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Capturing the impact of nurse consultant roles

Capturing the impact of nurse consultant roles. Ann McDonnell R eader in Health and Social Care Research Sheffield Hallam University Email : a.mcdonnell@shu.ac.uk Co-researchers: Kate Gerrish , University of Sheffield, Fiona Kennedy Sheffield Hallam University.

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Capturing the impact of nurse consultant roles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Capturing the impact of nurse consultant roles Ann McDonnell Reader in Health and Social Care Research Sheffield Hallam University Email: a.mcdonnell@shu.ac.uk Co-researchers: Kate Gerrish, University of Sheffield, Fiona Kennedy Sheffield Hallam University NHS Lanarkshire 13th Dec 2012

  2. Capturing consultant role impact: key questions

  3. Approaches to measuring the impact of nurse consultants on patient, professional and organisational outcomes Research study funded by The Burdett Trust for Nursing http://research.shu.ac.uk/hwb/ncimpact

  4. Background

  5. Research aims

  6. Project overview

  7. Case study: sample

  8. Case study: data collection & analysis

  9. Iterative specialist panels

  10. Toolkit development

  11. Why capture impact?

  12. Why capture impact?

  13. Why capture impact?

  14. Why capture impact?

  15. Why capture impact?

  16. What is the evidence of impact? Kennedy Fet al (2012). Evaluation of the impact of nurse consultant roles in the United Kingdom: a mixed method systematic literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 68:4 721-42

  17. Key findings from literature

  18. What dimensions of impact should be captured?

  19. Capturing impact: how to focus?

  20. Physical/psychological wellbeing Quality of life & social wellbeing Patient behavioural change Patient experience of healthcare Patients Organisation Staff Professional competence Quality of working life Workload distribution Team working Organisationalpriorities/targets Development of policy Generation of new knowledge Framework for capturing impact Informed by the work of Schulz et al (2002) & Gerrish et al. (2007)

  21. Impact on patients: NC stroke

  22. Impact of staff: NC stroke

  23. Impact on organisation: NC stroke

  24. What are the challenges of capturing impact?

  25. Challenges of capturing impact

  26. Practicalities of capturing impact

  27. How do you go about capturing impact?

  28. Toolkit contents

  29. Introduction

  30. Section 1: Capturing impact

  31. Section 2: Your impact -identifying areas & priorities

  32. Framework of impact

  33. Prioritising most important areas

  34. Section 3: Guidance on capturing impact

  35. Section 4: Economic aspects

  36. Section 5: Examples of capturing impact

  37. Section 6: Who needs to know

  38. Section 7: Examples of tools

  39. Potential use of toolkit

  40. Where next? Moving forward

  41. Tips for overcoming challenges

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