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Wordlist 24 My Brand Is Me

Wordlist 24 My Brand Is Me. 1. Asset (n .) Definition: a useful and desirable thing or quality Synonym: property, resources Example: Organizational ability is an asset. Word Family : as·set·less , adjective. 2. Corporate (v .) Definition: relating to a large company

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Wordlist 24 My Brand Is Me

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  1. Wordlist 24My Brand Is Me

  2. 1. Asset (n.) Definition: a useful and desirable thing or quality Synonym: property, resources Example: Organizational ability is an asset. Word Family: as·set·less, adjective

  3. 2. Corporate (v.) Definition:relating to a large company Synonym: business Example: corporate executives Word Family: cor·po·rate·ly, adverb cor·po·rate·ness, noun an·ti·cor·por·ate, adjective an·ti·cor·por·ate·ly, adverb an·ti·cor·por·ate·ness, noun

  4. 3. Elaborate (v.) Definition:Carefully prepared Synonym: complicated, detailed Example: The country has an elaborate political system. Word Family: e·lab·o·rate·ly, adverb e·lab·o·rate·ness, noun e·lab·o·ra·tive, adjective e·lab·o·ra·tor, noun non·e·lab·o·rate, adjective

  5. 4. Hang out (v.) Definition:to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone Synonym: Example: I've been hanging out backstage with the band. Word Family:

  6. 5. High opinion (exp.) Definition:think somebody or something is good. Synonym: Example: The boss have a high opinion of her. Word Family:

  7. 6. Hip (adj.) Definition:familiar with or informed about the latest ideas, styles, developments Synonym: fashionable, popular Example: My parents aren't exactly hip, you know. Word Family: hip·ly, adverb

  8. 7. Insult you to your face (exp.) Definition: insult Synonym: Example: Word Family:

  9. 8. Nonconformity (n.) Definition: refusal to conform, as with established customs, attitudes, or ideas. Synonym: Example: His choice of clothes was a sign of nonconformity. Word Family:

  10. 9. Presume (v.) Definition: to believe something to be true because it is very likely, although you are not certain Synonym: assume, suppose Example: I presume (that) they're not coming, since they haven't replied to the invitation. Word Family: pre·sum·ed·ly, adverb pre·sum·er, noun un·pre·sumed, adjective

  11. 10. Punk (adj.) Definition: a culture popular among young people, especially in the late 1970s, involving opposition to authority expressed through shocking behaviour, clothes, and hair, and fast, loud music Synonym: Example: Word Family:

  12. 11. Radical (adj.) Definition: believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change Synonym: progressive, revolutionary Example: He was known as a radical reformer/ thinker/ politician. Word Family: rad·i·cal·ness, noun half-rad·i·cal, adjective half-rad·i·cal·ly, adverb mul·ti·rad·i·cal, adjective non·rad·i·cal, adjective, noun

  13. 12. Street-wise (adj.) Definition: able to deal successfully with dangerous or difficult situations in big towns or cities where there is a lot of crime Synonym: Example: McDonald was as streetwise as any of the criminals he had investigated. Word Family:

  14. 13. Subsidize (v.) Definition: to pay part of the cost of something Synonym: support, pay subsidy Example: The refugees live in subsidized housing provided by the authorities. Word Family: sub·si·diz·a·ble, adjective sub·si·di·za·tion, noun sub·si·diz·er, noun de·sub·si·di·za·tion, noun de·sub·si·dize, verb (used with object), de·sub·si·dized, de·sub·si·diz·ing.

  15. 14. Trustworthiness (n.) Definition: the state of being able to be trusted Synonym: integrity Example: One of his charactristics is his trustworthiness. Word Family:

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