T&P from UKHO, called AIO • The Admiralty Information Overlay brings the convenience and completeness associated with our Admiralty paper chart series to digital navigation. It includes all Temporary and Preliminary Notices to Mariners (T&PNMs), and is displayed as single layer on top of the ENC. It combines the T&P NMs with additional navigationally significant information from the UKHO’s ENC validation programme, to make passage planning simpler and safer. • In order to access the AIO the vessel must subscribe to AVCS (admiralty vector chart service). • Link: Facts About Digital Charts and Carriage Requirementshttp://www.ukho.gov.uk/ProductsandServices/ElectronicCharts/Pages/DigitalChartFacts.aspx
T&P from MARIS • MDS Paper chart module manages the list of UKHO T&P which is updated automatically every week. • MDS extracts the positions from the notices and the T&P in force are geo referenced, displayed on the chart and accessible by simple click. • MDS may calculate the T&P in force under the route • The list of T&P in force intercepting the route is displayed and the user can access the text of the T&P • Next: T&P file is displayed in ECDIS, showing automatically T&P in force on top of ENCs