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Module 5. Tactics. Chess 101. Within the S quare. This tactic is critical in winning, or not losing, in this situation because many endgames come down to kings and pawns being the only pieces remaining.
Module 5 • Tactics • Chess 101 • Within the Square • This tactic is critical in winning, or not losing, in this situation because many endgames come down to kings and pawns being the only pieces remaining. • If one army has a passed pawn (nothing to block or capture it prior to promotion) theopponent’s king MUST be ‘within the square’ to prevent it from being promoted. • If it is white’s move, he wins. 1. a6 Kd6, 2. a7 Kc7, 3. a8=Q. If it is black‘s move, he takes the pawn. 1. …Kd6, 2. a6 Kc7, 3. a7 KxP • The square of the pawn on a5 is three squares by three squares
Module 5 • Tactics • Chess 101 • Within the Square • The square of the pawn on a6is 5 X 5. If white to move, he gets his king in the square by moving Kf6 and then marching on the diagonal to b2 to capture the pawn • If it is white’s move, he gets within the square. • 1. Kc6 and then marching on the diagonal to e3 to capture the black pawn. • If it is black‘s move, he will promote the pawn by marching to f1 before the white king can catch it.
Drill 5-1 • Chess 101 • Within the Square • 1. How can black save the game? • 2. What is black’s winning move? • 3. How does white win this one?
5-1 Answers • Chess 101 • Within the Square • 1. either: …Ke4 or Ke5 • 2. …d4+ and advance the pawnthat white doesn’t capture. • 3. 1. Rb4! • Using more than one tactic in sequential moves is very powerful.
Create Your Own • Chess 101 • Within the Square Here is where YOU become a teacher! Create, save, and turn in at least five questions and answers concerning within the square. Make up a story, or two, about within the square. Be creative, have fun… …show your teacher and the world what you know about within the square!
TEST #7 • CHESS 101 • TACTICS: Within the Square • 1. What is white’s within the square move? • 2. How can black win? • 3. What is white’s within the square move? • 4. What is black’s within the square move? • 5. What is white’s within the square move? • 6. What is black’s within the square move? • 7. What is white’s within the square move? • 8. What is black’s within the square move?
#7 answers • TACTICS: Within the Square • CHESS 101 • Kd4 or Kd5 • Ka4 of Kc4 • Ke1 or Ke2 • Kf4 • Ke4 • Kd5 • Kd3 or Kd2 • Ke6
Module 6 • Tactics • Chess 101 • Discover Moves • A discover move is when a friendly piece is moved which then allows anotherfriendly piece to attack the enemy. If the moved piece also attacks the enemy it is a form of double attack. • White can win material with a discover check if he moves the bishop to e3 or g7. • White has a discover check if he moves the knight anywhere. It’s also a discover double check if the knight moves to d7 or h7.
Module 6 • Tactics • Chess 101 • Discover Moves • White is down in points, black can checkmate (Qg2++) but it’s whites move. White turns the game around by: Bb5+ or Bf3+ and capturing the black queen. • Black is in trouble but it is his move. He wins the game as follows: 1. …Qg2+!! • 2. KxQ Nf4+ (twice!) 3. Kg1 Nxe2++ • It ain’t over ‘till its over. -Yogi Berra
Module 6 • Tactics • Chess 101 • Discover Moves • White is materially winning by three points but black has a game changing discover move. • 1. …Bb2+ • 2. K x B R x Q • White has a nice discover check that wins the black queen • 1. Ne7+ either the Black king moves or Q x N • 2. B x Q
Drill 6-1 • Chess 101 • Discover Moves • 1. What discover move by white leads to the capture of black’s queen? • 2. How does white ‘discover’ a victory? • 3. Black to move…but not lose the knight! Why?
6-1 Answers • Chess 101 • Discover Moves • 3. If after blocking the check (with either the f or g pawn) white must defend against: …B moves anywhere and checkmate! • 1. Nc6+ • 2. Rxb6+ Rd5 • 3. BxR++
Create Your Own • Chess 101 • Discover Moves Here is where YOU become a teacher! Create, save, and turn in at least five questions and answers concerning discover moves. Make up a story, or two, about discover moves. Be creative, have fun… …show your teacher and the world what you know about discover moves!
TEST #8 • TACTICS: Discover • CHESS 101 • 1. What move is white’s game winning discovery? • 2. What move is black’s queen capturing discovery? • 3. What move is white’s discovery? • 4. What move is black’s discovery? • 5. What move is white’s discovery? • 6. What move is black’s discovery? • 7. What move is white’s discovery? • 8. What move is black’s discovery?
#8 answers • TACTICS: Discover • CHESS 101 • e7+ • Nf3+ (Discovery check by bishop and attack on queen by knight) • d6+ • Bc2+ • Nd7+ • d3+ • Ba6+ or Bf5+ • Ne3+ (double check with knight and queen)