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Gold Nuggets. Gold Humanism Honor Society presents. Gold Humanism Honor Society. Recognize, support and promote values of humanism and professionalism in medicine
Gold Nuggets Gold Humanism Honor Societypresents
Gold Humanism Honor Society • Recognize, support and promote values of humanism and professionalism in medicine • Work within and beyond medical education to inspire, nurture and sustain lifelong advocates and activists for patient-centered medical care
Humor’s Role in Medicine • Humor and Health • Humor and Patient-Physician Communication • Humor and the Health Professional • Humor in Medical Education
Humor and Health • NORMAN COUSINS, “ANATOMY OF AN ILLNESS” • Treated ankylosing spondylitis with “laughter and Vitamin C” • “10 minutes of laughter resulted in 2 hours of pain-free sleep and a drop in his ESR” 1 • IMMUNE BENEFITS OF HUMOR • Decreases immunosuppressive effects of stress 2 • Decreases cytokines in rheumatoid arthritis pts. 3 • LAUGHTER AND PAIN • Pain tolerance enhanced, need for pain meds decreased after exposure to funny movies 4 1Cousins, N. Anatomy of an illness (as perceived by the patient). N Engl J Med. 1976;295:1458-1463 2Martin, RA, Dobbin, JP. Sense of humor, hassles, and immunoglobulin A: Evidence for a stress-moderating effect of humor. Int J Psychiatry Med. 1988;18:93-105. 3Yoshino S et al. Effects of mirthful laughter on neuroendocrine and immune systems in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 1996;23:793-794. 4Cogan R et al. Effects of laughter and relaxation on discomfort thresholds. J Behav Med 1987;10:139-144.
Humor and Patient-Physician Communication • BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH HUMOR • Relieves anxiety, communicates caring, narrows interpersonal gaps, provides an acceptable outlet for anger and frustration 5 • Differs on a case-by-case basis • IMPROVING PATIENT SATISFACTION • Satisfaction scores increased when physicians spend a few extra minutes with patients, make a connection 6 • HUMOR AND MALPRACTICE • Physicians with no history of malpractice found to: • Spend more time with patients • Use facilitative statements more often • Relied on humor and laughter more during their patient encounters 7 5Wender, RC. Humor in medicine. Prim Care. 1996;23:141-154 6Gross et al. Patient satisfaction with time spent with their physician. J Fam Pract. 1998;47:133-137 7Levinson et al. Physician-patient communications: the relationship with malpractice claims among primary are physicians and surgeons. JAMA 1997;277:553-559.
Humor and the Health Professional • PREVENTING BURNOUT • Doctors with best coping skills find humor in situations, have highest level of job satisfaction 8 • ER, ICU, Oncology physicians, residents most frequently studied • GALLOWS HUMOR • Freudian theory – morbid humor in the face of tragedy or death 9 • Dangerous opportunity for misinterpretation 8Keller et al. Management of stress and prevention of burnout in emergency physicians. Ann Emerg Med 1989;18:42-47. 9Freud S. Jokes and their relationship to the unconscious. New York, W.W. Norton, 1960, pp 229-230.
Humor in Medical Education • HUMOR IN THE CLASSROOM • Professors who incorporate humor into presentations receive higher student ratings 10 • Comical, enthusiastic style positively affects student test performance immediately after lecture 11 • In a 14-week college statistics course, students who were exposed to humor performed significantly better than the group not exposed 12 10Naftulin et al. The Doctor Fox lecture: A paradigm of educational seduction. J Med Educ 1973;48:630-635. 11Ware et al. The Dr. Fox effect: A study of lecturer effectiveness and ratings of instruction. J Med Educ 1975;5:149-156. 12Ziv, A. Teaching and learning with humor: Experiment and replication. J Exp Educ 1988;57:5-15.
Summary • Humor has both physiologic and psychological benefits on health • Laughter can be a key element in establishing rapport with your patients and building long-term relationships • Humor provides a critical release for the most stressful of situations, but has the power to be extremely hurtful when taken out of context • Students of all ages and experience levels can benefit positively from the use of humor in their curriculum