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Changing Prospects: eHealth to improve supportive care for cancer patients. Irma Verdonck-de Leeuw and Nelly van Uden-Kraan VU University, Clinical Psychology VU University Medical Center, Otolaryngology / Head & Neck Surgery. Cancer: incidence and prevalence.
Changing Prospects: eHealth to improve supportive care for cancer patients. Irma Verdonck-de Leeuw and Nelly van Uden-Kraan VU University, Clinical Psychology VU University Medical Center, Otolaryngology / Head & Neck Surgery
Cancer: incidence and prevalence Incidence: almost 100.000 new cases per year age: 70 % older than 60 years 20 % between 45 and 60 years 9 % younger than 45 years 1 % younger than 15 years Survival: about 60%, dependent on type and stage of disease Prevalence: 650.000 patients living with cancer (estimation) iknl.nl
Current focus on cancer survivorship • Increase in the number of cancer survivors Earlier diagnosis, Improved therapies • Greater emphasis on quantity AND quantity of life • Cancer is seen as a chronic disease at least for some types of cancer as breast, prostate cancer in an early stage • Burden on health care delivery systems » Innovation of our care delivery models in general » Focus on cost in relation to quality of care
Diagnosis Treatment Recovery and adjustment Early monitoring Long term monitoring illness End of life care Cancer Care Pathways
Cancer Care Pathways: examples Head and Neck Colo- rectal Breast Prostate Melanoma Lung …..and more
OncoKompas Head and Neck Colo- rectal Breast Prostate Melanoma Lung …..and more
Head Matters: Guided self-help exercises during radiotherapy to prevent speech and swallowing problems Ingrid Cnossen
Stepped care targeting anxiety and depression Stap 1: Stap 2: Stap 3: Stap 4: Watchful waiting Zelf-hulp Gesprekstherapie Psycholoog en/of Internet / boekje verpleegkundige antidepressiva Voorbeeld van aantal patienten in: 100 70 35 15 (hersteld) uit: 30 35 20 Week 0 2 7 12 Anne-Marie Krebber
Head Lines: Guided self-help targeting anxiety and depression
Participatory design approach Development cycle Studies
Development cycle OncoKompas • Step 1: Qualitative needs assessment patients (N=30) • Step 2: Qualitative needs assessment multidisciplinary oncology team (N=11) • OncoKompas prototype (OncoKompas 0.1) • Step 4: Usability study among HNC patients (N=18) • Step 5: Cognitive walkthrough care professionals (N=21) • OncoKompas 1.0 • Step 6: Feasibility study among HNC patients (N=61)
tumor specific ENT diarrhea speech constipation swallowing nausea or vomiting mouth functioning lack of appetite shoulder functioning loss of taste or smell lymphoma hearing dyspnea
Feasibility study (1) Aim multi-centre pilot study • To assess feasibility of OncoKompas in clinical practice in patients with head and neck cancer Study design • Baseline measurement • OncoKompas is made available to patients at the VUmc, LUMC and Maastricht UMC • Quantitative (satisfaction) survey Participants (N=61) • 36 men and 25 women • Average age: 58 years (24-73 years)
Feasibility study (2) Mean OncoKompas score: 7 (1-10 scale) Positivefindings • 75% would recommend OncoKompas to fellow patients • 80% could easily find relevant information in OncoKompas • >60% satisfied with the supportive care options offered Considerations • 35% indicated that certain questions were difficult to answer • 31% felt that going through the OncoKompas took too much time • OncoKompas should be made available on a tablet
Optimizing OncoKompas Upcoming studies • Up-dating OncoKompas • Adding tumor specific modules • Development of new functionalities (e.g. zip code specification)
Questions Contact information www.oncokompas.nl Nelly van Uden cf.vanuden@vumc.nl