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Military Engineering Overview 6.1 Portfolio Management Review 9 June 11

Military Engineering Overview 6.1 Portfolio Management Review 9 June 11. David A. Horner, P.E., Ph.D. Technical Director , Military Engineering US Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg, MS. Military Engineering. Government Labs. Warfighter. Academia.

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Military Engineering Overview 6.1 Portfolio Management Review 9 June 11

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  1. Military Engineering Overview6.1 Portfolio Management Review9 June 11 David A. Horner, P.E., Ph.D. Technical Director, Military Engineering US Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg, MS

  2. Military Engineering Government Labs Warfighter Academia Industry Developing Solutions Faster Than The Threat Can Adapt Collaborators - Stakeholders - Partners First-Principles Phenomenology Integrated Adaptive Warfighter Solutions Adaptive Protection Scalable Weapons Effects Near Surface Effects Austere Entry and Maneuver Protection Emerging Materials Maneuver Multi-Scale Physics Stability Near Surface Physics Multi-Scale Modeling Operational Reachback Experimental Characterization & Validation High Performance Computational Testbeds Protection And Maneuver Solutions Faster Than The Threat Can Adapt

  3. Mechanics & Material Science for Geologic and Structural MaterialsScientific Objective, Opportunity, and Significance Carbon nanotube enhanced composite (multifunctional material) Problem/Questions • Current knowledge of the microscale behavior effects on macroscale performance of geologic and structural materials is inadequate to provide a foundation for creating future revolutionary materials and revolutionizing the understanding of sensor data within a heterogeneous geological system. • How does the underlying physics and chemistry control the mechanics and electromagnetic behavior of geological and structural materials? Micro-scale enhancements for macro-scale performance Lightweight deployable protection Discontinuous Deformation Bacteria and Food Biofilm Formation Maneuver in extreme environments Soil Significance/Potential Impact • Will provide a new basis for understanding the phenomena of geological and structural materials to create a foundation for new geological and structural materials using biotechnology and nanotechnology. • Revolutionary advances in materials that are stronger, tougher, and lighter that will enable new protection and maneuver capability in complex and austere environments. • Creation of multifunctional materials will support innovations in new technologies such as autonomous systems.

  4. 6.1 Strategic Research Areas (SRAs) • Micromechanical Modeling of Geological and Structural Materials: Develop fundamental knowledge of the effects of key properties (e.g. particle size, size gradation, and aggregate structure) on the development of aggregate strength on geological and structural materials. • Microscale Experimentation Procedures and Instrumentation: Develop particle-scale measurement technology to provide quantitative data on micromechanics of geologic and structural materials. • Fundamental Theories for Relating Microscale Phenomena to Macroscale Performance:The key technical gap in extending the evolving micromechanical methods to prototype-scale simulation is a lack of fundamental procedures to distill emergent aggregate behavior from microscale laws. • Innovative Approaches for Rapid/Remote Measurements of Battlespace Geologic and Geo-Environmental Characteristics • Other Innovative Military Engineering Research Areas: Other innovative and relevant military engineering research topics with emerging technical impact, embryonic technology maturity, and potentially high Army payoff.

  5. Bridging Between Micro-scale Phenomena and Macroscale Performance Objective: Develop theoretical methods to relate macro-scale (engineering) performance to fundamental micro-scale processes. Particles, Force Chains, and Structure Provides a key enabling process for the multi-scale approach to analysis of high performance materials

  6. ~1/16 in. Fiber clump – broken & pulled out Broken fibers Fibers pulled out Fibers aligned w/ crack Micro/Meso-Evaluation of High Performance Material Objective: To develop a model for ultra high strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) subjected to highly dynamic loading conditions. Microtomographic Analysis Methodology for tracking meso-level damage in a high-strain rate environment

  7. Food Bioreactor setup for pH study Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria Biostabilization of Soils Objective: Develop bacterial-based materials for stabilization of soils And quantify the micro-mechanics of natural particles bonded by well characterized bacterial biopolymers Identify effective biopolymers & procedures for effective soil stabilization

  8. Stereo Microscope ~5x - 150x Optical Upright Research Microscope ~12.5x - 1000x • Zeiss Optical Microscopy Workstation MTS Nanoindentation Testing System Sub-scale Materials Engineering Research Facility Objective: Analysis of material sub-scale features including the identification and quantification of phases and determination of morphologies, distributions, orientations, interface characteristics, fracture/failure surfaces and measure mechanical properties at the nanoscale • FEI Nova NanoSEM / Brucker EDS System • Struers High Precision Cut-off Saw Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometer

  9. x Stand-Off Monitoring (New Thrust) The Challenge: Lack of robust modeling and simulation tools to thoroughly exploit the data collected by traditional infrasound deployments limits intelligence missions in multiple theatres of operation. Forward Operating Bases Denied Area Monitoring Propagation modeling with accurate terrain and meteorological databases Develop a source physics computational test-bed for modeling and simulation Exploit unrecognized infrasonic phenomenology and map out strategies to implement automatic target recognition algorithms.

  10. Military Engineering 6.1 Strategic Research Areas and Relationship to 6.2 Thrust Areas Adaptive Protection Scalable Weapons Effects Near Surface Effects Austere Entry and Maneuver 6.2 Thrusts • Microscale Experimentation Procedures and Instrumentation • Fundamental Theories for Relating Microscale Phenomena to Macroscale Performance • Micromechanical Modeling of Geologic and Structural Materials • Innovative Approaches for Rapid/Remote Measurements of Battlespace Geologic and Geo-Environmental Characteristics • Other Innovative Military Engineering Research Areas Modeling the Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Under High Rate Loading (FY08-10) Macroscale Effects of Soils with Microscale Three-Dimensional Distributions of Frequency-Dependent Electromagnetic Properties (FY08-11) Multi-Scale Modeling of the Structure of Materials for Adaptive Protection (FY08-10) Dynamic contact mechanics and soil-sensor interaction (ILIR, FY11 – 13) Prediction of the Engineering Behavior of Granular Media Based on Grain-Scale Contact Properties (FY08-11) Biopolymer Coating Effects on Particle Micro-Structure (FY09-11) 6.1 Program Inherent Subscale Generation of Strain Rate Effects in High-Performance Concrete (FY08-10) Development of Ultra Compact Soil Science (ILIR FY09-11) Genetic Control of EPS Production in Bacterial Soil Stabilizers (FY08-11) NMR imaging and pore-scale simulation of electrokinetic transport in cementitious materials (FY 10--12) Fundamental Investigation on Bridging between Macroscale Phenomena and Microscale Performance (FY09-11) Investigation of dynamic response and energy dissipation mechanisms found in bio-inspired systems (FY 11-13) Improved Characterization of Chemical Sensing in Complex Surface and Subsurface Environments (FY11-13) Geo-statistical characterization of micro-structural defects in ammunition steel cases and statistical physics representation of shell-case fragmentation upon detonation via computational simulations and experimental verification (FY 11-13) Effects of Bonding Agents on Eolian Sediments Suspension (FY10-12) New Work Units

  11. Questions?

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