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BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. SOUR CHERRY JUICE “A HEALTHY DRINK”. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. One of Türkiye’s Best Known and Trusted Brand Name in Fruit Juice Sector for Fourty Years . BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC.

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  2. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. One of Türkiye’s Best Knownand Trusted Brand Name in Fruit Juice Sector for Fourty Years

  3. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. At a glance:Aroma Bursa Fruit Juices and Food Inc. has been first established in 1968 in Bursa, Türkiye by several partners, however major shares and management has been taken by Duruk Family in 1991. The fruit processing capacity is 200 000 tonnes/year for the time being together with Karaman plant. 20% of the production is exported while the major volume of the export is apple juice concentrate. Aroma has started to produce and export natural spring water in March 2004.Human Resources:Manager: 35/ White collar: 55/ Blue collar: 400-800(high season) Total: 490-890 Machinery & equipment: 2*TBA/8 1000 CC/6* TBA/9 200 CC BASE, 1*TBA/9 200 CC SLIM/2*TBA/19 200 CC SLIM1*A3 PRISM 200-250 CC/1*A3 PRISM 750-1000 CCGlass bottle filling lines 150 000 000 liter/yearAroma has always maintained its reliability to the growers as well as to its customers by premium quality products.

  4. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. Investments:Karaman Plant:Apple processing capacity from 900 to 1 300 t/day,(going to be extended next year to 1 700 t/day-24 hours)3 250 tonnes of tank storage capacity for concentrates,Synchronous processing possibility for three different raw materials,Newest machinery and equipment to improve quality and to increase capacity.Bursa Plant:Aseptic tank storage capacity up to 3 000 tonnes for pulpsTank storage capacity up to 4 300 tonnes for concentrates.Apple processing capacity 750 t/day Newest machinery and equipment to improve quality and to increase capacity.

  5. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. Introduction;Sour cherries, which are sometimes called tart cherries, red cherries or pie cherries are harvested in July and considered as one of the major raw materials in fruit juice industry. Due to their excellent capacity for adaptation, sour cherries can be grown under a wide range of climate conditions. It can be produced everywhere as a native species.

  6. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. The myth so far;The sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) has been associated with virginity from ancient times to modern, which probably arose from the red coloured fruit with enclosed seed smybolising the uterus. Maya, the virgin mother of Buddha was offered fruit and general support by a holy cherry tree while she was pregnant.

  7. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. Sour cherry; It’s an unbelievably universal and delightful fruit. Thanks to Anthon Chechov, one of the greatest novel writers! “Vişniyovıy Sad” written by him in 1903 “Cherry Orchard” The play tells of a woman, Lyubov Ranevskaya, who returns to her Russian country house, only to be forced to auction off its beloved cherry orchard to pay off debts. Eventually, the orchard will be cut down and the land used to build summer homes for the new Russian middle class. The story is widely seen as charting the changes in Russian society that came with the end of serfdom and the aristocracy's loss of power.

  8. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. Time it was and what a time it was it was, A time of innocence, a time of confidences. Long ago it must be, I have a photograph, Preserve your memories, they’re all that’s left you Sour cherry syrup;Original name comes from Persian. “Vişnab” a compound word synthesized from “vişne(sour cherry) and “ab(juice)”. The Ottomans used to name the syrup as “vişnab”. Ingredients:500 g. sour cherry, 1000 g. Sugar, 2 lemon Preparation:Put the sugar in a bowl and add water until it covers the surface. Stir to dissolve sugar and bring to a boil. Check viscosity by pouring a drop of syrup into the cold water. If the syrup becomes sticky, it means it reached the desired consistency. Destalk sour cherries, wash thoroughly. Add sour cherries and lemon juice into the syrup bring to a boil. Repeat the boiling several times. Cool at room temperature. Pour syrup through a fine sieve, fill into the bottles. Keep in a dark and cool place. Important: Do not squeeze sour cherries directly into the syrup as it becomes cloudy. Use them in making marmelade.

  9. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. Figures; *In sour cherry-apple fruit juice

  10. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. Bursa factory Amasya Bilecik Tokat Sour cherry main production areas Kütahya Afyon Isparta Karaman factory Konya Ereğli Karaman


  12. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. The benefits of the fruit juice;It can be quite clearly demonstrated, both historically and currently, that sour cherry juice, within a balanced diet, offer both health and disease risk reduction properties. It is, therefore true to say that sour cherry juice has a long and distinguished pedigree for being regarded as an essential part of a healthy diet.

  13. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. The benefits of the fruit juice;While we in no way claim that sour cherries will cure or treat any illness, we will try to emphasize the benefits of sour cherry juice as a functional food. One of the most important point, worth mentioning is that sour cherry juice can be considered as a “functional food”, because of its high content of antioxidant compounds. Sour cherry juice is rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols, antocyanin, bioflavanoid, kaempferol and quercetin.


  15. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. The benefits of the sour cherry;Many research studies indicate that the antocyanin in sour cherries may help reduce the effects of arthritis, may reduce risk factors for colon cancer, may act as anti-inflammatory and may aid in the prevention of vascular diseases and possibly help to inhibit some human tumor cells. Sour cherries contain a significant amount of melatonin, which is produced in the brain. Melatonin functions in the body in two important ways; It is a powerful antioxidant and it induces and sustains sleep. Deep sleep is essential for the growth and repair of body tissues, especially the immune system.

  16. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. The benefits of the fruit juice;According to the Cherry Marketing Institute, “some patients with fibromyalgia have expressed that the consumption of sour cherry juice has helped alleviate some symptoms when combined with a prescribed health regimen” Sour cherry juice may also support lower blood uric acid, therefore may heal gout which is a painful condition of some joints.On the other side, the stalk of the fruit is used in cosmetics.

  17. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. The benefits of the fruit juice;(Glycemic Index) :Describes the type of carbohydrates in foods and its potential to raise blood glucose levels. This index measures how much your blood glucose increases in the two-three hours after eating.(GI) values of various fruits:Sourcherry: 22Grapefruit: 25Peach: 28Apple: 36Grape: 43Kiwi: 52Pomegranate : 67

  18. The benefits of the fruit juice; BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. • What are the benefits of the low (Glycemic Index)? • Low (GI)diets help people lose and control weight, • Low (GI) diets increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin, • Low (GI) carbs improve diabetes control, • Low (GI) carbs reduce the risk of heart disease, • Low (GI) carbs reduce blood cholesterol levels, • Low (GI) carbs reduce hunger, • Low (GI) carbs prolong physical endurance,

  19. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. An excellent combination! • We added value to sour cherry juice to make a healthy and fantastic blend with apple juice, Apple (GI36)/Sourcherry (GI22) • Low (GI30) • Trustworthy and confident drink as there is no sugar added, • Citric acid-free, • Additional benefits from apple juice, • “Natural disinfectant” for the body with high content of fruit acids,

  20. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. Sour cherry and the Turks From an inscription; “…A courteous nod to sour cherry! It appears on the counter for a very short time. Only between the beginning of July and the mid of August. How nice once you catch it fresh! Otherwise when it starts shrivelling, you’d better make a compote or you dry them all! None of these attempts are in vain. ‘Cos sour cherry is a precious and extraordinary blessing in the eyes’ of the ones who loves sweet taste...”

  21. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. Sour cherry and the Turks • Sourcherry syrup has been a very distinguished food since Ottomans. • Sour cherry jam is still the most popular preserve in Turkish cousine and millions of housewives are still doing their own jam and syrup in jars. • The seeds are widely and traditionally used as solid fuel by the housewives in villages.

  22. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. is one of the world’s leading supplier of sour cherry juice concentrate and juice with highest quality standards.

  23. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. CHALLENGES FOR TOMORROW; • Inexperienced, • A daily glass of sour cherry juice or a perfect blend makes difference, • Good choice for a nutritious start-up for the day, • Real insight for consumers who have no time for breakfast during the week, • New opportunity for mobile consumers’ “on-the-go” trend, • Fits best with alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails,

  24. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. • References: • Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston and Brunswick Laboratory in Wareham,Massachusetts. • Medicinal Food News, Vol.04, Issue 6 • The Nutrition Superbook,The Antioxidants,1995 • The Cherry Marketing Instıtute,Lansing • www.mi-cherries.com • MEYED(Turkish Fruit Juice Association)Reports/Fruit Juice Production and Consumption in Türkiye 2005

  25. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. • References : • Melatonin: Separating the hype from the hormone. Mayo Clinic Health Letter, August 1997. • Reiter, Russel. Telephone interview. October 16, 2000. • Wang, H. et al. 1999. Antioxidant and Antiinflammatory Activities of Anthycyanins and their Aglycon, Cyanidin, from Tart Cherries. Journal of Natural Products 62(2): 294-296. • Endorex Corp. 1998. Endorex Starts Multiple Phase II Trials Sponsored by National Cancer Institute. March 3. • Single-Dose Phase I and Pharmacokinetic Trial of Perillyl Alcohol (POH) as a Chemopreventive for Breast Cancer. G.T. Budd, P.J. Elson, K.K. Chan, J.M. Snyder, M.J. Ellis, S. Banerjee, D. McLain, E. Hawk, R. Ganapathi. Taussig Cancer Center, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Georgetown University, Washington, DC; National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD.

  26. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. • References : • Jill D. Haag, Michael N. Gould. 1994. Mammary carcinoma regression induced by perillyl alcohol, a hydroxylated analog of limonene. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology Volume 34 Issue 6 (1994) pp 477-483. • 1993. Mayo Clinic Health Letter, August. viii 1996. Antioxidants and Your Health. American Dietetic Association. • Medicinal Food News, Volume 04, Issue 6. • All About Antioxidants,- David Felten, MD, PhD. • The Nutrition Superbook, The Antioxidants, 1995. • Excerpts from the speeches and writings of Dr. Russel Reiter, University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, 2002-2004.

  27. BURSA FRUIT JUICES and FOOD IND. INC. • References: • Antioxidant and Antiinflammatory Activities of Anthocyanins and Their Aglycon, Cyanidin, from Tart Cherries • Haibo Wang, Muraleedharan G. Nair,* Gale M. Strasburg, Yu-Chen Chang, Alden M. Booren, J. Ian Gray, and David L. DeWitt • Bioactive Natural Products Laboratory, Department of Horticulture and National Food Safety and Toxicology Center, Food Science and Human Nutrition, and Department of Biochemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824 • Received November 6, 1998 • Haibo Wang, Muraleedharan G. Nair, Gale M. Strasburg, Yu-Chen Chang, Alden M. Booren, J. Ian Gray, and David L. DeWittJ. Nat. Prod.; 1999; 62(2) pp 294 - 296; (Article) DOI: 10.1021/np980501m


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