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Mindstorms Programming

Delve into the world of robotics with this comprehensive guide covering hardware, firmware, and programming languages such as Java and leJOS. Learn to create and control robots using the Hitachi 8-bit microcontroller RCX. Communicate with the environment, utilize various sensors and actuators, and explore threads, concurrency, and event handling. This resource-packed guide offers hands-on techniques for building and programming robots using cutting-edge technologies.

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Mindstorms Programming

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  1. Mindstorms Programming Java + leJOS, NQC, and others Building robots Spring 2003

  2. Hardware and firmware • The RCX is a Hitachi 8-bit microcontroller • 16 Mhz clock rate • 16Kb of ROM • 32 kB of RAM • Firmware includes basic executive • User program (what’s left over) • About 1/1000 of a bottom-line PC, but more computing power than the Lunar Lander. Building Robots Spring 2003

  3. Communicating with the environment • 3 input ports • Various sensors: touch, light, rotation, temperature • Read 10-bit values from environment • 3 output ports • Control actuators: motors, pneumatic valves, switches • Sound • Counters and interval timers • Infrared communication port • Download program, upload data to host Building Robots Spring 2003

  4. The Firmware • Built-in executive time-slices between activities (Threads, tasks) • Interrupt handler for asynchronous events detected by sensors • Sufficient to support synchronization primitives from high-level languages: Java, Ada95 • Graphics programming interface for iconic programming • NQC (not quite C) for C-like programming with threads Building Robots Spring 2003

  5. Java and LejOS • LejOS is a pared-down JVM that executes bytecodes on the RCX • Download from lejos.sourceforge.net • Round-Robin scheduling: 128 instructions / time slice • Event model: asynchronous event handling described by means of listeners • Exception handling for synchronous abnormal conditions • Single-precision floating-point arithmetic • No garbage collection: 12 kB for user programs Building Robots Spring 2003

  6. Instant Java • Imperative language, object-oriented, multithreaded • Class is basic unit of encapsulation: • Methods and data members • Private / public attributes to control visibility • New classes created by: • Composition: data members are instances of other classes • Inheritance: new class overrides and extends attributes of parent • Classes grouped into packages to define API’s • Package-class visibility described by import clauses Building Robots Spring 2003

  7. A simple class to control the RCX import josx.platform.rcx.*; // leJOS API classdumb { private static final int MAX = 1500; public static void main (String [] args) { // required form for main program Motor.A.forward ( ); Motor.C.forward ( ); // defined in josx.platform.rcx.Motor while (true) { move ( ); spin ( ); } Building Robots Spring 2003

  8. Methods for simple motion private static void move ( ) { // only callable from within the class // static method exists independently of any object int delay1 = (int)Math.random ( ) * MAX_DELAY); Try { Thread.sleep (delay1); // in miliseconds // the sleep method may throw an exception // therefore call must be written to handle it // (or at leaste acknowledge that it may happen } catch InterruptedException e) ( ); // all the while, motors keep running Building Robots Spring 2003

  9. Adding a random change of direction privatestatic void spin ( ) { // change direction by reversing one motor Int delay2 = (int) (Math.random ( ) * MAX_DELAY; Motor.C.reversedirection ( ); try { Thread.sleep (delay2); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } Motor.C.reversedirection ( ); // go forward again } ; // end of class dumb Building Robots Spring 2003

  10. Threads and concurrency • Instances of built-in class Thread execute concurrently (interleaved on uniprocessor) • Object with independent behavior extends Thread and overrides run method class Rover extends Thread { public void explore ( ) {.. }; public void find_base ( ) { .. }; public int SOS ( ) {..}; put void run ( ) {… whatever a Rover does }; } Rover MarsRover = new Rover ( ); MarsRover.start ( ); Building Robots Spring 2003

  11. Interfaces • An abstraction to describe functionality independentof implementation • An object can have different interfaces depending on context • An interface can have multiple implementations, depending on the object publicinterface MouseListener { void mouseClicked (MouseEvent event); void mouseEntered (MouseEvent event); void mouseExited (MouseEvent event); …. } Building Robots Spring 2003

  12. The event model • Events are triggered by the environment (touch sensor collides, camera detects motion, etc.) • The event source is an object that interacts with the environment (e.g. a button in an Applet) • Listener interfaces describe handlers for events • An instance of a class that implements the interface can be a concrete handler for the event import josx.platform.rcx.*; class Beep implements ButtonListener { public void buttonPressed (Button b ) { Sound.beepSequence ( ); } Building Robots Spring 2003

  13. Attaching a listener import josc.platform.rcx.* ; class ButtonTest { public static void main (String [ ] args) { Button.RUN.addButtonListener (new Beep ()); // Button.RUN is a predefined singleton // addButtonListener attaches a handler to an // event that may be triggered by the RUN button while (true ( )); // watch for RUN being pressed } Building Robots Spring 2003

  14. The leJOS API : Robotics primitives • josx : root package • Josx.platform.rcx • All static methods : cannot create additional objects for hardware (motors, sensors). • josx.platform.rcs.motor • Void forward ( ) • void backward ( ) • int getPower ( ) • void setPower • (int aPower • josx.platform.rcx.sensor • josx.platform.rcx.Sound • josx.util • Josx.robotics.Behavior Building Robots Spring 2003

  15. Programming Behaviors • Can describe each behavior as a thread, and describe activation, suspension, preemption, etc. • Complex and error-prone: synchronization primitive are low-level, interactions are difficult to program • Expensive in memory • Alternative: simple executive (Arbitrator) and active interface (Behavior) with simple coordination operations. • Each class that implements Behavior must provide: • takeControl, action, suppress • The constructor for an Abitrator takes an array of behaviors, position in array is priority Building Robots Spring 2003

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