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Prepare for Independent Living. Unit #1. Essential Question Journal Entry #U-1. Self-Development: Write a journal entry about one of the topics below: Identify the various organizations and activities with which you have been involved over the past few years.
Prepare for Independent Living Unit #1
Essential Question Journal Entry #U-1 • Self-Development: Write a journal entry about one of the topics below: • Identify the various organizations and activities with which you have been involved over the past few years. • Describe a skill you learned from a class or activity and explain how you might apply is in the future. • Cite one of your life goals and the specific skills you think will be needed to achieve it.
Learning Targets • Name the four main categories of personality characteristics. • Describe how a healthy self-concept can improve your confidence. • Demonstrate the connection between personal growth and potential. • Explain why the ability to adapt to change is an essential life skill. • Summarize the personal qualities that can help you face life’s challenges. • Explain why character is vital to personal growth and to society. • Outline the ways in which values are acquired. • Describe how personal standards can help you take control of like experiences. • Define ethical behavior. • Describe how a person can demonstrate responsible citizenship. • Identify two qualities necessary to be responsible. • Summarize the benefits of practicing leadership. • Explain how members of an organization achieve more than individuals acting alone. • Name four things a volunteer uses to make a difference. • List nine responsibilities of all citizens.
Personal Growth Concept #1
Essential Question Journal Entry #C-1 • Who Am I? Suppose that you had to complete this sentence: “I am…” What would you say? What personal characteristics come to mind first?
Be Your Best Topic #1.1
Learning Targets • Name the four main categories of personality characteristics. • Describe how a healthy self-concept can improve your confidence. • Demonstrate the connection between personal growth and potential.
Your Personality • Personality: • The combination of characteristics that makes you different from everyone else. • Your unique personality includes your strengths and weaknesses, needs, and ways of expressing yourself. • Introspective: • Looking closely at your own feelings, thoughts, and motives.
Categories of Personality • Emotional: • Every person feels the same basic emotions, yet responds to them individually. • Social: • In society, people meet, interact, and relate to one another in different ways. • Intellectual: • Using your mind rather than your emotions to make decisions is a sign of intellectual maturity. • Moral: • Morality: • A sense of right and wring that guides decisions and actions. • Value: • An accepted principle or standard held by a person or a group.
Self-Concept and Self-Esteem • Self-Concept: • The way you see yourself and the way you believe others see you. • Self-Esteem: • The value or importance you place on yourself.
Realize Your Potential • Potential: • The capacity to develop, succeed, or become something more than you are right now. • How to Maximize Your Potential: • Set Priorities • Consider Interests and Activities • Develop Supportive Friendships • Avoid Procrastination: • Procrastination: • The tendency to put off doing something until later. • Be Health-Smart • Practice Abstinence: • Abstinence: • The deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors.
Personal Growth and Maturity • Personal Growth: • Learning and practicing new skills as you progress toward reaching your full potential.
Changes and Challenges Topic #1.2
Learning Targets • Explain why the ability to adapt is an essential life skill. • Summarize the personal qualities that can help you face life’s challenges.
Developing Competence • Competence: • Having the qualities and skills needed to perform a task or participate fully in an activity.
Gaining Confidence • Common characteristics you often observe in confident people: • Self-Assurance • Self-Control • Willingness to Take Reasonable Risks • Positive Self-Concept and High Self-Esteem
A Positive Attitude • Resiliency: • The ability to recover from or adjust to change or misfortune. • Perseverance: • Sticking to an action or belief, even when it is difficult.
Character Building Concept #2
Essential Question Journal Entry #C-2 • Whom do you admire?
Character and Values Topic #2.1
Learning Targets • Explain why character is vital to personal growth and to society. • Outline the ways in which values are acquired.
What is Character? • Character: • The development and application of commonly held principles which promote personal growth, establish good citizenship, and support society.
Character and Well-Being • Consequence: • Something that follows as a result of an action or choice. • Mentor: • A person who acts as a teacher and a guide.
Live by Your Values • Guidelines that can help you act according to your values: • Consider the consequences. • Listen to your conscience. • Conscience: • The thinking that leads you to do what is right rather than wrong. • Turn to your family. • Gain knowledge. • Evaluate the source. • Talk to others.
Standards and Ethics Topic #2.2
Learning Targets • Describe how personal standards can help you take control of life experiences. • Define ethical behaviors.
Setting Your Standards • Personal Standard: • A rule or principle you set for yourself. • Proactive: • Take the initiative to think and plan ahead for situation you might encounter. • Peer Pressure: • The influence of others in your age group.
Values Guide Your Standards • Guidelines to Follow: • Use Discretion: • Discretion: • The good judgment and sensitivity needed to avoid embarrassing or upsetting others, and to keep sensitive information private. • Follow the rules of society. • Learn from others. • Know what you value.
Making Ethical Choices • Ethics: • The principles and values that guide the way you live.
Responsible Citizenship Concept #3
Essential Question Journal Entry #C-3 • Citizenship: Write an outline about a time when you saw someone demonstrate good citizenship.
The Role of a Citizen Topic #3.1
Learning Targets • Describe how a person can demonstrate responsible citizenship. • Identify two qualities necessary to be responsible. • Summarize the benefits of practicing leadership.
Make a Difference • Citizen: • A member of a community. • Citizenship: • The way that you handle your responsibilities as a citizen.
Show Responsibility • Accountability: • Willingness to accept the consequences of your actions and your words.
Become a Leader • Leadership: • The ability to direct and motivate a team or group to achieve its goals. • Benefits of Leadership Opportunities: • You gain experience in communicating your ideas to a variety of people. • You learn to resolve conflicts. • You develop competence and confidence as you guide others. • You learn and practice skills that will be useful at work an in your family throughout life. • Collaboration: • The combined, cooperative efforts of everyone in a group.
Get Involved Topic #3.2
Learning Targets • Explain how members of an organization achieve more than individuals acting alone. • Name four things a volunteer uses to make a difference. • List nine responsibilities of all citizens.
Participate in Organizations • Outreach Program: • A program that offers assistance or services to the community, usually as an act of charity or goodwill. • How to make a bigger difference: • Attend meetings regularly. • Understand the mission, goals, and activities of the group. • Participate on a committee. • Follow through with assigned tasks and responsibilities. • Develop leadership skills, and improve teamwork skills. • Recruit new members, and promote the organization.
Volunteering in Your Community • Volunteer: • Someone who puts caring into action by offering services free of charge.
Service Learning • Service Learning: • Involves taking what you learn in the classroom and using it to meet a community need.
Citizens’ Rights and Responsibilities • Respect others’ rights. • Obey laws. • Prevent and report crime. • Comply with emergency and security procedures. • Pay taxes. • Stay informed. • Participate in government. • Perform jury duty when called. • Serve in the military if called.
Bibliography • Clark, P., Couch, S., & Felstehausen, G. “Managing life skills.” (2011). Glencoe McGraw-Hill; New York.