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Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451. “Where they burn books, they will, in the end, also burn people.” Heinrich Heine (German Poet). 1950’s Censorship. McCarthyism Obscenity cases were brought against books such as Howl by Allen Ginsberg. Many Books were banned from schools and libraries across America.

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Fahrenheit 451

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  1. Fahrenheit 451 “Where they burn books, they will, in the end, also burn people.” Heinrich Heine (German Poet)

  2. 1950’s Censorship • McCarthyism • Obscenity cases were brought against books such as Howl by Allen Ginsberg. • Many Books were banned from schools and libraries across America. • http://www.ala.org/advocacy/banned/frequentlychallenged/challengedbydecade/2000_2009

  3. Recent Book Burnings • Nazis burned books- Anything liberal, socialist, anarchist, Jewish, communist, pacifist, or anything considered against Nazi teaching. - American Authors include Ernest Hemingway, Jack London, and Helen Keller. • Wilhelm Reich’s books were burned by the U.S. government in 1956. • In 2010 an American Pastor organized a book burning of the Islamic holy book, the Qu’ran.

  4. Government Laws • Patriot Act • Stop Online Piracy Act

  5. Mass Media

  6. Should people be allowed to burn books? Why or Why not?

  7. How many hours in a week do you spend:Watching TV?On the computer? Reading?

  8. “If they give you ruled paper, write the other way” – Juan Ramon JimenezWhat do you think this quote means? Do you agree or disagree with the message?

  9. How often do you ask the question “why?”

  10. What is:A phoenix? A salamander? A sieve?

  11. Is there ever a reason to break the law?

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