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Preparing For Your Interview

Preparing For Your Interview. Presentation Outline Types of Interviews Typical Interview Format 5 P’s of Interviewing P reparation P ractice P ertinent Questions P ost-Interview P ersonal Presentation Review of Perfect Interview Live Mock Interview. Types of Interviews.

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Preparing For Your Interview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Preparing For Your Interview

  2. Presentation Outline • Types of Interviews • Typical Interview Format • 5 P’s of Interviewing • Preparation • Practice • Pertinent Questions • Post-Interview • Personal Presentation • Review of Perfect Interview • Live Mock Interview

  3. Types of Interviews • Traditional • One-on-one session where interviewer asks you questions • Group • 2 Formats: • You are interviewed by a group of people • You and others are interviewed collectively • Telephone • Most commonly used as a screening device. If you are caught off guard, ask to call back after you have prepared • Work Simulation • Allows you to demonstrate your skills

  4. Typical Interview Format • Introduction & Report Building • General conversation or small talk • Question & Answer • Questions to review your background and interests • Questions to match your skills with the skills necessary for the job • Closing • Time for you to ask questions of the interviewer • Review of steps within hiring process

  5. The 5 P’s of Interviewing • Preparation • Practice • Pertinent Questions • Post-Interview • Personal Representation P

  6. Preparation • Research the organization • You should know these things about the organization: • Type of organization • Goals and mission • Products or services offered • Current projects/research • Sales and earnings • New trends in the field • You can get this information from these sources: • Employers’ web sites & Company literature • Trade Journals • Occupational Outlook Handbook • Dunn & Bradstreet, Standard and Poor's Register

  7. Preparation • Research questions you could be asked • Use the job posting to help you identify questions the interviewer can ask as well as qualities they are looking for in a candidate • Organize a collection of your experiences that demonstrate your transferable skills and abilities • Review your resume, it may provide potential questions

  8. Preparation • Behavior Based Questions • Questions designed to see how you acted in past situations in order to predict how you will act in similar situations in the future • Open-ended questions often beginning with, “Tell me a time when…” • Tips for Behavior Based Questions • Listen carefully to the question • Ask for clarification if necessary • Always answer the question completely • Use examples from past internship, work experience, activities, and class projects

  9. Preparation The STARMethod S=Situation (define it) T=Task (what was expected of you) A=Action (state what you did) R=Result (what you accomplished) Spend most of your response on the RESULT!

  10. Practice • Mock interview – UI Employment Expo • Record a practice interview – Perfect Interview • Rehearse with a friend – Ask for feedback

  11. Pertinent Questions • Ask questions of your interviewers • Shows preparation and initiative • Reiterates your interest in the position • Ask each interviewer a question • Prepare at least 10 questions about: • The position • The company • The industry

  12. Post-Interview • Jot down key questions for future reference • Keep any relevant information from the interview • Send thank you note within 24-48 hours

  13. Personal Representation • Maintain eye contact • Smile • Good posture • Firm handshake • Facial expressions • Nervous tendencies Non-verbal behavior What to Wear • Always dress conservative • Avoid flashy colors • Dress for the job you want not the job you have

  14. Personal Representation Interview Etiquette • Be 10-15 minutes early • Know the interviewer’s name and how to pronounce it • Don’t interrupt • Be honest, lies will come back to haunt you! • Emphasize what you can do for the organization • Provide a positive “spin” as often as possible • Correct yourself if you make an error • Avoid making disparaging remarks about former workplace or personnel • Wait for the interviewer to bring up salary and benefits

  15. Remember… Be Yourself and Good Luck!

  16. Thank You!! Allan Boettger Pomerantz Career Center C310 Pomerantz Center 335-1023 Allan-boettger@uiowa.edu Sara Burden Pomerantz Career Center C310 Pomerantz Center 335-1023 Sara-burden@uiowa.edu Special Guest: Preston Young Pomerantz Career Center C310 Pomerantz Center Special Guest: Alicia Russell Pomerantz Career Center C310 Pomerantz Center

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