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Wordlist 19 I Love Me. 1. Admiration (n.) Definition: the feeling of admiring someone or something Synonym: applause, acclaim Example: My admiration for that woman grows daily. Word Family: ad·mi·ra·tive , adjective ad·mi·ra·tive·ly, adverb self-ad·mi·ra·tion, noun
1. Admiration (n.) Definition: the feeling of admiring someone or something Synonym: applause, acclaim Example: My admiration for that woman grows daily. Word Family: ad·mi·ra·tive , adjective ad·mi·ra·tive·ly, adverb self-ad·mi·ra·tion, noun su·per·ad·mi·ra·tion, noun
2. Applause (n.) Definition:the sound of people clapping their hands repeatedly to show enjoyment or approval of something such as a performance or speech Synonym: clapping, cheering Example: His speech met with (= received) loud applause. Word Family: ap·plau·sive, adjective self-ap·plause, noun un·ap·plau·sive, adjective
3.Athlete (n.) Definition:a person who is very good at sports or physical exercise, especially one who competes in organized events Synonym: sportsperson, competitor Example: He became a professional athlete at the age of 16. Word Family: non·ath·lete, noun su·per·ath·lete, noun
4. Brag (v.) Definition:to speak too proudly about what you have done or what you own Synonym: boast, crow Example: She's always bragging about how much money she earns. Word Family: brag·ging·ly, adverb brag·less, adjective out·brag, verb (used with object), out·bragged, out·brag·ging. o·ver·brag, verb, o·ver·bragged, o·ver·brag·ging. un·brag·ging, adjective
5. Chatter (n.) Definition: purposeless or foolish talk. Synonym: chat. gossip Example: Jane’s constant chatter was beginning to annoy him. Word Family: chat·ter·ing·ly, adverb chat·ter·y, adjective out·chat·ter, verb (used with object) un·chat·ter·ing, adjective
6. Coincide (v.) Definition: to happen at or near the same time Synonym: accord, correspond, match Example: I timed my holiday to coincide with the children's school holiday. Word Family: un·co·in·cid·ed, adjective un·co·in·cid·ing, adjective
7. Constant (adj.) Definition: happening a lot or all the time Synonym: continual, continuous Example: He's in constant trouble with the police. Word Family: con·stant·ly, adverb non·con·stant, noun, adjective o·ver·con·stant, adjective o·ver·con·stant·ly, adverb o·ver·con·stant·ness, noun
8. Demand (n.) Definition: the act of to asking for something with proper authority Synonym: request, order Example: The demands of the client could not be met. Word Family: de·mand·a·ble, adjective de·mand·er, noun coun·ter·de·mand, noun o·ver·de·mand, verb, noun pre·de·mand, verb (used with object)
9. Demonstrate (v.) Definition: to show or make something clear Synonym: show, indicate, determine Example: These problems demonstrate the importance of strategic planning. Word Family: dem·on·strat·ed·ly, adverb coun·ter·dem·on·strate, verb (used without object), coun·ter·dem·on·strat·ed, coun·ter·dem·on·strat·ing. pre·dem·on·strate, verb (used with object), pre·dem·on·strat·ed, pre·dem·on·strat·ing. re·dem·on·strate, verb, re·dem·on·strat·ed, re·dem·on·strat·ing. sub·dem·on·strate, verb (used with object), sub·dem·on·strat·ed, sub·dem·on·strat·ing.
10. Drown (v.) Definition: to (cause to) die by being unable to breathe underwater Synonym: inhale water Example: He drowned in a boating accident. Word Family: drown·er, noun half-drowned, adjective half-drown·ing, adjective un·drowned, adjective
11. Exaggerate (v.) Definition: to make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is Synonym: overstate, over-emphasize Example: The threat of attack has been greatly exaggerated. Word Family: ex·ag·ger·at·ing·ly, adverb ex·ag·ger·a·tor, noun non·ex·ag·ger·at·ing, adjective o·ver·ex·ag·ger·ate, verb, o·ver·ex·ag·ger·at·ed, o·ver·ex·ag·ger·at·ing. un·ex·ag·ger·at·ing, adjective
12.Excessive (adj.) Definition: too much Synonym: immoderate, extravagant Example: She was polite but not excessively so. Word Family: ex·ces·sive·ly, adverb ex·ces·sive·ness, noun non·ex·ces·sive, adjective non·ex·ces·sive·ly, adverb non·ex·ces·sive·ness, noun
13.Exploit (v.) Definition: to utilize, especially for profit; turn to practical account Synonym: utilize, benefit from Example: We need to make sure that we exploit our resources as fully as possible. Word Family: ex·ploit·a·ble, adjective ex·ploit·a·bil·i·ty, noun ex·ploit·a·tive, ex·ploit·a·to·ry, ex·ploit·ive, adjective ex·ploit·er, noun half-ex·ploit·ed, adjective
14. Failure (n.) Definition: the fact of someone or something not succeeding Synonym: defeat, falling Example: The meeting was a complete/total failure. Word Family:
15. Flirt (v.) Definition: to behave as if sexually attracted to someone, although not seriously Synonym: trifle with Example: Christina was flirting with just about every man in the room. Word Family: flirt·ing·ly, adverb
16. Gorgeous (adj.) Definition: very beautiful or pleasant Synonym: attractive, handsome, charming Example: What a gorgeous room/dress/colour! Word Family: gor·geous·ly, adverb gor·geous·ness, noun
17. Gossip (v.) Definition: conversation or reports about other people's private lives that might be unkind, disapproving, or not true Synonym: tattle Example: Her letter was full of gossip. Word Family: gos·sip·ing·ly, adverb in·ter·gos·sip, verb, in·ter·gos·siped or in·ter·gos·sipped, in·ter·gos·sip·ing. un·gos·sip·ing, adjective
18. Lifelong (adj.) Definition: lasting for the whole of a person's life Synonym: permanent, eternal Example: She was a lifelong member of the Labour party. Word Family:
19. Nourish (v.) Definition: to provide people or living things with food in order to make them grow and keep them healthy Synonym: feed, nurture Example: Children need plenty of good fresh food to nourish them. Word Family: nour·ish·a·ble, adjective nour·ish·er, noun o·ver·nour·ish, verb (used with object) re·nour·ish, verb (used with object) self-nour·ished, adjective
20. Overshadow (v.) Definition: to cause someone or something to seem less important or less happy Synonym: spoil, ruin Example: Karen has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister. Word Family: o·ver·shad·ow·er, noun o·ver·shad·ow·ing·ly, adverb
21. Reflection (n.) Definition: the image of something in a mirror or on any reflective surface Synonym: echo Example: In Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. Word Family: re·flec·tion·al, adjective re·flec·tion·less, adjective in·ter·re·flec·tion, noun non·re·flec·tion, noun o·ver·re·flec·tion, noun
22. Self-esteem (n.) Definition: belief and confidence in your own ability and value Synonym: self-respect Example: The compliments she received after the presentation boosted her self-esteem. Word Family:
23. Subsequent (adj.) Definition: happening after something else Synonym: following, succeeding, upcoming Example: The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from the government. Word Family: sub·se·quent·ly, adverb
24. Surround (v.) Definition: to be everywhere around something Synonym: enclose, encompass, ring, gird Example: Snow-capped mountains surround the city. Word Family: pre·sur·round, verb (used with object) un·sur·round·ed, adjective
25. Therapist (n.) Definition: someone whose job is to treat a particular type of mental or physical illness or disability, usually with a particular type of therapy Synonym: healer Example: I'm seeing my therapist on Friday morning. Word Family:
26. Uninhibited (adj.) Definition: free and natural, without embarrassment or too much control Synonym: unrestrained, unrestricted Example: The students we spoke to were surprisingly uninhibited in talking about sex. Word Family: un·in·hib·it·ed·ly, adverb un·in·hib·it·ed·ness, noun
27. Worthy (adj.) Definition: deserving respect, admiration, or support Synonym: trusted, reliable, virtuous Example: He is unlikely to succeed in getting his bill through Congress, however worthy it is. Word Family: wor·thi·ly, adverb wor·thi·ness, noun pre·wor·thi·ly, adverb pre·wor·thi·ness, noun pre·wor·thy, adjective