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ISLAM. By Zeesth Malik. Zam-Zam. Masjid- Al -Haram. Kaaba. Mukam -E- Ibraham Footsteps of Prophet Ibraham. Performing Umrah. KAABA-PICTURE TAKEN BY ME!!. ME AT MASJID-AL-HARAM. HOW TO PERFORM HAJJ. Steps for Entering the State of Ihram 1. Bathe yourself (Ghusl).
ISLAM By Zeesth Malik
Zam-Zam Masjid- Al -Haram
Kaaba Mukam -E- Ibraham Footsteps of Prophet Ibraham
HOW TO PERFORM HAJJ Steps for Entering the State of Ihram 1. Bathe yourself (Ghusl). 2. Wear Ihram garments. 3. Make intention for Umrah or Hajj. 4. Recite Talbeyah. 5. Avoid acts forbidden while in the state of Ihram
HOW TO PERFORM HAJJ Steps for Performing Umrah 1. Make Tawaf around the Ka`bah. 2. Pray two Rak`ah behind Maqam Ibrahim. 3. Make Sa`i between Safa and Marwah. 4. Trim hair and remove Ihram garments.
HOW TO PERFORM HAJJ Going to Mina 1. Put on Ihram garments again, if you have performed Umrah. 2. Make intention for Hajj. 3. Remain in Mina during the 8th of Dhul-Hijja and perform five prayers starting with the Zuhr prayer and ending with the Fajr prayer on the day of Arafat.
HOW TO PERFORM HAJJ Going to Arafat 1. Leave for Arafat on the morning of the 9th of Dhul-Hijja and stay until sunset. 2. Stay in any part of Arafat. 3. Glorify Allah, repeat supplication, repent to Allah and ask for forgiveness. 4. Pray Zuhr and Asr prayers shortened and combined during the time of Zuhr.
HOW TO PERFORM HAJJ Ali Kazuyoshi Nomachi, Mecca the Blessed, Medina the RadiantGoing to Muzdalifah 1. Leave for Muzdalifah soon after sunset on the 9th of Dhul-Hijja. 2. Perform the Maghrib and the shortened Isha prayers combined. 3. Stay overnight and perform the Fajr prayer.
HOW TO PERFORM HAJJ Returning to Mina 1. Shortly before sunrise, leave Muzdalifah for Mina. Go to Jamrat al-Aqabah and stone it with seven pebbles. 2. Slaughter your sacrifice. 3. Shave your head or trim your hair. 4. Take off Ihram garments. 5. All Ihram restrictions are lifted except for the ban on sexual intercourse.
HOW TO PERFORM HAJJ Tawaf al-Ifada 1. Make Tawaf al-Ifada and Sa`i between Safa and Marwah. 2. After Tawaf al-Ifada, all restrictions are lifted.
HOW TO PERFORM HAJJ Returning to Mina 1. Spend the Tashreeq days (11th, 12th, and 13th of Dhul-Hijja) in Mina. 2. After Zuhr prayer each day, stone the three Jamarat, starting with the small one and ending with al-Aqabah. 3. You may leave on the 12th after stoning the Jamarat if you wish.
HOW TO PERFORM HAJJ Farewell Tawaf 1. Go to Mecca and make a farewell Tawaf. Perform two Rak`ah. 2. Let the Tawaf be the last thing you do in Mecca.
5 Times Prayer 1Prayed daily by the prophet Muhammad2Replaced by Jumu'ah on Fridays, which consists of two raka'ah.3According to Imam Abu Hanifa, "Asr starts when the shadow of an object becomes twice its height (plus the length of its shadow at the start time of Dhuhr)." For the rest of Imams, "Asr starts when the shadow of an object becomes equal to its length (plus the length of its shadow at the start time of Dhuhr)." Asr ends as the sun begins to set.4It is preferred to pray Isha'a before midnight but the waqt is valid until Fajr time. According to Shi'a Imams, it is valid at any time after the Maghrib prayer has been validly performed and ends at the time for the Fajr prayer.
Wudu • Wudu: make the intention to cleanse yourself for prayer, for the sake of Allah. Muslims are required to perform Wudu in preparation for ritual prayers and for handling and reading the Quran. • Say bismillah ("In the Name of Allah (God)"). • With your right hand, wash your left hand from fingertips to wrist (3x). • With your right hand, wash your left hand from fingertips to wrist (3x). • With your right hand, take water and rinse out your mouth (3x). • With your left hand, take water and rinse out your nose (3x). • With both hands, wash your face from ear to ear, chin to forehead (3x). • With your left hand, wash your right hand from your fingertips to your elbow (3x). • With your right hand, wash your left hand from your fingertips to your elbow (3x). • Move the palms of your hands over your head, starting from the top of the forehead to the back and pass both hands over the back of the head to the neck. Then, rub wet fingers into the grooves of both ears and holes and also pass the wet thumbs behind the ears. Pass the backs of the wet hand over the back of the neck. • Then, wash your right foot (3x). • Then, wash your left foot (3x).
5 Pillars of Islam The Testimony of Faith (Shahadah) - the declaration that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His last messenger. Ritual Prayer (Salat) - establishing of the five daily Prayers. Obligatory (religious) almsgiving (Zakat) - which is generally 2.5% of the total savings for a rich man working in trade or industry, and 10% or 20% of the annual produce for agriculturists. This money or produce is distributed among the poor. Fasting (Sawm)during the month of Ramadan The Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) - this is done during the month of Zul Hijjah, and is compulsory once in a lifetime for one who has the ability to do it. If the Muslim is in ill health or in debt, he or she is not required to perform Hajj. They do this to show moral importance to Allah, and to join the Ummah (family of Islam)
Qur’an The Quran accords both sexes with different rights, as it argues that women are distinct from men and vice versa. Thus the Quran says: "And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over women according to what is equitable; but men have a degree (of advantage) over them." • Rules of Tajwid-proper pronunciation during recitation • Manners of the heart • understanding that the Qur'an is not the words of man. • he reader should throw away all other thoughts. • understanding the meaning. • humbleness • feeling that every message in the Qur’an is meant personally for the reader. • External manners • purity of body, clothes and place • facing the Qiblah. • stopping at a verse of warning and seeking protection with Allah • stopping at a verse of mercy and asking Him for mercy • using pure classical Arabic pronunciation, without foreign or dialectic influence 114 Surahs,6236 Ayats(6348 Ayats counting the Bismallahs)
HOW TO PERFORM HAJJ Going Home It is preferred to visit the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, but this is not a part of Hajj.
Qur’an Arabic Terms • Bismillah ar-Rahman, ar-Raheem (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم) "In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful” • Muhammadun rasulullah "Muhammad is the messenger of God." This statement is the second part of the first pillar of Islam. This is the second most important statement in Islam. • Sallallahu alaihi wasallam (صلى الله عليه و سلم) "May God bless him and grant him peace." Expression used after stating Prophet Muhammad's name. Abbreviated as (saw) Six Kalmas • 1ST KALMA TAYYABLA ILAHA ILLALLAHO MOHAMMADUR-RASOOLULLAH.(There is no deity (God) but Allah and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah) • 2ND KALMA SHAHADAT ASH-HADO AN LA ILAHA ILLALLAHO WAHDAHU LA SHARIKA LAHU WA ASH-HADO ANNA MOHAMMADAN ABDOHU WA RASOOLUH.(I bear witness that there is no deity (God) but Allah.He is One, none epual to him and I bear that Mohammad is his slave and his messenger.) • 3RD KALMA TAMJEEDSUBHANALLAHE WAL-HAMDO LILLAHE WA LA ILAHA ILLALLAHO WALLALHO AKBAR WA LA HOLA WA LA QUW-WATA ILLA BILLAH IL'ALYYIL'AZEEM.Glory be to Allah and all praise be to Allah there is no deity (God) but Allah and Allah is the greatest and there is no power and no might but from Allah, the high, the tremadous. • 4TH KALMA TAUHEEDLA ILAHA ILLALLIAHO WAHDAHU LA SHARIKA LAHU LAHUL-MULKO WA LAHUL-HAMDO YUHYIEWA YOMEETO WA HOWA HAYYUL-LA YAMOOTO ABADAN ABADA.ZULJALALE WAL-IKRAM BEYADE-HILKHAIRO WA HOWA ALA KULLE SHAI IN QADEER.(There is no God but allah, He is One, none is His partner.His the sovereignty and all praise is due untpHim.He gives life and causeth death and He is ever living, death will never come to him. he is of great Might and Glory In His had is all goolness and h is able to do all things.) • 5TH KALMA ASTAGHFARASTAGFIRULLAHA RABBI MIN KULLE ZAMBIN AZNABTOHU AMADAN AU KHATA'AN SIRRAN AU ALANE'YATANWE-WA ATOOBO ILAIHE MENAZZAM-BILLAZI A'LAMO WA MENAZZAMBILLAZI LA A'LAMO INNAKA ANTA ALLAMUL-GHOYOUBE WA SATTARUL-OYOUBE WA GHAFFARUZZONOOB WA LA HOLA WA LA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAHIL-ALYYIL'AZEEM(I seek forgiveness from Allah who is my Lord from every sin which I committed deliberately or did unknowingly or did secretly or did openly I repent towards Him from every sin which I know and every sin which I know and every sin which I do not know.Lo!Thou are the Knower of secret and concealer of defects,and Forgiver of sins.There is no power or might but Allah,Who is the High,the Tremendous.) • 6TH KALMA RADDE KUFFAR ALLA'HUMMA INNI A'OOZOBEKA MIN AN USHREKA BEKA SHAI-ANWWA ANA A'LAMO BEHEE WA ASTAGHFEROKA LEMA LA A'LAMO BEHEE TUBTO ANOH WA TABARRATO MENALKUFRE WASH-SHIRKE WALKIZBE WALGHIBATE WALBID'ATE WANNA'MEEMATE WALFAWAHESHE WAL'BUHTANE WALMA'ASI KULLEHA WA ASLAMTO WA AQOOLO LA ILAHA ILLALLHO MOHAMMADUR-RASOOLULLAH(O Allah!Iseek refuge in Thee that I knowingly commit shirk I seek forgiveness from Thee of sin I am unaware of I hereby from kuffar,shirk and lies and back biting and heresy and informing with evil intent and wickedness and false accusations and repent of all sins and declare of my disowning and I bring Islam and say,There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.)
Medina Masjid Al- Nawib
Hijab- Head Scarf Burka- Head/ Face Cover Abaya & Burka
Athan-Call to Prayer * Followers of the Maliki madhab say this line twice instead of four times. ** The line "Prayer is better than sleep" is used only for the first prayers of the day at dawn (fajr salat). *** The line "I bear witness that Ali is the vicegerent of God" is only recited by Shia, but not as a part of the Adhan. **** Shia repeat the last line twice instead of once.