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Provides a full range of air filtration systems for the global food & beverage industry to combat microbiological contamination.
CamfilUSAforCleanerandFresherAir Published on Nov 3, 2014 Watch thevideoto learnmore. Camfil Food & BeverageIndustryAir Filters ph:888.599.6620 http://www.camfil.us/industries/food-... Provides afull rangeof air filtration systems fortheglobal food &beverageindustryto combat microbiologicalcontamination. Wehavecases industries around: http://www.camfil.us/CaseStudies/#Foo... Frozen Food Manufacturer's Significant EnergySavings Resulted in RebateCheck fromLocal UtilityCompany. FryProcessingFacilityCuts Air Filtration RelatedExpenses byover 50%–Significant Reduction in Filters, Energy,Labor&Waste. Midwest Snack ProducerCaseStudy: OneFilter Replaces Two With Better Results. Top CandyMaker CaseStudy—HI-Flo ESLasts 6 TimesLonger Yielding Sweet Savings. Midwestern Beef Producer Maintains Product SafetyWhileRealizingSubstantial Savings in Energy, Product andLabor.
PoultryProcessorGets 7X theFilter LifebyUpgradingfromLow Cost Pleated Panel Filterto"30/30s". BeverageProducer Couples Contaminant Controlwith Cost Control. Global Tea&CoffeeProducer Calculates 20%Annual Savings on AHU Energy, Eliminates ContaminationIssue. BrewerAchieves 46%EfficiencyImprovement inRemoval of0.5 Micron Particles. http://airfilters.camfil.us/