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In The Money. Vocabulary Workshop 5. Cal-cu-late (Verb) – an action word Meaning – To calculate is to work out something using math. Examples One thing that I have to calculate is how much money I spend per week. I calculated how much money I needed to save up to buy my Ipod.
In The Money Vocabulary Workshop 5
Cal-cu-late • (Verb) – an action word • Meaning – To calculate is to work out something using math. • Examples • One thing that I have to calculate is how much money I spend per week. • I calculated how much money I needed to save up to buy my Ipod. • According to my calculations, I will have to study for one hour a day to get an A in this class. 1. Calculate
How would you calculate how long it would take for you to save up to buy an Ipod? • Why is it important for people to calculate their car payments before buying a new car?
Com-pen-sate • (Verb) – an action word • Meaning – To compensate is to pay with money or something of value. • Examples • I think kids should be compensated for doing chores. • I will be compensated for working overtime with extra pay. • Companies often compensate hard workers. • If somebody owes you money, you should seek compensation. 2. Compensate
How much should you be compensated for babysitting? • In my opinion, I should be compensated ______________ for babysitting. • How would you compensate a friend who offers to do you a favor? • I would compensate my friend by… • Do you think kids should be compensated for doing chores? Why or why not? • In my opinion, kids (should/should not) be compensated for doing chores because…
Mod-er-ate • (Adjective) – a describing word • Meaning – Moderate means not extreme • Examples • A moderate amount to spend on a CD is fourteen dollars. • I try to eat moderately to watch my weight. • It is good to save a moderate amount of money every week. • Drinking red wine is good for you, but only in moderation. 3. Moderate
What do you think is a moderate price to pay to watch a movie? • In my opinion, a moderate price to pay to watch a movie would be… • What do you think is a moderate amount of studying every day? • Why do you think that it is important to moderate the amount of your spending?
Pri-or-i-ty • (noun) – A person, place, or thing • Meaning – A priority is the most important thing. • Examples • A priority of mine is to have Sunday dinner with my family. • My friends are always my first priority. • Getting good grades is one of my priorities in life. • If I want to learn how to manage my time, I have to learn how to prioritize. 4. Priority
As a teenager, what do you think should be one of your top priorities? Why? • A top priority for teenagers should be ________ because… • Why is it important to learn how to prioritize your time? • In my opinion, it is important to learn how to prioritize time so that… • What do you think is a priority for your parents?
Strat-e-gy • (Noun) – a person, place or thing • Meaning – A strategy is a plan. • Examples • I have a new strategy for saving money; no more shopping! • One good test taking strategy is to review right before the test. • Military leaders strategize on how to win battles. • My friend looked very upset, so I had to be very strategic in how I talked to him. 5. Strategy
What are some strategies that you use on a test? • What is a good strategy for saving money?
Man-age-ment • (noun) – a thing • Meaning – the act of organizing something. • Examples • Businesses with good management make a lot of money. • Time management is important for students who have a lot to do. 6. Management
Why is it important to have good money management? • What does good health management involve? • Good health management involves _________, ____________, and ____________________.
Debt • (noun) – a thing • Meaning – money owed • Examples • If you do not pay your bills you will fall in to debt. • Using a credit card carelessly can lead a person into debt. 7. Debt
What should somebody do to stay out of debt? • Why do you think being in debt can often be stressful for people? • In my opinion, being in debt is can be stressful because…
Cred-i-ble • (Adjective) – a describing word • Meaning - believable • Examples • If you lie to somebody, you will lose credibility with them. • When reading information from a website, it is important to make sure that the site is credible. 8. Credible
How might a teenager lose credibility with his parents? • In my opinion, a teenager would likely lose credibility with his parents if… • What might be a credible excuse for being late for school?
Ad-dic-tion • (noun) – A thing • Meaning – A dangerous habit • Examples • Cigarette addiction is associated with many health problems. • Drug and alcohol addiction has the potential to destroy a person’s life. 9. Addiction
Why might drug addiction be dangerous? • What advice would you give to somebody trying to escape alcohol addiction? • I would advise somebody trying to escape alcohol addiction to…
Com-pul-sive • (adjective) – a describing word • Meaning – unable to stop or control • Examples • Gambling can become a compulsive habit. • If somebody is drinking compulsively, they may be an alcoholic. 10. Compulsive
Why might compulsive gambling be dangerous? • What are some compulsive habits that people might find annoying?
A-no-ny-mous • (adjective) – a describing word • Meaning – unnamed • Examples • The police received an anonymous tip. • According to one employee, who wishes to remain anonymous, the company engaged in illegal activities. 11. Anonymous
Why would somebody tipping off the police want to remain anonymous? • Why might an author want to remain anonymous?
Im-pulse • (noun) – a thing • Meaning – a sudden urge • Examples • I had a sudden impulse to eat something sweet. • I had a sudden impulse to laugh. • Sometimes impulsive people make bad decisions. 12. Impulse
When is it bad to be impulsive? Why? • People should not be impulsive when ____________ because… • Why is having a habit of buying things on impulse harmful?
Wage • (noun) – a thing • Meaning –the amount of money earned • Examples • Some people feel that the minimum wage is too low. • He earns a good wage. 13. Wage
What might be a good wage for a teenager’s first job? • What is something you might do if you want to increase your wages? • Individuals seeking to increase their wagesshould…
Ig-no-rance • (noun) – A person, place, or thing • Meaning – lack of knowledge • Examples • Though I am an expert at basketball, I am ignorant about hockey. • Excuse my ignorance, but how does it actually work? 14. Ignorance
How can people avoid ignorance about current events? • How might ignorance about money lead to financial problems?