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Entanglement Loss Along RG Flows Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transitions. José Ignacio Latorre Dept. ECM, Universitat de Barcelona Newton Institute, Cambridge, August 2004. Entanglement in Quantum Critical Phenomena
Entanglement Loss Along RG FlowsEntanglement and Quantum Phase Transitions José Ignacio Latorre Dept. ECM, Universitat de Barcelona Newton Institute, Cambridge, August 2004
Entanglement in Quantum Critical Phenomena • G. Vidal, J. I. Latorre, E. Rico, A. Kitaev. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 227902 • Ground State Entanglement in Quantum Spin Chains • J. I. Latorre, E. Rico, G. Vidal. Quant. Inf. & Comp. 4 (2004) 48 • Adiabatic Quantum Computation and Quantum Phase Transitions • J. I. Latorre, R. Orús, PRA, quant-ph/0308042 • Universality of Entanglement and Quantum Computation Complexity • R. Orús, J. I. Latorre, Phys. Rev. A69 (2004) 052308, quant-ph/0311017 • Fine-Grained Entanglement Loss along Renormalization Group Flows • J. I. Latorre, C.A. Lütken, E. Rico, G. Vidal. quant-ph/0404120
Entanglement loss along RG flows • Introduction • Scaling of entropy • Entanglement loss along RG flows • Preview of new results
HEP • Black hole entropy • Conformal field theory • Condensed Matter • Spin networks • Extensions of DMRG Scaling of entropy • Quantum Information • Entanglement theory • Efficient simulation
Entanglement measures for many-qubit systems • Few-qubit systems • F ormation, Distillation, Schmidt coefficients,… • N=3, tangle (for GHZ-ness) out of 5 invariants • Bell inequalities, correlators based measures • Entropy, negativity, concurrence,… • Many-qubit systems • Scaling of correlators • Concurrence does not scan the system • We need a measure that obeys scaling and does not depend on the particular operator content of a theory Reznik’s talk
Reduced density matrix entropy • Schmidt decomposition A B =min(dim HA, dim HB) is the Schmidt number
The Schmidt number relates to entanglement Let’s compute the von Neumann entropy of the reduced density matrix • =1 corresponds to a product state • Large implies large superpositions • e-bit
Maximum Entropy for N-qubits • Strong subadditivity theorem implies concavity on a chain of spins Smax=N SL+M SL SL-M
Ground state reduced density matrix entropy • n→ -party entanglement SL measures the quantum correlations with the rest of the system Goal: Analyze SL as a function of L for relevant theories
Note that ground state reduced density matrix entropySL • Measures the entanglement corresponding to the block spins correlations with the rest of the chain • Depends only the ground state, not on the operator content of the theory (Relates to the energy-momentum tensor!!) • Scans different scales in the system: Is sensitive to scaling!! • Has been discussed in other branches of theoretical physics • Black hole entropy • Field Theory entanglement, conformal field theory • No condensed matter computations
Scaling of entropy for spin chains • XY model • Quantum Ising model in a transverse magnetic field • Heisenbeg model
XY plane massive fermion massive scalar Quantum phase transitions occur at T=0.
Espectrum of the XY model Jordan-Wigner transformation to spinless fermions Lieb, Schultz, Mattis (1961)
Fourier plus Bogoliubov transformation For γ=0, Ek=λ-cos(2πk/n)
Some intuition • The XY chain reduces to a gaussian hamiltonian • We have the exact form of the vacuum • We can compute exact correlators • The partial trace of N-L does not imply interaction • Each k mode becomes a mixed state L
Universality of scaling of entanglement entropy • At the quantum phase transition point Quantum Ising c=1/2 free fermion XY c=1/2 free fermion XX c=1 free boson Heisenberg c=1 free boson Universality Logarithmic scaling of entropy controled by the central charge
Conformal Field Theory • A theory is defined through the Operator Product Expansion • In d=1+1, the conformal group is infinite dimensional: the structure of “descendants” is fixed the theory is defined by Cijk and hi Scaling dimensions=anomalous dimensions Structure constants Stress tensor Central charge
Away from criticality Saturation of entanglement Quantum Ising
Connection with previous results • Srednicki ’93 (entanglement entropy) • Fiola, Preskill, Strominger, Trivedi ’94 (fine-grained entropy) • Callan, Holzey, Larsen, Wilczeck ’94 (geometric entropy) • Poor performance of DMRG at criticality • Area law for entanglement entropy B Schmidt decomposition A SA= SB → Area Law Entropy comes from the entanglement of modes at each side of the boundary Entanglement depends on the connectivity!
Area law Entanglement bonds Area law in d>1+1 does not depend on the mass Valence bond representation of ground state Plenio’s talk Verstraete’s talk
Entanglement in higher dimensions, “Area Law”, for free theories c1 is an anomaly!!!! Von Neumann entropy captures a most elementary counting of degrees of freedom Trace anomalies Kabat – Strassler
Yes • Is entropy scheme dependent is d>1+1? No c1=1/6 bosons c1=1/12 fermionic component
Entanglement along quantum computation • Spin chains are slightly entangled → Vidal’s theorem • Schmidt decomposition • If • Then The register can be classically represented in an efficient way! All one- and two-qubit gates actions are also efficiently simulated!! =max(AB) =poly(n) << en A B Quantum speed-up needs large entanglement !!!
The idea for an efficient representation of states is to store and manipulate information on entanglement, not on the coefficients!! • Low entanglement iff αi=1,…, and << en • Representation is efficient • Single qubit gates involve only local update • Two-qubit gates involve only local update Impressive performance when simulating d=1+1 quantum systems! Holy Grail=Extension to higher dimensions Cirac,Verstraete - Vidal
Entanglement in Shor’s algorithm (Orús) =r r small = easy = small entanglement no need for QM r large = hard = large entanglement QM exponential speed-up
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 • Entanglement and 3-SAT • 3-SAT • 3-SAT is NP-complete • K-SAT is hard for k > 2.41 • 3-SAT with m clauses: easy-hard-easy around m=4.2n • Exact Cover A clause is accepted if 001 or 010 or 100 Exact Cover is NP-complete instance For every clause, one out of eight options is rejected
t s(T)=1 H(s(t)) = (1-s(t)) H0 + s(t) Hp s(0)=0 • Adiabatic quantum evolution (Farhi-Goldstone-Gutmann) Inicial hamiltonian Problem hamiltonian Adiabatic theorem: if E E1 gmin E0 t
|1> |0> |1> |1> |0> |0> |1> |0> • Adiabatic quantum evolution for exact cover (|0>+|1>) (|0>+|1>) (|0>+|1>) (|0>+|1>) ….
Scaling is consistent with gap ~ 1/n If correct, all NP problems could be solved efficiently! Be cautious
Scaling of entropy for Exact Cover A quantum computer passes nearby a quantum phase transition!
n=6-20 qubits 300 instances n/2 partition S ~ .2 n Entropy seems to scale maximally!
What has Quantum Information achieved? • “Cleaned” our understanding of entropy • Rephrased limitations of DMRG • Focused on entanglement Represent and manipulate states through their entanglement • Opened road to efficient simulations in d>1+1 • Next?
Entanglement loss along RG RG flow = loss of Quantum information RG flow = loss of information • Global loss of entanglement along RG • Monotonic loss of entanglement along RG • Fine-grained loss of entanglement along RG
+c-theorem SLUV SLIR • Global loss of entanglement along RG • Monotonic loss of entanglement along RG -1
Majorization theory Entropy provides a modest sense of ordering among probability distributions Muirhead (1903), Hardy, Littlewood, Pólya,…, Dalton Consider such that p are probabilities, P permutations d cumulants are ordered D is a doubly stochastic matrix
L • Fine-grained loss of entanglement L RG t t’ Lt Lt’ 1 ’1 1 + 2 ’1 + ’2 1 + 2 + 3 ’1 + ’2 + ’3 …….. Strict majorization !!!
Recent sets of results I Lütken, R. Orús, E. Rico, G. Vidal, J.I.L. • Analytical majorization along Rg Exact results for XX and QI chains based on Calabrese-Cardy hep-th/0405152, Peschel cond-mat/0403048 • Efficient computations in theories with c1/2,1 • Exact eigenvalues, equal spacing • Exact majorization along RG • Detailed partition function
R. Orús, E. Rico, J. Vidal, J.I.L. Lipkin model Full connectivity (simplex) → symmetric states → SL<Log L Recent sets of results II =1 • Entropy scaling characterizes a • phase diagram as in XY + c=1/2 !!! • Underlying field theory? SUSY? • Effective connectivity of d=1 1
Conclusion: A fresh new view on RG • RG on Hamiltonians Wilsonian Exact Renormalization Group • RG on correlators Flow on parameters from the OPE • RG on states Majorization controls RG flows? Lütken, Rico, Vidal, JIL Cirac, Verstraete, Orús, Rico, JIL The vacuum by itself may reflect irreversibility through a loss of entanglement RG irreversibility would relate to a loss of quantum information