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Liquid ring compresor. Liquid ring compresor. Theory.
Theory The rotor is usually positioned centrally in a casing of an oval shape. When it rotates, a ring of liquid, usually water, is formed. The ring adapts the shape of the casing and moves with the rotor. There are two places where the rotational axis is nearest to the casing and here the liquid completeley fills the chambers of the rotor. During the rotation the liquid follows the profile of the casing and recedes from the chambers, leaving an empty space behind, which is filled by gas. Thus the gas is sucked into the compressor. The rotation continues and the liquid is pushed to the chambers again, which compresses the gas. The gas is expelled and leaves the compressor, and the whole process can start again. The liquid in the compressor seals the clearances between inlet and discharge port and prevents the gas from leaking. At the same time it cools the compressor.
Vocabulary Liquid ring compressor, water ring compressor – vodokružný kompresor Liquid ring pump – vodokružná vývěva Liquid – kapalina Vane – lopatka Expel – vytlačit Centrifugal force – odstředivá síla Seal – těsnění Dust – prach Efficient – výkonný Casing – obal, kryt Oval – oválný Shape – tvar Profile – obrys Recede – ustupovat Gas – plyn Suck – sát Chamber – komora Compress – stlačit Clearance – mezera Inlet port – vstupní otvor Discharge port – výstupní, výtlačný otvor Leaking – netěsnost Cool – chladit Supply – dodávat Separate – oddělit