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Physics at a Future Linear Collider. Tobias Haas, DESY-F1 DIS04/WG E7 16 April, 2004. This Talk. Collider: Linear Collider Basics Rates and Backgrounds Polarisation Additional Collider Options Detector Considerations VXD, Tracking and Calorimetry Physics Higgs Supersymmetry
Physics at a Future Linear Collider Tobias Haas, DESY-F1 DIS04/WG E7 16 April, 2004
This Talk • Collider: • Linear Collider Basics • Rates and Backgrounds • Polarisation • Additional Collider Options • Detector Considerations • VXD, Tracking and Calorimetry • Physics • Higgs • Supersymmetry • Precision parameter determinations • Summary and conclusions Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Acknowledgments • Material used here is based on work done for • TESLA TDR • US and Japanese LC studies • ECFA/DESY study • Ongoing ECFA LC study • In particular, I have used material from • K. Desch, E. Gross, H. Nowak, D. Miller, P. Grannis, G. Moortgat-Pick Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Linear Collider Basics • LEP gave ~ 1 fb-1 /expt. in 11 years, with 107 Z0 LEP1 • At √s = 500 GeV one needs 500 fb-1 to get: • ~ 30,000 Zh120 • ~ 50,000 h120νν • 106 W+ W- • At √s = 1000 GeV one needs 1000 fb-1 to get: • ~ 6,000 HA (300GeV) • ~ 3,000 h500νν • ~ 2,000 WWνν (if no Higgs) • Need lots of luminosity to scan multiple thresholds, vary polarisation, go to γγ, e-γ, e-e- Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Linear Collider Basics New problems, including: A decade of R&D at SLAC, DESY and KEK has given: Wakefields “Accelerator” Emittance growth ~ x100: More bunches with more charge. Disruption “Experiment” Beamstrahlung Pair production ~ 1/100 reduction in σy to 5 nm: Lower emittance, demagnify more Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Linear Collider Basics 1010 electrons/bunch, with ~ 106 dimensions ~ nanometers Big E and B fields • Disruption: • e+e- beams focus each other inward (L enhanced), then fly apart after collision: • e-e- defocus immediately (L reduced). • Beamstrahlung: • Synchrotron radiation in the field of the opposing bunch gives a smeared spectrum • Pair Production: • Incoming beam particles scatter from the beamstrahlung photons: Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Rates and Backgrounds NLC bunch structure different but average flux the same • Much gentler than LHC: • Record everything and sort out offline: trigger-less Hard virtual photons from beam particles make h.e. collisions. Cross section is dominated by resolved photon-photon (0.02/bx, c.f. 20/bx @ LHC) HERA input important for rate calculations. Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Polarisation SLC has shown that e- can be polarised to ~80%; hope for more in 10 years. e- • Much harder: • Have to make polarised ’s, then pair produce e+e- • Needs e- with >160 GeV, so use incoming beam: • TESLA e+ source: If acceptances are restricted, should be possible to get ~50% e+ polarization, maybe more with reduced L. e+ • Uses: • Turn off SM bg processes (Anything that couples to W±) • Measure polarisation dependence of signal, e. g. asymmetries like ALR . • Sensitivity to CP. Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Additional Collider Options Easiest: Add a second e- gun at the e+ end. Especially useful if SUSY sector complicated. (Needed for and e) e-e- Use Compton backscattering of near-visible laser light: 2nd IR Right choice of e- and laser polarisations gives “monochromatic” peak with ~80% of full energy and ~50% of Lee . e Include bypass in linac to get good L at MZ and 2MW; Polarisation is important; Hope for L = 5·1033. GigaZ Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Detector Considerations • Vertexing: • Flavour tagging with high purity and efficiency • Tracking: • Momentum resolution to measure recoil masses • Calorimetry: • Good segmentation and excellent EM energy resolution Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
VXD for Heavy Flavour Identification • Flavour couplings of Higgs are basic to test SUSY scenarios: Many have different +2/3 vs. -1/3 couplings. b vs. c best hope. • 5 layers with 800 Mio pixels. Innermost layer at 1.5 cm • 0.03% X0/layer Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Overall Tracking Higgs dictates: Whatever its decays, if coupled to Z0 (and light enough), will see its recoil against Z0→ e+e- or μ+μ- . Need momentum resolution: Tesla TDR Tesla TDR • TESLA TDR: • Silicon tracking inside a big TPC, B = 4T; • Good dE/dx; Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Calorimetry/Energy Flow • In e+e- → VVνν: • Separate WW→ 4 jets from ZZ→ 4 jets • EWSB has to appear if nowhere else • In e+e- → tt → bbWW → 6 jets • Measure all the interesting features! Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Summary of Assumptions • Machine: • √s = 500 … 1000 GeV • L= 2 … 3 x 1034 cm-2s-1 → several 100 fb-1/year • Polarisation: P(e-) 80%, P(e+) 60% • Detector: • Hermetic (H→ invisible) • Excellent EM calorimeter ( H→ ) • Excellent momentum resolution (ZH→ l+l-X, recoil mass) • Small beamspot (500x5 nm), small beampipe radius and VXD allow b/c separation and τ-ID Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Higgs Physics ECFA/DESY Higgs LC working group, M. Battaglia, K. Desch, A. Djouadi, E. Gross, B. Kniehl, et al. • Several 104Higgs bosons produced / year for “light” Higgs; • Detection with high efficiency; • Nearly background free. Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
LC is a Higgs Analyzer • Measure Higgs properties: • Production rate, • Mass, • Lifetime, • Spin and parity. • Higgs Branching Fractions: • Matter couplings (ghff) • Gauge bosons (ghZZ) • Establish the Higgs Mechanism as EWSB by measuring the Higgs coupling to itself (λ) Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Cross Section: HZ, Hνν Higgs Strahlung: Recoil mass ine+e-→ μ+μ-X WW-Fusion: Missing mass ine+e-→ ννbb N. Meyer, K. Desch (2000) • ΔσHνν 3 – 8 % P. Garcia-Abia, W. Lohmann (2000) • Very low bg; • Model independent; • ΔσZH 3% • μ+μ-, e+e- combined Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
ee → HZ → bbqq Use 5C fit to signal on top of bg ΔmH = 40 … 70 MeV Higgs Mass mH < 130 GeV mH > 2 mZ mH (GeV) • ee → HZ → ZZZ , ZWW • H → ZZ, WW with hadronic decay, so no missing energy • Use 4C kin fit • ΔmH 400 MeV (0.2%) • ΔΓH 800 MeV (25%) Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
For √s~mH+mZ (Threshold) For J=0 σ~β J=1 σ~β3 J=2 σ~β5 Threshold scan with 20 fb-1/pt P: Angular Distribution: Spin and Parity Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Battaglia, Borissov, Richard (1999) Higgs Branching Fractions • Disentangle bb, cc and gg using simultaneous fit to lifetime-sensitive variables: 500 fb-1 Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
σ(HHZ) is very small: < 0.1 fb Signature: 4 b-tagged jets + Z Unfold coupling from total cross section Need very high lumi: (1000 fb-1 @ 500 GeV) Higgs Selfcoupling and Higgs Potential Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Summary on Higgs • The LC will do an excellent job on profiling the Higgs: • Determine JPC unambiguously, • Accurate mass and width, • Measure the branching fractions for all dominant decays; distinguish SM from SUSY Higgs; verify the coupling to mass, • Measure the Higgs self couplings; determine the potential. Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Aim: Precise mass and cross section measurements of all kinematically accessible sparticles: Explore SUSY breaking mechanism, Unification at High Energy? Supersymmetry Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
SUSY Scenarios and Examples Only scenario with squarks in reach of LC500 Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
mSUGRA Scenario SPS5 Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Example 1: Light stop • If mstop< 250 GeV, may not be detected at LHC • Assumptions: • mstop= 180 GeV • cosθt = 0.57 • Δm < mW • topology: • 2c jets + Emiss • 2b jets + Emiss Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Example 1: Light stop • Procedure: • Use 9 event variables (Evis,N0 jets, thrust, N0 clusters, E║miss, E┴miss, jets, acoplanarity, M(jets)) • Charm tag (ZVTOP) • Feed into NN or Iterative Discriminant analysis • Polarization! Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Topology: 2 acoplanar muons + Emiss Require good muon detection efficiency of the detector Small backgrounds: SM: 2f, 2γ, 4f processes SUSY: like χ20χ1+ Use the “Endpoint” method Example II: Scalar Muons Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Example II: Scalar Muons • smuons decay isotropically: • decay spectrum is flat except for radiation effects: • Relate the two kinematic endpoints to the masses of smuon and neutralino • ΔM=200MeV E1 E2 Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Example III: Threshold Scans • Good choice if mass range already known (e. g. top, or something found at LHC) • Precision: • Limited by the beam spread (1%) • Statistics • Remember “beamstrahlung”, ISR and FSR • Gives also info about the nature of a sparticle: • σ ~ β3 (Boson) • σ ~ β (Fermion) Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Threshold Scan: top • is the classic • is very clean • Fit mt from the excitation curve • 10 fb-1/point • δ(mt) ~ 100 MeV αS mt Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Σ(lumi)=100 fb-1 10 fb-1/point a few months of running δ(mμ) < 100 MeV Threshold Scan: smuon ~ Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Threshold Scan: neutralino • Same procedure • δ(mμ) ~ 50MeV • possibly also squarks if light enough! ~ Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Mass Accuracy Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
From the physical observables Reconstruct the mass parameters at the EW scale according to Evolve the parameters to high scale through the RGE’s e. g. mSUGRA gives a very different pattern than GMSB What is the Mechanism of SUSY Breaking?Extrapolate to High Energies! mSUGRA GMSB Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider
Summary and Conclusions • An e+e- collider with 500 … 1000 GeV has a very rich program or new physics • It is an essential complement to the LHC • Precise exploration of Higgs boson properties • Establish essential elements of the Higgs mechanism • Very precise measurement of SUSY parameters • Extrapolate to the GUT scale • Studies are being performed at a very detailed level all around the world • The next ECFA LC workshop is next week in Paris • I hope we will manage to start building it within the foreseeable future. Tobias Haas: Physics at a Future Linear Collider