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Background. Structural changes Retirement Loss of competency Moore accidents. Aims. Identify the competencies required to sustain a safe and competitive industry Develop a training and education programme Develop and trail a range of novel education and training packages

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  1. Background • Structural changes • Retirement • Loss of competency • Moore accidents

  2. Aims • Identify the competencies required to sustain a safe and competitive industry • Develop a training and education programme • Develop and trail a range of novel education and training packages • Develop a range of explosives qualifications • Reverse the perceived decline in expertise

  3. KCEM, project promoter Learning centre Masugnen Research centre Apel YFIND NIF Cranfield University Nammo A/S Kemia Nitrex Partners

  4. Excert Project Management plan Promoter KCEM WP1STEERING COMM. KCEM, Cranfield Univ. NIF, YFIND, KEMIA WP1 Project GroupChair KCEM Excert partners WP9QC and QAChair APEL WP4FRAME WORKChair Cranfield Univ. WP2DISSEMINATIONChair NIF WP5Voc. QalificationsChair KCEM WP3ANALYSISChair Cranfield Univ. WP7Curriculum&ModChair Cranfield Univ. WP8IMPLEMENTATIONChair NIF WP6T&E programmeChair KCEM

  5. Project group (WP 1) • Co-ordination • Forming a steering committee • National reference groups

  6. Dissemination (WP 2) • Identification of stakeholders groups • Establish a virtual network of stakeholders • Presentations to and consultations with relevant stakeholders • Circulation of reports from the project • Presentations to conferences and symposia • Publication of articles in magazines • Focussed presentations to influential stakeholders • Arranging a symposium in 2005

  7. Analysis of the EU explosive sector (WP 3) • Number and size of companies • Numbers of employed at each location • An overview of the age distribution • Identify existing education programmes • Catalogue of existing training and education provision materials • Survey of legislation

  8. Competency framework (WP 4) • Through consultation with the stakeholders develop a framework showing the skills and competencies required . • The framework shall support the training and education programme.

  9. Vocational qualifications (WP 5) • Consultations with national vocational education groups • Options for national qualifications • A report should be produced pointing the way to qualifications which has acceptability across Europe

  10. Training and education programme (WP 6) • Develop a comprehensive and accessible programme of education and teaching • This program will consist of a variety of different teaching and education methods, classroom to Internet

  11. Curriculum and modules(WP 7) • Identify the scope of the curricula required • Support the programme developed inWP 5 • The modules will specify the subjects and the teaching objectives for each module

  12. Implementation (WP 8) • Implementation of a trans-national distance education system based on the latest proven technology • Provide education • Perform validation • Perform examination • Sign certificate

  13. R&D, QA and QC (WP9) • Describe and analyse different methods of learning • Research reports • Evaluation

  14. Workplan EU - Excert 2006 2005 2004 2003 WP 1 Project Management WP 2 Dissemination WP 3 Analysis WP 4 Competence Framework WP 5 Vocational Qualifications WP 6 Training & Education Programme WP 7 Curriculum & Modules WP 8 Implementation WP 9 R & D QA & QC Steering Committee meeting Work group meeting 1 st Conference Explosive Education

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