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Importance of Safe Work Practices in the Workplace

Explore key safe work practices like Fall Protection, Try, Lock, Try, Hot Work, and Confined Spaces to ensure a safe working environment and avoid potential hazards and risks. Understand the consequences of not following safe work practices.

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Importance of Safe Work Practices in the Workplace

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  1. Why follow safe work practices?

  2. Objectives We have many safe work practices, however we will discuss four with major SIF potential: • Fall Protection – SP206 • Try, Lock, Try – SP227 • Hot work – SP223 • Confined space – SP209

  3. What happens when we don’t follow safe work practices? • Occupational injuries and illnesses. • Damage to the environment • Property Damage • MSHA or OSHA fines and citations. • All of these have impacts: • On the employee? • To his/her family? • To his/her co-workers? • To the business?

  4. Fall Protection – SP 206

  5. Fall protection Systems Personal fall arrest system Guardrail systems

  6. Why use fall protection? • Falls are the leading cause of death in construction. • Falls from the same height and less than 4 feet cause serious injury. • All open holes must be guarded • Walkways, ramps, open sided floors, excavations and wall opening to name a few require fall protection.

  7. Try, Lock, Try (TLT) - SP 227 • OSHA requires a written energy control program that defines energy control procedures. • Requires documented employee training. • Must address ALL energy sources. • Requires inspections and audits of the process.

  8. Why is TLT important? Lock and Tag This is why! The TLT procedure prevents the unexpected start up or release of energy that could cause injury or death to employees.

  9. Remember: Energy isolation

  10. Hot Work – SP 223 • Hot work is often associated with a safe work permit. • The conditions and requirements for hot work are determined by the area. • Everyone involved with hot work must be trained. • A fire watch must be in place during all hot work.

  11. Hot work Types of hot work Remember! • Welding and cutting • Grinding, arcing activities • Abrasive blasting • Depending on area, use of non-intrinsically safe equipment. • Any activity that can serve as and igniter.

  12. Before, during, and after hot work • Ensure water or fire extinguisher are present. • Fire watch and others are trained. • All combustibles are covered or removed if possible. • All surrounding activities are aware of the hot work in progress. • Fire watch as needed on job completion.

  13. Why is Hot work a concern? Hot work gone wrong! Remember this:

  14. Confined spaces – SP 209 • All departments must have a list of confined spaces and ventilation / pre-rescue plans. • PCS requires four air exchanges every hour. • Everyone associated must have documented training.

  15. Confined spaces • Air testing is required in the following order: oxygen, LEL, CO, toxins as defined by area. • Communication must be maintained with all occupants. • Attendant must never leave the space unless relieved. • All spaces must have proper TLT.

  16. Why are confined spaces so critical? Entry occurs when the plane is broken by any body part. Confined spaces are simply that - CONFINED Hazardous atmospheres can accumulate. Fires can be especially dangerous. You are more susceptible to uncontrolled energy. To put it simply there is no place to run if something bad happens!

  17. Personal Factors Experience (Positive/negative) Knowledge/Skill Age Physical Ability Situational Factors Stress Rushing Control Organizational Factors Safety System Leadership Behaviors Peer Behaviors These factors can influence our decisions to follow procedures:

  18. Develop a safe solution: • Can we eliminate the hazard? • Can we minimize the risks? • Do we need help? • Is there a better time to do the work? • Do others need to be informed? • What PPE and tools are required? • What lock out or permit is needed? • Is there a JSA or reliable method/procedure we need to review before we start?

  19. Follow safe work procedures Your life and the lives of others depend on it!

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