% Multiple Use n=22 2% No Staff Use n=184 14%
Benefits Importance Of Benefits • We asked staff employees to identify the three most and three least important of their benefits package at Tulane. • The most important benefits are primarily the most used benefits based on these rankings. • Vacation • Health Plan • Sick Time • 403(b) Retirement Plan • Tuition Waiver • The least important benefits are primarily the least used benefits based on these rankings. • Child Care Centers • Reily Center Discounts • Domestic Partner Benefits • Tuition Exchange • Two benefits are ranked among the least important although among the most used. • Tulane ID for Event Admission • Discounts for Bookstore, Dining, and Retail
Benefits Ranking Importance Of Benefits • We asked staff employees to identify the three most and three least important of their benefits package at Tulane. • We calculated a net difference score (NDS) based on the percentage of staff employees who identified each benefit as being among the three most important minus the percentage of staff employees who identified that benefit among the three least important. • Net difference scores and ranking are presented on the next two slides.
Benefits Most Important Benefits • Net difference scores (NDS) from three most important benefits minus three least important benefits are reported here. • Rankings as based on NDS for each benefit.
Benefits Least Important Benefits • Net difference scores (NDS) from three most important benefits minus three least important benefits are reported here. • Rankings as based on NDS for each benefit.
Benefits Satisfaction With Overall Benefits Package • Most staff employees (86%) are satisfied with their overall benefits package, while 19% of staff are “completely satisfied” with their benefits. • Only 3% of staff employees say they are dissatisfied with their benefits. • Sixty percent (60%) of staff employees agree their Tulane benefits package “meets their needs” and “meets their expectations”. • Less than 14% of staff employees disagree their Tulane benefits package “meets their needs” and “meets their expectations”.
Completely Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neither Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Completely Satisfied Benefits Satisfaction With… • Most (86%) staff employees are satisfied with their overall benefits package; far more than with other aspects of compensation. • Here we see that about half of staff employees say they are satisfied with their base pay or the range of base pay for their job descriptions.
Benefits Evaluation Of Employee Benefits • Nearly two-thirds of Tulane staff employees agree that their employee benefits “meet their expectations”. • Slightly more than two-thirds of Tulane staff employees agree that their employee benefits meet their needs.