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Distinctive Features of Russian Science and Government Policy

Distinctive Features of Russian Science and Government Policy. Irina Dezhina Head of Economics of Science and Innovations Division, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Head of Research Group on Science and Industrial Policy, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

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Distinctive Features of Russian Science and Government Policy

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  1. Distinctive Features of Russian Science and Government Policy Irina Dezhina Head of Economics of Science and Innovations Division, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Head of Research Group on Science and Industrial Policy, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology dezhina@imemo.ru

  2. Financing, workforce and scientific results: major trends • Government measures to strengthen research in universities • Inviting foreign scholars: approaches and results • Institutional reform • Conclusions Contents

  3. Expenditures on R&D, as % of GDP(Russia-2012; other –nearest yearavailable)

  4. Expenditures on R&D Financed by Government and Business

  5. Foreign Financing, % of total Expenditures on R&D in Russia

  6. Changes in the Number of Researchers (thousands, headcount)

  7. Dynamics of the Age Structure

  8. Average Age of Researchers in Russia

  9. Share of Publications in World Total: Top 5 Countries and Russia (WoS) Source: http://isterligov.blogspot.ru/2013/06/web-of-science-1998-2012.html

  10. Articles and Citations: BRIC Countries and USA, 2008-2012, WoS

  11. Share of Publications with Russian Researchers in Country Total, SCOPUS-2012

  12. “5 in top 100” Program 15 universities (since 2013) Total 1.1 billion USD for 4 years Special status to MSU and SPbSU, 1.75 billion USD for 2011-2013 Government Programs Federal Universities (since 2006) Innovational Educational Program (2006-2008) Research Universities (since 2009) 57 universities 29 universities 1 billion USD 1.7 billion USD Regional development 20% co-financing 20% co-financing 8 NEW Universities, 0.6 billion USD New quality of education Inclusion in the list of top-500 within 10-15 years Government Programs to Strengthen Universities Programs for Development 55 universities (since 2012)

  13. Leading Universities: General Regulations New goal: 5 out of 15 have to be in top-100 leading world universities by 2020 (Presidential Decree from 07.05.2012) System of indicators. Attention to publications and citations; foreign students (at least 15%) and professors Research and Federal Universities: low flexibility in spending budgetary financing (it is not allowed to spend money on R&D, support of graduate students; salary for technicians who operate equipment) Teaching loads have not been reduced and may be even increased

  14. “IVORY TOWERS” BUT ENTREPRENEURAL: - Should become centers of fundamental research - Should substitute corporate research (in-house R&D) and should be in demand from industry New Role of Universities: Government View

  15. Cooperative projects led by diaspora members 76% PIs - from universities; 31% - from USA; 44% - professors. Average citations per article – 7.7 • Megagrants 119 labs; 1/3 of leaders – 45-60 years old; 800 publications in WoS or Scopus journals • Megagrants: expert evaluation of proposals and monitoring of results (half of reviewers are foreigners) Foreign Scholars in Russian Science

  16. Reform of RAS: combining RAS, RAMS, and RAAS • 1007 former Academy institutes transferred to the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations • New approaches for assessing performance of research institutes (not linked to assessment of research universities) • Possible shutdown of institutes and cuts of personnel • Growing grant support: Russian Science Foundation Current Institutional Reforms

  17. Major sectors in Russian R&D Complex (2012)

  18. RAS Productivity Source: Nature 464, 1257 (2010)

  19. Basic Research Expenditures, % GDP (2011)

  20. Budgets of Foundations (federal financing in billion RUR)

  21. Interagency evaluation of performance • 25 major criteria which will be grouped (by 6-7) for assessing different types of institutes • 4 groups of indicators: • Outputs (bibliometrics, patent stats, and attracted funds) • Workforce development (number of graduate students and personnel who took part in various trainings) • Integration into the world’s community (co-authorship) • Resources (funding, researchers and their demographic profile, salaries) • Role of qualitative indicators? Measuring Performance of Research Institutes

  22. Russian R&D complex is mainly government-owned and government-financed. The role of government is increasing • The biggest problem is researchers – they leave, they are getting older in average, the “generation gap” is growing • Positive developments: support of research in universities; inviting foreign scholars • Negative: absence of strategic vision; ill-conceived decisions Conclusions

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