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Canopus Instruments are one of the top Thermocouple, RTD Suppliers and manufacturers in India. They offer the best thermocouple transmitter in industry. Buy top quality thermocouple converter in India. http://www.canopusinstruments.com/product/industrial-automation-product/signal-conditioning-isolation/thermocouple-converter-sm-13/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=pdf&utm_content=search
SIGNAL CONDITIONING & ISOLATION THERMOCOUPLE TYPE K ISO 9001:2008 Certified (K-TYPE THERMOCOUPLE TO VOLTAGE & CURRENT CONVERTER) MODEL NO:ILTCK2DXXX-3P Sensor signal conditioner Overview SIM 2.0 Thermocouple TYPE K (TC-K) input type modules are designed to interface with the K type TC’s commonly used in temperature measurement applications. The output generated is an isolated 0-10V/4-20mA signal. These modules comprise of in-built Cold Junction Compensation (CJC) calibrated to track the K-type TC mV response at room temperature. The module can be calibrated to I/P v/s O/P range according to the user requirement. The internal circuit compensation for K-type TC response results in limiting measurement error within +/-2% over temperature range of 0 – 10000C. Technical Specifications Features Factory Set *-Max. Range Limits 100 K Ohm Thermocouple Input Signal Input : TC Type K Range : User Defined (0 to +1250°C)* Input: K Type Thermocouple. Relative Humidity In-built Cold junction Input Resistance compensation (CJC). Factory Set >1 K Ohm <500 Ohm ±0.2% of Span at 25°C 0.1% <0.01% / °C < 1Sec Zero & Span (Trimpot ) In built ±2% of Span at 25°C (0 to +1000°C) ±4% of Span at 25°C (0 to +1250°C) In Built Output Signal Output Options: 0- +10VDC, 4- 20mADC. For Output Voltage For Output Current Accuracy Linearity Temperature Drift Response Time Calibration TC non linearity compensation Accuracy Thermocouple Non-Linearity Load Resistance is compensated in the unit. Accuracy better than +/- Performance a. Electronic System 2% over 0-+1000°C range. Low Noise & Low drift for long term stability. b. K-Type TC Compensation 24VDC Power Supply. Slim & compact design. Energy Efficient Module. 2kv 3 Port Isolation. c. Cold Junction Compensation General Specifications 2KV - 3 Port. <5mA 24VDC(nominal) 18 to 36 VDC < 100mVpp 150mA.Max W - 22.5mm H - 75mm D - 110mm Screw type terminal suitable for1.5mmsq.Wire. 0 – 55°C Isolation Leakage Current Voltage Operating Range Ripple Power Supply Current Single Output Power Supply Enclosure ABS Plastic, 35 mm DIN Rail Mounted. IP40 Protection class. Termination Applications Heating Control Systems Temperature monitoring systems Data Acquisition Systems Operating temp. range 0 – 80°C Storage temp. range 0– 90% RH Non-Condensing Max. Altitude 3000 mts above MSL
Ordering Information: Mechanical Details: Single input & Single output Converter evolved with our experience of over 25 years, to ensure uninterrupted operation in field conditions. This has enabled us to successfully create an installed base of tens of thousands units performing satisfactorily in a wide spectrum of Critical Real time Industrial applications all over India and in other parts of the world. INNOVATION –QUALITY-RELIABILITY Note: e.g- I LTCV 2D XK10 – 3P I – Isolation LTC – Linearized Thermocouple I/P V- Voltage O/P 2D: Supply ( 24VDC) XK-Actual T/C range 10 – O/P range 3P : 3 Port Isolation Model Numbers I LTCV 2D XK10 - 3P K Type Thermocouple (Voltage Output) I LTCI 2D XK42 - 3P K Type Thermocouple (Current Output) X: Actual T/C range Related Products Thermocouple Converters (Linearized Output) Programmable Input TC types J,K,B,E,R,S,T,N RTD to 0-10V/4-20mA Converters Programmable Indicators- Thermocouple Input, Re-transmission 4-20mA output, MODBUS interface PIN Details PIN Details 1 NC 5 +Output 2 +Input 6 -Output 3 -Input 7 +24VDC 4 NC 8 GND About Us CANOPUS INSTRUMENTS is engaged in the development & manufacturing of industrial automation and process control instrumentation products. The product areas cover mainly Analog Signal Conditioning Instruments for Process Automation, Embedded Systems & Ultrasonic Equipment for Non-Destructive Testing Applications. All the CANOPUS range of products are designed and manufactured with special care, to ensure trouble free performance in Industrial applications where Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) & Harsh environmental conditions exist. Today these products come to our customers with the quality assurance and tech-support in H/W & S/W, which has Other Products Programmable process Indicators Load Cell Amplifier Multi Channel Scanner Address: #2 & 3, ‘Vishwas’, Karnik Road, Off. Murbad Road, Kalyan (W) 421 301, Maharashtra, INDIA. Tel: +91-251-2322576 / 2203389 Telfax: +91-251- 2325849. Email: marketing@canopusinstruments.comWebsite: www.canopusinstruments.com