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La Guerra Civil de España parte II

La Guerra Civil de España parte II. Violence means…for the greater good?. It is estimated that BOTH sides EACH murdered, assassinated or executed AT LEAST… 50,000 people. (this doesn’t include casualties of fighting/warfare). Violence means…for the greater good?.

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La Guerra Civil de España parte II

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  1. La Guerra Civil de Españaparte II

  2. Violence means…for the greater good? • It is estimated that BOTH sides EACH murdered, assassinated or executed AT LEAST… • 50,000 people. • (this doesn’t include casualties of fighting/warfare)

  3. Violence means…for the greater good? • All told, the number of persons killed is reported to be between 500,000 and 1 million people. • This does not include all those who died from malnutrition, starvation, or war-engendered disease.

  4. In the end of the war, Spain was hurting. • They couldn’t even “return the favors” and support Hitler and Mussolini in the immediate WWII that broke out. • Although Franco caused so much devastation… • He is remembered by many Spaniards and historians alike as…

  5. A hero.

  6. He is revered as a hero because he kept Spain out of WWII. • He rebuilt the country • He stabilized and restored Spain • He chose a great successor (Juan Carlos) who led the country to democracy

  7. William F Buckley of the National Review wrote, • “General Franco is an authentic national hero... [with the] talents, the perseverance, and the sense of the righteousness of his cause, that were required to wrest Spain from the hands of the visionaries, ideologues, Marxists, and nihilists that were imposing... a regime so grotesque as to do violence to the Spanish soul, to deny, even, Spain's historical destiny. He saved the day.... The need was imperative... for a national policy [to]... make this concession to Churchill this morning, that one to Hitler this afternoon.... Franco reigns... supreme. He is not an oppressive dictator.... only as oppressive as is necessary to maintain total power... • Franco is a part, and an integral part, of Western civilization... [the] convergence of the multifarious political philosophical, religious, and cultural tendencies that have shaped Spanish history... the man to whom the Spanish people look…for leadership.” • http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2005/12/francisco_franc.html

  8. The Spanish Civil War ended on April 1, 1939 • (…Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939…)

  9. What was the advantage of Franco “befriending” Hitler and Mussolini?

  10. How did the Spanish Civil War benefit Hitler? How is that important today?

  11. How would you describe them according to this picture?

  12. The war lent itself to many new ways for artists to express themselves… • From paintings to propaganda to literature, the topic of war, heartache, devastation, and domination led people like Picasso,Dali, and Lorca to express themselves and spread messages like never before

  13. Propaganda was sometimes hidden, but always artistic and with a clear message:

  14. This one, (who was anti-Franco/anti-Fascist) was by Picasso

  15. Lorca was an incredible poet, with a strong and passionate influence

  16. Cubism • In the early 1900s, some artists became interested in African and Native American art. The styles of those cultures inspired cubism.Cubism began in France in 1907. Pablo Picasso and George Braque began painting figures that were made up of cubes, spheres, cylinders, cones, and other geometric shapes. The paintings looked like someone had cut them up and glued them back together, however is an extremely difficult style to master.

  17. Picasso Braque

  18. 1899-1900 Cubist period Picasso, self-portraits…notice the turn in artistic style and taste

  19. Another purpose of the second type of cubism that emerged is to show an object as seen from independent viewpoints, at one time. What viewpoints are shown in this? Juan Gris’s portrait of Picasso

  20. The goal of cubism is to show all sides of an object, even if you couldn’t normally see them. Sometimes, it was hard to tell what it was… Picasso, Man Playing Guitar

  21. What are the viewpoints?

  22. Now it’s your turn!

  23. Divide your paper into thirds, drawing 3 small (light) hashmarks to mark it • the top mark is the top of the nose • The middle mark is the bottom of the nose, • The bottom mark is the bottom of the face/chin • On one half, draw a SIDE perspective of a face, the nose and lips must cross over onto the other half of the paper • Connect the jaw so the face is one rounded line • Draw the other half from a FRONT perspective, connecting the lips • Draw ONE neck down, and color each half a different color

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