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Comenius Hospitality Business Plan 2012-2014 Bonn, Germany. 1. 1 Robert Wetzlar´s Bistro in Dransdorf Exterior View. 1.2 Cross Section. 1.3 Horizontal Projection. 1.4 Exterior Terrace. The terrace area will be paved with these stones . View of the unfinished terrace area.
1.4 ExteriorTerrace The terracearea will bepavedwiththesestones. View oftheunfinishedterracearea
1.5 Exterior View of Future BanquetRoom 60 peoplecancelebratehere in a cosyatmosphere. Alternatively, theroomcanbesplitintotwosmallerunitsforabout 30 peopleeach.
1.6 Parking AreaThereis also a parkinglotforapproximately 7 cars. Further parkingisavailablealongtheroad.
1.2 Financial Situation • The twoownersboughtandrenovatedthebuilding. The storageandcoldrooms in thecellarhave also beenmodernised. Onlytherestaurantandthekitchenneedtobeupgradedtostateoftheart. • The owners will take out a loanof 50.000 € to finish kitchenandrestaurant.
1.3 OwnerProfiles Claudia Nick Christian Spaniol 30 yearsold Qualifiedchef 10 yearsofexperience in thetrade in different restaurants, hotelsand on a cruiseliner, workedfor national und international employers • 33 yearsold • Qualifiedrestaurantspecialist • 10 yearsofexperience in thetrade in different restaurants, hotels, barsand on a cruiseliner, workedfor national and international employers
1.4 Further Employees Kitchen: Restaurant: Apart fromtheowner Claudia Nick twomoreapprentices will behiredfortherestaurant. In thelongrunoneofthemshouldbe in his/her thirdyearandone in thefirstyearoftheirapprenticeship. Furthermore, a cleaninglady will behiredforcleaningtherestaurant on thebasisof 400,-€ (mini job). Apart fromtheowner Christian Spaniol twofurtherapprentices will behiredforthekitchen. In thelongrunoneofthemshouldbe in his/her thirdyearandone in thefirstyearoftheirapprenticeship. Furthermoreoneperson will behiredforcleaningdishes, potsandpansand also to clean thekitchen.
1.5 OpeningHours The restaurantis open fromTuesdaytoSundayfrom 5.30pm untilmidnight. The restaurantisclosed on Mondays. The restaurant will beclosedfortwoweeks in January. Nofurtherholidayshavebeenplanned so far.
1.6 Food andBeveragesoffered: Food: Beverages: Apart fromusual soft drinksandhotbeverageswe will serve Pils, Kölsch and a richselectionofaperitifsand digestives. Furthermore also redandwhitewinesfrom Germany will be on offerwith a mainemphasis on theregionsof Ahr andthecentralRhineland. Also winesfromItaly, Spain and France will beserved. Apart from a smallfixedmenuwithfivestarters, maincoursesanddesserts, a blackboard in therestaurant will displayseasonaland regional disheswhichcanbearrangedas a menu (threetofivecourses). Thisguaranteestheuseoffreshproducts. Furthermorehightransportcostscanbeavoided, whichprotectsourenvironment.
General Situation • The federalcityofBonn (300.000 inhabitants) islocated in thesouthofNorthrhine-Westphalia. Itissituatedalongbothbanksoftheriver Rhine and was thecapitalof Germany from 1949 until 1990 andcontinuedtobetheseatofthegovernmentofthe Federal Republicof Germany until 1999. • When the German parliament decided to relocate the parliament and parts of the government to Berlin in 1991, Bonn's successful development into an international location began. Bonn is now the second political centre of Germany, and a top-level location for economy and science. And the city is continuing to develop! • Bonn has held the title of "Federal City" since 1994. This is more than just a retrospective recognition of the city's almost five decades of being home to the German government - it is also an indication of Bonn's important national and international role for the future, as Germany's second political powerhouse with six important federal ministries and numerous federal authorities, as well as being the home of the UN in Germany . In addition two DAX enterprises (successorsofthe Deutsche Bundespost) haveopenedfacilities in Bonn. • http://www.bonn-international.org
2.2.1 Location • The numberofinhabitants in Bonn hasonceagainincreased.This was publishedbythestatisticalofficeofthetown. On thereferencedate ( 31.12.2012) itcounted 319 606 inhabitantswiththeirmainorsecondresidence in Bonn. These are 1004 menandwomenmorethanbythe end of 2011. • “Thisis a niceproofforthefactthat Bonn isveryattractive. People ofmorethan 178 different nations live hereandthuscreatetheuniqueatmosphereofourtown“, says Lord Mayor Jürgen Nimptsch. (www.bonn.de)
Population Trends • Like in manyothertowns also Bonn sees an increasingtrendofpeoplemoving back fromtheoutskirtsintotowncentres. Thiscausesshortages on thehousingmarket. • Quartersofthetownwhichareverysought-after, e.g. thedistrictof Südstadt, Röttgenand Lengsdorf demandrentswhichare not affordable, especiallyforyoungfamilieswithchildren. • Other townareaswhichpreviouslywere not so muchsought-after, like e.g. Dransdorf , aregettingmoreandmoreintofocus, especiallysincepublicauthoritieshaveannouncedtobuildmoreflatsandhouses in thisarea.
Public Transport • The towncenterof Bonn canbequicklyandeasilyreachedbypublictransportfromDransdorf. • In additionDransdorfislocated in thedirectvicinityofthelivelydistrictofEndenich, whichisknownforits diverse culturalevents but also offers all theimportantfacilitiesforeverydaylife (nurseryschools, schools…) • Betweenthesetwodistricts large wholesalechainshavebeeninstalled – so all thenecessaryshoppingfacilitiesarethere.
Dransdorfwww.bilderbuch-bonn.de Endenichwww.bilderbuch-bonn.de
Withinthenextyearswecanthereforeexpect a majorincrease in populationnumbers in thisarea. • Weespeciallycount on thearrivalofmanyyoungfamilieswithsmallerchildren but also ofyoung, childlessemployeesofthe DAX companieswithhighincomes.
Atpresentthereisonly a very limited offerofgastronomicfacilities – onerestaurantwithhome-style cooking, twolittle fast foodstands – thereforeweseegooddevelopmentopportunitiesforourplannedbistro type.
3. Equipment andDecorationoftheBistro TypesofChairs FabricsfortheUpholstery Thischaircosts 49,50 € incl. VAT. Ofthoseweneed 110 pieces. The fabricfortheupholsteryis easy-to-clean andwashable.
3. Equipment andDecorationofthe Bistro Table sizes: 80 X 80 cm (15 pcsat 139,50 € incl. VAT) 140 X 80 cm (20 pcsat 159,50 € incl. VAT) The tablesare easy-to-clean andcanbewashed down. Table cloths will not berequiredsincewe will usebastdiningsetsandserviettesmadeofcloth. Forbanquetswe will buy 105 tablerunners.
3. Equipment andDecorationofthe Bistro The rooms will bedecoratedwithmanyaccessories, pictures, cushions, lampsandplants, so thatit will have a niceandcosyatmosphere. Altogether 5000 € areavailable. Somemoreexamples will follow.