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The Origin of the Universe: Exploring the Big Bang Theory and Scientific Laws

Delve into the Big Bang theory that explains the origin of the universe and learn about scientific laws such as the Law of Cause and Effect. Explore theories, laws, and religious perspectives on how the universe came to be.

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The Origin of the Universe: Exploring the Big Bang Theory and Scientific Laws

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  2. Our Universe • How did this huge, marvelous Universe get here? • Science textbooks & other books use the Big Bang theory to explain the origin of the Universe

  3. The Big Bang 13 - 15 billion years ago a big bang, or explosion, occurred, creating the universe. The universe began as an infinitely dense ball of matter that was about as big as a period at the end of a sentence. Where did the matter come from that created the fireball?

  4. The Origin of the Universe Where and how did matter and energy originate? “[The big bang] represents the instantaneous suspension of physical laws, the sudden abrupt flash of lawlessness that allowed something to come out of nothing. It represents a true miracle…” Paul Davies, physicist and evolutionist, The Edge of Infinity

  5. Scientific Reasons Against “Big Bang” • When matter cools the molecules get closer together due to gravitational attraction. • When matter gets closer together it heats up and repels each other. This force is stronger than attraction.

  6. Our Universe • Big Bang can’t be recreated for scientific study • The Bible says that God created everything (Exodus 20:11) We can’t recreate like He did for scientific study. • We can compare each idea with what we know about science. The best scientific knowledge is in the laws of nature.

  7. SCIENTIFIC DEFINITIONS • SCIENTIFIC LAW: a principle in nature that is true in every observable case. • Scientists do not make the laws, they only observe them and label them. Isaac Newton—Laws of Motion Laws of Gravity

  8. SCIENTIFIC DEFINITIONS • SCIENTIFIC THEORY: something that someone thinks might have happened in the past or might happen in the future. (Theories are discarded if found to conflict with a scientific law.)

  9. LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT • Natural laws have no exceptions. • Most universal and most certain of all laws • States that every material effect must have an adequatecause that happens before the effect. • The effect is never larger than the cause.

  10. Facts about Universe • Estimated to contain over 25 sextrillion stars (25 followed by 21 zeros) • Contains over one billion galaxies (our galaxy is called the Milky Way) • Would take 20 billion years to travel across the universe (traveling at speed of light—186,000 miles per second)

  11. Law of Cause and Effect The Big Bang could not have caused this huge Universe. Scientists have never seen any type of matter that could be so dense, and then explode from a tiny ball into a Universe like ours. The theory of the Big Bang goes against the scientific Law of Cause and Effect.

  12. How did the Universe get here? “In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the Earth.” Gen. 1:1 “God, who made the world and everything in it…He is Lord of heaven and earth.” Acts 17:24 God is undoubtedly an adequate cause, since He is all-powerful. In Gen. 17:1, God told Abraham “I am Almighty God.”

  13. The First Law of Thermodynamics • Neither matter nor energy is created or destroyed in nature. • Another way of saying that something must come from something.

  14. First Law of Thermodynamics • BIG BANG THEORY– something came from nothing. Contrary to 1st law. • CREATION– says that something (the universe) came from something (God) God is eternal and not controlled by the laws of nature.

  15. Second Law of Thermodynamics • States that matter and energy are moving toward a less usable, more disorderly state called “entropy.” • Isaac Asimov, a famous evolutionist, said this about the Second Law: “The universe is constantly getting more disorderly.”

  16. Example of 2nd Law Truck left in a field.

  17. Example of 2nd Law House unattended

  18. Second Law of Thermodynamics • The Universe is digressive, not progressive, and that goes directly against the theory of evolution. The “cosmic egg” cannot have been around forever, because its energy or matter would have become totally useless. • Creation by a Supernatural Creator falls in line perfectly with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In the beginning, God created everything to be very good, but since that time things have deteriorated.

  19. Evolution’s Counter-Attack • Claim that the law only applies to “closed” systems that do not receive any outside energy. Since the Sun is constantly bathing our Earth with energy, then it is not a closed system and the law does not apply. • Two problems:(1) no true “closed systems” in nature. (2) energy causes a system to deteriorate more quickly.

  20. Origin of Universe If evolution is unable to explain the origin of matter and energy through naturalistic means, then it is rational (reasonable) to believe that God, not unknown magical events, created matter and energy.

  21. How Did Life Start? Two possible origins for life • Life evolved by natural processes • Life was created

  22. Chemicals formed in the “primordial soup” Chemicals bonded together to form molecules Molecules bonded together to make a living cell + Life? = Life The Model of Evolution • About 4.6 billion years ago the earth formed

  23. Spontaneous Generation • Life came from nonlife • Believed that lightning struck chemicals on the earth millions of years ago producing life out of the chemicals. Many scientists have tried to re-create these conditions.

  24. Stanley Miller & Harold Urey

  25. Miller & Urey Experiment • Produced some amino acids (building blocks of proteins) • Oxygen must be excluded or else the amino acids were destroyed. Earth’s atmosphere contained oxygen when life was supposedly to have formed. Over 2,000 types of amino acids Only 20 are used in life

  26. Probability 10191 Origin of a protein 1040,000 Origin of a cell

  27. Law of Biogenesis • Living things always come from living things. • In 1858, German scientist, Rudolph Virchow stated “Every cell arises from a pre-existing cell.” • In 1860, Louis Pasteur, French Scientist said: “Every living thing arises from a pre-existing living thing.”

  28. Scientific Experiments

  29. Scientific Experiments

  30. Law of Biogenesis 1. Living things always come from living things. 2. Living things produce only more living things like themselves. NO EXCEPTIONS!! In nature we have never seen a single exception to the Law of Biogenesis.

  31. Law of Biogenesis Evolution is in disagreement with this law. 1. Living things came from nonliving matter. 2. One kind of animal gave rise to a different kind of animal. This violates a known law of science!

  32. Law of Biogenesis Bible makes it clear life was created by God. Gen. 1:20-25 Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth, across the face of the firmament of the heavens.” So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according

  33. To its kind… Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. God created all life

  34. Law of Biogenesis observed everyday in nature. Evolution contradicts this law!!

  35. Origin of Life If evolution is unable to explain the origin of life through naturalistic means, then It is rational (reasonable)to believe that God, not unknown events created life.

  36. Conclusion Man should be glorified for he made himself wise and strong through many positive mutations over millions of years! Therefore man, independent of God determines truth. Prov. 14:12 “There’s a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” Jer. 10:23 “O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.”

  37. Conclusion Evolution has man making himself. “Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of his pasture” Ps. 100: 3 . Evolution has it backwards, lifeless matter created living man and living man created a dead and fictional god. I thought God created man from lifeless matter.

  38. Conclusion Psalm 118:8 ( the middle verse of the Bible) “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”

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