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Dangers Facing The Church

Dangers Facing The Church. Introduction. Legalism ? Liberalism False Doctrine Emotionalism Materialism Worldliness Apathy. The church has always faced danger!. Dangers Facing The Church. What Is Apathy?. 1. lack of emotion;

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Dangers Facing The Church

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  1. 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  2. Dangers Facing The Church Introduction • Legalism ? • Liberalism • False Doctrine • Emotionalism • Materialism • Worldliness • Apathy The church has always faced danger! 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  3. 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  4. Dangers Facing The Church What Is Apathy? 1. lack of emotion; 2. lack of interest; listless condition; indifference." Some synonyms • Impassiveness, • Indifference, • Lethargy, and • Unconcern. 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  5. Dangers Facing The Church What Is The Cause of Apathy? • A lack of fear and respect – Mat 10:28; Deut 28:58; 1 Kings 18:21 • A lack of faith and trust – Jude 1:5; Heb 3:16-4:2 • A lack of love and concern – Jer. 3:10; John 14:21 • A lack of security and hope – Acts 7:39; Ex. 14:11 • A lack of growth and success – Eccl. 10:10; Phili 4:10-13 • A lack of vision and purpose – 1 John 2:15-17 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  6. Dangers Facing The Church What Are Some Symptoms of Apathy? • Irregular attendance (worship, meetings & Bible study) • Lack of Bible Study – (together & private?) • Lack of personal evangelism – (learning how?) • Lack of involvement in the work of the church - • Lack of interaction with other Christians – (Rom. 12:10) • Lack of “desire” to study, assemble, pray & associate – • Lack of faith, virtue, knowledge, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, love, fruit, HOPE – 2 Peter 1:5-10 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  7. Dangers Facing The Church What Are The Consequences of Apathy? • We will not grow spiritually – Gal 5:22,23; 2 Pet 1:5-10. • The local church will not grow - – Acts 2:41-47; 6:1-7; Acts 8:4; 9:31; Heb. 10:24,25 • The lost will stay lost –Rom. 1:13-17; 1 Thes. 1:7-10; Col. 1:23; 2 Tim. 2:9 • The truth will go undefended & error undefeated – Phili. 1:17; Jude 3 • We will not live righteous lives – Mat. 6:33; Tit. 2:11-14 • We will be LOST!! - Rev 3:14-22 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  8. Dangers Facing The Church How Do We Cure Apathy? Rev. 3:15-16 (KJV) I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. [16] So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. . . . [21] To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  9. Dangers Facing The Church How Do We Cure Apathy? • Develop a fear and respect for God & His word – Eccl. 12:13; • Develop faith in God’s word & promises – Rom. 4:18-21; 2 Tim. 1:12; Heb. 13:5 • Develop genuine love & concern for serving God and others – Mark 12:29-31; 1 Cor. 13 • Develop spiritually – Phili 4:10-13; 2 Pet 1:5-10; 3:18 • Develop a hard work ethic – Eccl. 9:10 • Develop vision & purpose – Heb. 11:13-16 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  10. Dangers Facing The Church Conclusion • What is Apathy? • What Is The Cause of Apathy? • What Are Some Symptoms of Apathy? • What Are The Consequences of Apathy? • How Do We Cure Apathy? Fear Trust Love Grow Work Hope 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  11. Dangers Facing The Church Conclusion • Legalism ? • Liberalism • False Doctrine • Emotionalism • Materialism • Worldliness • Apathy The church has always faced danger! 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  12. 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  13. What’s Wrong/Right With The Church of Christ Wrong Right Knowledge of Scripture 2 Tim 2:15 Heb 5:12 Acts 17:11 Hos 4:12 Attend Bible Studies Attend Worship Services Daily Bible Reading & Home Study Talk About Bible W/ Others Less More 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

  14. 65th St church of Christ/ July, 17. 2005

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