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RDA & PID Information Types

RDA & PID Information Types. Tobias Weigel (DKRZ / Universität Hamburg). The Research Data Alliance is a framework. Heart of the RDA: Working & Interest Groups. WG 18M. IG ∞. PIDs are increasingly used by machine agents. PIDs ...?. We don‘t want to look into the black box.

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RDA & PID Information Types

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RDA & PID Information Types Tobias Weigel (DKRZ / UniversitätHamburg)

  2. The Research Data Alliance is a framework.

  3. Heart ofthe RDA: Working & Interest Groups. WG 18M IG ∞

  4. PIDs areincreasinglyusedbymachineagents. PIDs ...?

  5. Wedon‘twanttolookintotheblack box. black box IDENTIFIER properties size checksum timestamps aggregation version permissions ...

  6. PID Information Types WG: wherearewe? • M18 API <T>

  7. Organizepropertiestoharmonizetheiruse. Profiles Types Properties

  8. Interoperabilitythroughtechnicalinterfaces. Higher level APIs andservices PID Info Types API PI system PI system PI system

  9. Separate infrastructurefromhowitisused. Photo: Wikimediacommons, Sten Porse

  10. Thankyouforyourattention. • Research Data Alliance (RDA): http://www.rd-alliance.org • PID Information Types Working Group • Tobias Weigel, weigel@dkrz.de • Timothy DiLauro, timmo@jhu.edu

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