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Hungary in Central Europe. Surroundings of Győr. 3 capitals in 120 km: Budapest, Wien and Bratislava (Pozsony). Brief history of Győr. ~ 300 Arrabona – Roman military camp and city ~ 700 Hungarians arrive to Győr 1000- County and bishop’s seat 1300- Commerce and handwork industry
Surroundings of Győr 3 capitals in 120 km: Budapest, Wien and Bratislava (Pozsony)
Brief history of Győr ~ 300 Arrabona – Roman military camp and city ~ 700 Hungarians arrive to Győr 1000- County and bishop’s seat 1300- Commerce and handwork industry 1700- Baroque age, rich merchants and craftsmen 1870- Rapid industrial development (food, textile) 1950- Extensive industrial development (cars, buses, ..) Jedlik Ányos (1800-1895): OSB monk and priest physicist, inventor, teacher, ... unsung father of electric motor and dynamo
Brief history of the university Historical predecessors: 18th century: Loyolite Academy 18-19th century: Royal Academy Direct predecessor: Engineering College (Fachhochschule) 1968 Foundation of the College of Transport and Telecommunication Engineering 1980- Extending the engineering profile 1993 Declaration of the „University Project” 1994- New profiles: economics, health and social care, music, law Széchenyi István University: 2002 Foundation of Széchenyi István University 2005- Changing education system to BSc-MSc-PhD according to unified EU „Bologna- process”
Overview of the university Faculties and institutes:Faculty of Engineering SciencesFaculty of Law and Political SciencesFaculty of EconomicsInstitute of Health and Social SciencesInstitute of Music Art Total number of students: 7000-8000 in full time courses 3000-5000 in correspodence and distant learning ~ 2000 new students per year ~ 60% of students belong to Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Courses in 2009 BSc Courses MSc Courses Information Technology (2004) Civil Engineering (2005) Mechanical Engineering (2005) Transportation Engineering (2005) Mechatronics Engineering (2005) Electrical Engineering (2005) Architectural Engineering (2006) Information Techn. in Economics (2006) Environmental Engineering (2006) Engineering Manager (2006) Vocational Technical Instructor (2006) Architecture (2002/05) Mechatronics Engineering (2007) Engineering Teacher (2007) Information Technology (2008) Vehicle Engineering (2009) Transportation Engineering (2009) Logistics Engineering (2009) Electrical Engineering (2009) Civil Engineering (2009) In preparation: Information Techn. in Economics Civil Engineering (in English) Post-Secondary Courses: Mechanical Engineering Assistant Mechatronical Engineering Assistant Electrical Engineering Assistant Postgradual Courses: (M.Phil.) Manager for Logistics ang Transportation Transportation Engineering Expert
Research activity / publications • Publication database: • Works from Jun of 2007. • ~ 9000 publications and technical reports • Searching, sorting • Authentication in progress • Supporting publication activity: • Annual University Award for Outstanding • Publication • Travel and conference grants: • Scientific Council of the University (~100 / year) • Faculty and Institute (~15 / year) • Doctoral School (~20 / year)
Publications: connection between authors and departments Nodes: authors; Colors: category of departent; Connection: joint works IT, electrical engineering, mathematics and physics, logistics and transport, mechanical engineering,civil engineering, Faculty of Economics, not in SIU Strong interdisciplinary character can be observed.
Scientific activities / journals and brochures Acta Technica Jaurinensis: http://journal.sze.hu Vol 1. No 1: January 2008. (general series) Vol 1. No 2: December 2008: Series Logistica (thematic subseries) Vol 1. No 3: December 2008: Series Intelligentia Computatorica (thematic subseries) Hungarian Electronic Journal of Sciences: http://heja.sze.hu Starting in 1998-ban. Active sections: Applied mathematics Architecture Mechanical engineering Information- and communication technology Environmental engineering Systems and Models in Engineering and IT First publication-like works of PhD-students. Printed: 2007, 2008; in preparation: 2009. Proceeding of conferences at the Széchenyi István University
Scientific programs Periodic events: Academic Day: every September, invited talks of distinguished guest professors Week of the Hungarian Science: every November, 5-8 thematic symposia Researcher's Night: since 2006, every September Széchenyi Race (The Race of Alternative Driven Vehicles): since 2006. Faculty Public Lectures: since 2005 (15 presenters from Hungary, 10 from abroad) Faculty Seminar Talk Series: since 2009 (talks from our young researchers) Conferences, workshops: (some examples) First Győr Symposium on Computational Intelligence (2008; next: 2009) „Switching to Digital TV Broadcasting” conference (2007) „LBS und RFID – Lösungsansatze in Logistik und Verkehr” workshop (2006) Tech4Auto: Regional R&D Conference and Exhibition (2007, 2008; next: 2009) Hungarian Plasma Physics and Fusion Technology Workshop (2008) Course on Global Optimization (2007) ISBIS International Symposium on Business Information Systems (2005, 2007; next:2009)
Multidisciplinary engineering doctoral school Start: September 2005 Statistical data: (May 2009) total number of admitted students: 71 14 absolutories (180 credit units) 5 PhD dissertations to be expected until the end of 2009 Head of Doctoral School: László Keviczky, professor, member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Main disciplines: Civil Engineering; head: László Gáspár, DSc. Information TechnologyLászló T. Kóczy, DSc. Transportation:András Bakó, DSc. (DSc = high post-doctoral degree, based on publications, citations, international scientific bodies)
Multidisciplinary nature of the Doctoral School Multidisciplinary nature: Fits to the past of the Faculty: different diciplines always worked together. Most of the research topics belong to two or more main disciplines. Common basic subjects. Optional subjects from other disciplines: ~ 30% of optional subjects. Main disciplines of research topics Statistics of credits
Doctoral School: the instructional program Distribution of credit points according to semester and type • Three group of subjects („academic work”): • methodological and general base subjects (20 credits, 1st semester) • base subjects of profession (16 credits, 2nd semester) • specialized subjects (24 credits, 3-4th semester)
Doctoral School: publication points • Requirements for publications: at least ... • 14 points according to the table below • 2 foreign language publications • 1 foreign language publication published not in Hungary • 1 reviewed article • Requirements for publications: at least ... • 14 points according to the table below • 2 foreign language publications • 1 foreign language publication published not in Hungary • 1 reviewed article +2 points for impact factor +1 point for independent, foreign references Points are divided with the number of authors (not counting the supervisor)
Main research topics Actual main topics: László T. Kóczy Computational intelligence systems Miklós Kuczmann Application of finite element methods in electrical engineering József Sziray Functional verification and validation of safety-critical computer systems Miklós Bulla Design of sustainable utilization of environmental resources György Fátrai Maintenance of buildings: methodology and development Ferenc Giczi Research on applied nuclear physics and chemistry János Égert Simulation of internal combustion engines with finite element method Péter Földesi Innovation of transport-logistics systems and networks Ernő Halbritter Identification of processes in mechanical and vehicle engineering Ferenc Horvát Sustainable development of infrastructures Balázs Horváth Flexible transportation systems Zoltán Horváth Research on applied mathematics These research topics are supported by the University Scientific Council.
Application of finite element methods in electrical engineering • Measurement methods and computer simulations for • nonlinear behaviour of magnetic materials. • Hysteresis characteristics, nonlinear stacionary and eddy current fields. • Magnetic bearings, magnetic material investigation, coils, etc. Research topic of young researchers (6-8 persons) 21 articles and one book in English in 2 years.
Research on Applied Mathematics • One of the most traditional main research topics. • Main subjects: • modelling systems with partial differential equations (fluid dynamics, acoustics, ...) • optimization (shape optimization of flow domains) • biomathematics-biostatistics • mesh-free methods • image processing Industrial applications and new subjects in BSc/MSc training. • Approximately 10 active researchers • 70 refereed publication in English in 10 years • organisation of workshops • work in industrial research projects in SIU
Research on applied nuclear physics and chemistry • Main topics: • Investigation of radionuclide uptake and accumulation of plant samples by radioindicators (85Sr, 60Co, 65Zn, 109Cd) using autoradiography and gamma spectrometry. • Comprehensive investigation of the radioactive contamination-decontamination and corrosion phenomena in nuclear power plants. • Fusion plasma experimental investigations,signal analysis (with Hungarian Fusion Association, TOKAMAK devices in Prague and Lausanne) • Patient dose minimising in X-ray diagnostics • 4 researchers • ~ 30 refereed publications in English in 5 years • Joint works with Hungarian and European institutes from 5 countries.
Identification of processes in mechanical and vehicle engineering • Modelling and experimental verification of • fabrication processes: • Experimental validation of simulation algorithms • Optimisation of wrought components • Integrated system for plastic fashioning developement Research of surface technologies • Coating: qualification and verification. • Optimization of surface technologies. 6-8 researchers Industrial applications
Static and dynamic FEM modeling of internal combustion engines • FEM modeling of components and complex parts of engines • Determination of strains and stresses in engine components • Vibration analysis of engine parts • Determination of natural frequencies and natural modes • Designing the optimum shape of the machine parts Approximately 6-7 active researcher • 20 refered papers per year • Organisation of workshops • Industrial trainings (AUDI Hungaria)
Maintenance of buildings: methodology and development • Goals: • determine the various visible or instrumentally observable alterations • qualify the constructions from the suitability and personal safety (accidence) points of view. Our diagnostic system is primarily based on a visual examination on the spot, its method is suitable for the examination of almost all important structures and structure changes of the buildings. A “morphological box” has been created: • contains the hierarchic system of constructions • connection with the construction components’ thesaurus appointed by the correct structure codes.
Laboratories • 43 laboratories (most of them connected to the main building) • engineering student laboratories • computer rooms • special laboratories for R&D Support for laboratory development granted: Non-destructive material testing Plastic technology Engine testing Manufacturing processes, -organisation, and logistics Industrial mathematics, simulations Radio frequency laboratory Robottechincs Transportation systems Supercomputing center for simulations
Radio Frequency Test Laboratory • Prepared for conformity tests of radio equipment, like • Analogue radio equipment, • Short Range Devices • WLAN, Bluetooth devices, etc. • Accredited for 10 harmonized European standards • Test site: large Fully Anechoic Chamber • Frequency band of tests : from 30 MHz up to 40 GHz • Laboratory activity: • Conformity tests for CE mark • Development support • Research support • Training for students
Audio and video laboratory • Research areas: • human spatial hearing and localization • virtual reality applications and headphone playback techniques • acoustic measurements, dummy-head technique: transmission of acoustic information • GUIB: Development of user interface for blind persons • sound studio technologies
Research on Intelligent Robots • One of the latest and most progressive research topic. • Main subjects: • Intelligent control of autonomous mobile robots • Robot cooperation by fuzzy communication • Intelligent sensor fusion and knowledge share • Innovative industrial robot techniques New Intelligent Robots Lab from 2009. • 3 active researchers • 11 refereed publication in English from 2008 • Joint works with Hungarian and European institutes • Collaboration in industrial research projects
Laboratory of intelligent control systems • Research fields: • Improve of autonome and DCS systems • Application of field buses (Profibus, Interbus, Can-bus, Profinet, etc.) • Safety and reliability of PLC control systems • Visualisation and SCADA systems • Artificial intelligence in PLC systems (Fuzzy control) Special research works for the automotive industry: • Embedded PLC Control System in Automotive Seat Production Line 2. PLC Controlled Hydraulic Module Tester