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Design and Technology of DEPFET Active Pixel Sensors for Future e+e- Linear Collider Experiments

This paper discusses the design and technology of DEPFET active pixel sensors for use in future e+e- linear collider experiments. It covers the DEPFET principle and properties, pixel detector prototypes, module concept, steering and readout chip, matrix test results, power consumption, and conclusions.

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Design and Technology of DEPFET Active Pixel Sensors for Future e+e- Linear Collider Experiments

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  1. Design and Technology of DEPFET Active Pixel Sensors for Future e+e- Linear Collider Experiments G. Lutza, L. Andriceka, P. Fischerb, K. Heinzingerc, P. Lechnerc, I.Pericd, M. Reichee, R.H. Richtera, G. Schallera, M. Schneckea, F. Schoppera, H. Soltauc, L. Strüdera, J. Treisa, M. Trimpld, J. Ulricid, N. Wermesd a)MPI Halbleiterlabor Munich, Germany b)University of Mannheim, Germany c)PNSensor gGmbH Munich, Germany d)University of Bonn, Germany e)MPI für Mikrostrukturphysik Halle, Germany

  2. Content • Introduction • DEPFET principle and properties • DEPFET pixel detectors • Pixel detector prototypes (for LC and X-ray astronomy) • Module concept • Steering and readout chip • Matrix Test results • Power consumption • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • Requirements for Linear colliders (example: TESLA) • Precise vertexing with low momentum tracks requires: • High granularity pixel detectors • Low multiple scattering thin detectors, avoidance of cooling of sensor low power consumption • Limitation of occupancy  sufficiently high readout speed • DEPFET pixel detectors are able to fulfill these requirements • Due to particular function principle • Developed and built in own laboratory of the MPI • Electronics and system developed in close collaboration with Universities Bonn and Mannheim

  4. DEPFET principle and properties DEPFET structure and device symbol Function principle • Field effect transistor on top of fully depleted bulk • All charge generated in fully depleted bulk; assembles underneath the transistor channel; steers the transistor current • Clearing by positive pulse on clear electrode • Combined function of sensor and amplifier

  5. DEPFET principle and properties DEPFET structure and device symbol Properties • low capacitance ►low noise • Signal charge remains undisturbed by readout ►repeated readout • Complete clearing of signal charge ►no reset noise • Full sensitivity over whole bulk ► large signal for m.i.p.; X-ray sens. • Thin radiation entrance window on backside ► X-ray sensitivity • Charge collection also in turned off mode ► low power consumption • Measurement at place of generation ► no charge transfer (loss) ►Operation over very large temperature range ► no cooling needed

  6. DEPFET Operation: Energy Resolution Circular DEPFET out of Prototype DEPFET pixelfabrication run at MPI • Setup: • source follower read out • commercial pre-amp • shaping time 6 μs • Result at Room Temperature: • 131 eV @ 5.9 keV • 2.2 el. r.m.s.

  7. DEPFET Pixel Detector Operation Mode Large area coveredwith DEPFETS Individual transistorsor rows of transistors Can be selected forreadout All other transistorsare turned off Those are still able to collect signal charge Very low power consumption

  8. DEPFET pixel detector prototypes Two projects on same wafer, two different geometries: XEUS (future X-ray observatory): Circular (enclosed) geometry Source readout Linear collider: Rectangular geometry Drain readout

  9. DEPFET Technology at HLL extended:Double poly / double metal process • Summary of technology properties • 1. Test diodes (fully depleted 450 μm) • Vdep = 30..40 V and 130..150 V • Ileak = 100..200 pA/cm2 • Vfb = -1 V 2. ILD Quality (Breakdown Voltage) • Poly I to Si: VB > 100 V • Poly II to Si: VB > 100 V • Metal I to Si: VB > 200 V • Poly I to Poly II: VB > 20 V cut perpendicular to channel (with clear) metal II metal I gate poly II p channel implant n+ clear n internal gate clear gate poly I deep p implant

  10. Pixel prototype production (6“ wafer)for XEUS and LC (TESLA) Aim: Select design options for an optimized array operation (no charge loss, high gain, low noise, good clear operation) On base of these results => production of full size sensors Many test arrays - Circular and linear DEPFETS up to 128 x 128 pixels minimum pixel size about 30 x 30 µm² - variety of special test structures • Structures requiring only one metalization layer • Production up to first metal layer finished • Test results agree very well with • device simulations

  11. drain gate reset The LC sensor matrix double pixel cell 33 x 47 µm2 in DEPFET-Matrix • rectangular double pixels (common source) • Depletion type p-channel MOSFETs • linear transistors (small pixels) 16x128 DEPFET-Matrix

  12. DEPFET measurements on rectangular test transistors (W = 120µm L = 5µm) Output characteristics: Correct transistor behavior Transfer characteristics: Device can be completely switched off Transistor parameters agree with simulation

  13. Module concept Thin (50µm) DEPFET pixel detectorsupported by silicon stiffening frame Row selection electronics on long side of frame (Analog) readout electronics at short end Thin detector technology already developedtested with diodes so far to be describe byL. Andricek on Wednesday

  14. 4.5 mm 4.6 mm 4.8 mm 4.5 mm DEPFET Matrix Read Out: ASICs Development at the Universities Bonn and Mannheim Switcher II: CURO II: • Fast RO chip for DEPFETs • TSMC 0.25µm, 5 metal • 128 channels „CUrrent ReadOut“ • fast current based memory cells • hit identification + zero suppression • Correlated double sampling within 40ns • Readout row selection chip • AMS 0.8µm HV • high speed • high voltage range (20V) • 64 rows=2x64 channels • daisy chainable

  15. Status readout electronics • Not yet designed for low power consumption in waiting period between pulse trains • Not yet optimally matched to desired pixel geometry Row selection chip RAM & sequencer tested up to 80 MHz Analog performance ok to 30 MHz Drives signals in range 0 to 20V Power consumption at 50MHz: ~ 400mW / chip with active channel ~ 10mW / chip for others CURO readout chip Digital part, the hit-finder and the current-comparator-block both work with desired speed of 50MHz Analog part (memory cell): speed: 25MHz accuracy: 0.1 % noise : < 30 electrons Power consumption 2 mW/channel

  16. Readout of complete DEPFETmatrix So far only available for XEUS project • Different conditions: • Source readout • 8-fold double correlated sampling • Slow readout: 13µs/row FWHM of Mn-Ka (5.9keV): 155.1 eV ENC: 11.5 e- 55Fe source spectrum in logarithmic scale

  17. Vertex Detector for Linear Collider sensitive area1st layer module: 100x13 mm2, 2nd-5thlayer : 125x22 mm2 ∑120 modules TESLA TDR: • close to IP, r = 15 mm (1st layer) • pixel size: 20-30 μm • ~0.1% X0 per layer • overall: ~ 1GPixel • 5 barrels – stand alone tracking TESLA TDR Design

  18. Module Power consumption during pulse train Readout channels=2xnb.of columns Layer 1: 2x512=1024 Layer 2-5: 2x820=1640 Switcher channels=nb.of double rows Layer 1 : 4000/2=2000 Layer 2-5 : 5000/2=2500 • Thin Detector region (layer 2-5) • Sensor: two active rows 1640x5Vx100µA= 820mW • Switcher: 1 active channel 300mW4999 passive channels 2500x0.15mW= 375mW • Total in thin detector region during pulse train 1.5W • End hybrid region • CURO R/O chip : 820x2 channels x 2mW= 3.3W

  19. Vertex detector power consumption • During beam train • In thin detector region 120x 1.5W=180W • In cooled end region 120x 3.3W=400W • With electronics power turned off in between trains (TESLA)reduction by factor ~ 1/200 • In thin detector region 180W/200 = 0.9W • In cooled end region 400W/200 = 2.0W

  20. Conclusions • DEPFET Pixel detectors use radically different function principle from other pixel detectors • Properties are very well suited for LC applications • High S/N ratio at large speed and low power consumption can be obtained for thin detectors • Detector fabrication is done in own laboratory • Development program is well advanced

  21. Performance of Prototype R/O Chip digital part: the hit-finder and the current-comparator-block both work with desired speed (50MHz) analog part (memory cell): speed: 25MHz accuracy: 0.1 % noise : < 30 electrons 0.1% accuracy reached

  22. New Readout concept: CURO CURO : CUrrent Read Out • front end: automatic pedestal subtraction • (double correlated sampling) • analog currents buffered in FIFO • Hit-Logic performs 0 suppression • and multiplexes hits to ADC • (ADC only digitizes hits !)

  23. 128 channels – CURO II CURO II: Features: • TSMC 0.25µm, 5metal • Full blown RO Chip with 128 channels • fast correlated double sampling • produced 11/2003 • costs: 30k$ 4.5 mm Currently under test 4.5 mm

  24. 4.6 mm 4.8 mm [I.Peric (Bonn) / P.Fischer (Mannheim)] new steering chip Switcher II: • AMS 0.8µm HV • versatile sequencing chip • (internal sequencer  flexible pattern) • high speed + high voltage range (20V) • drives 64 DEPFET-rows • (can be daisy chained)

  25. ISTORE I = I In + IBias I = I In + IBias Current based Readout How to store a current ?? Storage phase: input and sample-switch closed : gate-capacitance of nmoscharged Sampling phase:input and sample-switch opened :  voltage at capacitance „unchanged“ current unchanged Transfer phase: output switch closed : (done immediately after sampling)  ISTORE is flowing out

  26. CURO - Architecture CURO : CUrrent Read Out • front end: automatic pedestal subtraction • (double correlated sampling) • - easy with currents - • analog currents buffered in FIFO • Hit-Logic performs 0 suppression • and multiplexes hits to ADC • (ADC only digitizes hits !)

  27. reduce frame material!!!  "support grid" perforated frame: 0.05 % X0 total: 0.11 % X0 TESLA Vertex Detector: Material Budget Estimated Material Budget (1st layer): Pixel area: 100x13 mm2, 50 μm : 0.05% X0 steer. chips: 100x2 mm2, 50 μm : 0.008% X0 (massive) Frame :100x4 mm2, 300 μm : 0.09% X0

  28. 2D dynamic simulation of a MOSFET hit response to a generation of 1600 e-h pairs + + + + - - - - - - - - mip DEPFET Operation: Amplification prod. 2003: ~0.4 nA/e- • generated electrons are collected in "internal gate" and modulate the transistor current • Signal charge removed via clear contact

  29. - - - - - - - - achieved with Vclear >11 V (confirmed by noise measurements) Source current (μA) complete "Clear" clear voltage (V) DEPFET Operation: Charge Removal measurement cycle: sample-clear-sample complete "Clear"  no reset noise! • generated electrons are collected in „internal gate“ and modulate the transistor current • Signal charge removed via "Clear" contact

  30. Background at TESLA Simulation: High magnetic field to „reduce“ background But still: Rate high ( 80 hits / mm bunchtrain ) One frame per Train: Occupancy 20% !!!!! [C.Büssser, DESY]

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