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PRO POOR TOURISM. WORKSHOP ON PRO POOR TOURISM AND TRAINING NEEDS IN TOURISM SECTOR IN TANZANIA HELD IN KIGALI, RWANDA 5-8/7/2009. TANZANIA NATIONAL PARKS. Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) background. The primary role of Tanzania’ national parks and its coverage. The Role of Tourism.
TANZANIA NATIONAL PARKS • Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) background. • The primary role of Tanzania’ national parks and its coverage
The Role of Tourism • Revenue • Improves welfare local communities • Awareness of conservation But ensure Low impact tourism -How Zones, Regulations, EIA
THE LOCAL PEOPLE • Parks’ neighbors. • SCIP (Support for Community Initiated Projects). • IGPs
POACHING • Commercial • Subsistence • Support form local communities
LOOKING AHEAD • Environmental education • Support of research projects • Regular surveys
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks • Very pronouncing in northern circuit than Southern circuit. • In Serengeti National Park -Food suppliers -Handcraft and art performing
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd. • Serengeti Arts Group is engaged in performing art and handcrafts making. TANAPA have granted the group a one year permit to conduct business in the park and agreed to give the group orders to supply handcrafts items in their curio shops. • Likewise, Singita Grumeti Reserve through Grumeti Fund support over 90 groups from the surrounding villages to supply goods to hostel and camps
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd. Gift shops in and around National Parks
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd. local food serving as cultural tourism programmes in Manyara villages
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd. • In Mount Kilimanjaro National Park and Arusha National Park, there is a direct employment to locals through guiding, porters and cooks. For example of last year study by SNV revealed that, over US$13million per annual is considered pro poor expenditure.
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd. • ♦ 100% pro poor. Most of them are high relative to other unskilled employment in rural area. • ♦ 90% of food and beverages expenditure is considered to be both pro poor and locally sourced • ♦ 50% of expenditure on cultural goods and services is considered to be pro poor. • ♦ 16% of accommodation costs are paid in non managerial wages and therefore considered pro poor • ♦ A part from 17.5% of park budget being spent on SCIP projects, it is estimated that 5% of park fees is pro poor because locals are also employed as casual labour for cleaning operations.
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd. Mountain biking around Kilimanjaro National Park
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd. Tourists are happy and ready to test banana beer (Local brew) in villages around National Parks
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd. • However, some of projects established in Southern parks have failed due to lack of relevant training (entrepreneurial skills and business management and customer care) and low influx of tourists. • For example in Udzungwa National Park -fuel efficient stove restaurants, camping sites and curio shops.
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd. • Tourist product owned by local communities around the park. This include nature walk in the forest and tour on traditional houses (Mbii), caves used for tribal wars and waterfalls. Other products include mountain biking in, butterfly farming, accommodation on local houses and coffee and banana tours (agri tourism), In northern circuits there are thousands of souvenir shops, other pro poor activities include Masai cultural boma, traditional dances, camping sites and food suppliers.
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd Banana tour in Manyara villages
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd Traditional dances by Masai
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd Food serving as cultural tourism programmes in village around Kilimanjaro National Park
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd Drums racing by kids is a fascinating event in Arusha
Pro poor activities in and around National Parks Ctnd • Butterfly farming tour and selling butterflies, its pupae and souvenirs as one of pro poor activities Butterfly farming tour and selling butterflies, its pupae and souvenirs as one of pro poor activities
Challenges and training need • lack of proper training on foreign languages, customer care skills, entrepreneurial skills, quality products, management of projects in terms finance and human resource. • The groups perceive the assistance more as a form of charity than as a viable business opportunity to make profit. Due to lack of entrepreneurial skills within their membership the groups fail to look for alternatives markets, especially during a period of excess supply which cannot be absorbed by Protected Areas
Challenges and training need Ctnd. • There are certainly also challenges in the supply of produce, particularly of agricultural goods, with lack of sufficient quality and quantity. A contributory factor for this is the lack of entrepreneurial skills in local communities. In most cases suppliers have not been recognized officially and at least informed the difference between selling their products in a normal market and selling to tourist centers particularly on the aspect of quality, timely supply and importance of working on contractual basis
Challenges and training need Ctnd. • Inefficient local suppliers • Training TANAPA staff
Pro poor jobs available and a level of skills • Wildlife officers -Moderate /high • Managing local facility- Moderate • Guiding-Low to moderate • Catering –moderate • Specialist chef-high • Food production-as input-Moderate/low • Equipment owners/operators(canoes, peddle boats, fishing rods, horses)-Moderate/low
Pro poor jobs available and a level of skills ctnd. • Security personnel-Moderate • Laundry-Moderate • Builders-Moderate and high in construction management • Maintenance-moderate • Lower cadre college instructors-low
Other tourist products that are not well known and not taught in most of academic institution • Star gazing • Water tourism (scuba diving, snorkeling, canoeing, spot fishing, boat cruses, glass boat watching • Rock climbing • Walking safari/hiking • Butterfly farming • Selling Organic food • Ballooning safaris • Horse riding • Canopy walk ways • Cable car up and down sailing
Concluding remarks • Diversification of tourist products • Marketing of products and development of infrastructures • A need for training