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Captivate Dental - Patients with yellowing surface and discolouration are prescribed teeth whitening treatment Melbourne dentists perform a thorough clinical examination including a close study of the enamel. >> http://captivatedental.com.au/teeth-whitening-melbourne/
Cleaning Cleaning the the Enamel Enamel and and Keeping Keeping Smiles Discolouration Discolouration Causes Smiles Bright Causes Bright And And Beautiful Beautiful The teeth are covered by yellow-coloured dentin and an outer layer called enamel. This enamel is hard and strong, but it gets thinner over the years. Patients with yellowing surface and discolouration are prescribed teeth teeth whitening whitening treatment treatment Melbourne clinical examination including a close study of the enamel. They suggest the cleaning option after establishing the causes that led to less whiteness. Melbourne dentists perform a thorough Enamel Enamel Quality patients have congenital problems and side effects of medicines. The enamel quality is crucial and whitening works only if it is within limits and staining is not deep. Quality - - The whitening treatment is suggested only if enamel is thick enough. Some Diet Diet And And Habits Habits - - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The upper and lower teeth can get stained due to drinking habits. Excessive consumption of coffee, tea, or red wine leads to light discoloration. Yellow teeth result from smoking due to narcotic substances like nicotine tar. Chewing tobacco is also an avoidable habit as it causes teeth staining. Some types of citrus fruits, spicy foods, and hot sauces are the other causes. www.captivatedental.com.au www.captivatedental.com.au
Risks Risks and and Safeguards Safeguards a) Some patients get unduly worried and tense about teeth whitening Melbourne dentist’s advice in favour of oral hygiene and healthy lifestyle choices. The patients should never use a household bleaching agent on the teeth. The solutions and gels suggested by a dentist have to be used at all times. Those with gum diseases, sensitive teeth, and worn out enamel are at risk. Alternative dental treatments have to be used after getting the dentist's nod. Brush, gargle, and floss on a daily basis to acquire oral hygiene habits. Stay away from alcohol, smoking, and make sure sleep is restful and deep. Drink clean water and follow a healthy diet comprised of fruits, and vegetables. b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Attractive Attractive Appearance Appearance A professional dentist performs a thorough clinical examination in the beginning. He assesses the upper and lower teeth, gums, hard and soft tissue. The best treatment option is suggested afterwards as part of teeth whitening Melbourne based patients can expect the following types of oral care procedures - 嗀 Preliminary Care - Whitening is preceded by a comprehensive cleaning process. The doctor removes bacteria, food particles, and other foreign debris. If the patients have cavities, then this problem is first treated successfully. Pregnant women and those with enamel, gum, and sensitivity issues do not receive this treatment. www.captivatedental.com.au www.captivatedental.com.au
Whitening Whitening Procedure Procedure - - At At The The Clinic A. The patient lies down and the dentist covers the gel with protective coating. B. Hydrogen peroxide based gel or whitening agent is applied on the teeth. C. A special light or laser is used to activate this gel for effective bleaching. D. Treatment requires 3 to 4 clinic visits with 30 to 90 minutes per each session. Clinic - - At At Home Home - - The dentist takes impressions of upper and lower teeth and makes a custom tray or mouthpiece. The patient has to wear this tray at home to achieve best Melbourne Melbourne patients fill this tray with the doctor prescribed gel only. Correcting fitting pieces and standard gels whiten the teeth within 30 to 50 days. best teeth teeth whitening whitening Occasional Occasional Fillings Fillings I. II. III. This temporary method can be a one-off or repeated for desired shade of white. Patients who had root canal procedure are treated a little differently. A whitening agent is used to fill up the inside of the teeth and then covered. Contact Contact Details: Details: Business Business Name Name: : Captivate Captivate Dental Dental Website: Website: www.captivatedental.com.au www.captivatedental.com.au Email: Email: info@captivatedental.com.au info@captivatedental.com.au Phone Phone : : 0395531249 0395531249 Address Address : : 46 46 Station Station Street, Street, Moorabbin, Moorabbin, VIC, VIC, 3189 3189 www.captivatedental.com.au www.captivatedental.com.au