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SUNSET REVIEW: CHINA’S LAW, PRACTICE AND VIEWS. WANG Shichun Director General, BOFT Ministry of Commerce, China. Sunset Review under the WTO Agreement. Before the Uruguay Round After the Uruguay Round Article 11.3 of ADA. Sunset Review under China’s Law.

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  1. SUNSET REVIEW: CHINA’S LAW, PRACTICE AND VIEWS WANG Shichun Director General, BOFT Ministry of Commerce, China

  2. Sunset Review under the WTO Agreement • Before the Uruguay Round • After the Uruguay Round • Article 11.3 of ADA

  3. Sunset Review under China’s Law • The Antidumping Regulation Article 48: sunset review • The Antidumping Regulation Article 49-52: general provisions on all types of reviews • So far, no ministerial rules specifically on sunset issued by MOFCOM • Sunset procedures are mainly in reference to those for original antidumping investigations

  4. China’s Antidumping Sunset Review Practice and Experience • China’s Practice on Sunset Review: 3 cases so far (3 products, involving 4 countries) • •       newsprint (determined) • •       polyester film (pending) • •  cold-rolled stainless steel sheets (pending)

  5. China’s Antidumping Sunset Review Practice and Experience (cont’d) • Newsprint Case • Original investigation initiated on 10 Dec. 1997 • Preliminary determination made on 9 July 1998 • Final determination made on 3 June 1999 • Sunset review initiated on 1 July 2003 • Sunset final determination made on 30 June 2004

  6. China’s Antidumping Sunset Review Practice and Experience (cont’d) 3. Valuable Experience from Newsprint Case • Actively draw upon other countries’ legislation and practice and combine them with China’s law and practice • Conduct sunset reviews in strict accordance with the ADA and China’s Antidumping Regulation • Believe in rigorous and prudent sunset investigations, not instruments for extending antidumping measures

  7. China’s Practice in Responding to Foreign Sunset Review Proceedings • Since 1995, China has been the world’s No.1 target of antidumping investigations. • Chinese exporting firms are tacking with all kinds of reviews, including sunset review in different countries. • Regrettably, protracted antidumping measures and huge economic losses are results in most cases.

  8. China’s Practice in Responding to Foreign Sunset Review Proceedings (cont’d) Typical Cases: • Potassium permanganate • Cotton shop towels • Petroleum wax candles • Artificial corundum

  9. China’s Practice in Responding to Foreign Sunset Review Proceedings (cont’d) • Chinese business community’s reaction • Chinese government’s reaction ----bilateral situation ----multilateral situation: DDA rules negotiation

  10. China’s View on Improving the Sunset Review Rules • Our practice has not prevented us from reflecting up and reconsidering the sunset system. • WTO Doha Round is a good opportunity to improve the rules. • From a developing country’s perspective, China expresses its concern and basic position on sunset review.

  11. China’s View on Improving the Sunset Review Rules (cont’d) • Extension of antidumping measures after sunset review has been turned from “the exception” into “the normal rule”. • The situation is particularly serious for the exporters from developing countries and must be reversed. • China wishes to work with WTO Members to improve the rules on sunset in the future.

  12. Thank you. WANG Shichun Director General Bureau of Fair Trade, Ministry of Commerce 2 Dong Chang An Street, Beijing, China Tel: 86-10-6519-8755 Fax: 86-10-6519-8172 Email: wangsc@mofcom.gov.cn

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