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Presentation to the National Health Portfolio Committee

This presentation provides an overview of the mandates guiding the operations of the Limpopo Department of Health and Social Development, including applicable legislation and strategic priorities. It highlights the national ten points plan and provincial priorities, as well as the core functions of the department.

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Presentation to the National Health Portfolio Committee

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  1. Presentation to the National Health Portfolio Committee Presented by Dr H N Manzini; HoD – Health & Social Development; 16th March 2005

  2. Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Limpopo Department of Health and Social Development

  3. Mandates The Departmental operations are guided by the following Mandates. - Applicable National & Provincial Legislations • National Ten Points Plan • Provincial Strategic Priorities • Health Core Functions The Strategic Plan is based on these principles.

  4. National Ten Points Plan • Improve Governance and management of the NHS • Promote healthy lifestyles • Contribute towards human dignity by improving quality of care • Improve the management of communicable and non-communicable illnesses • Strengthen Primary Health care, EMS and Hospital service delivery systems • Strengthen support services • Human Resource Planning, Development and Management • Planning, Budgeting and Monitoring and Evaluation • Prepare and implement legislation • Strengthen International Relations

  5. Provincial Priorities • TB/STD/HIV/AIDS & other communicable diseases • Maternal, Child, Women, Youth & Adolescence Health • Integrated Poverty Alleviation • Health Promotion • District Health Development & Primary Health Care implementation • Hospital Revitalisation • Health Planning, Logistics & Support Services • Quality of Care • Mental, Chronic, Disabilities & Geriatric Health • Communication, Collaboration & Community Participation • Development of a Medical School

  6. Core Functions • Formulate and implement provincial health policies, norms, standards and legislation    • Provide regional and specialised hospital services as well as academic Health Services, where relevant. • Render and co-ordinate Medical Emergency Services (including ambulance service) • Render health services to the detained, arrested, charged. • Screen applications for licensing and inspection of private facilities. • Quality control of all health services and facilities. • Inter-provincial and inter sectoral co-ordination and collaboration. • Co-ordinate the funding and financial management (budgetary process) of the district health services

  7. Core Functions • Provide technical and logistical support to health districts. • Render specific provincial services programmes, e.g. TB programme. • Provide non-personal health services. • Provide and maintain equipment, vehicles and health care services. • Effective consultation on health matters at the community level. • Provide occupational health services. • Research on, and planning, co-ordination, monitoring and evaluation of health services rendered in the Province. • Ensure that functions delegated by the National level are carried out. • Render Medico-legal services.

  8. Section A Strategic Priorities and Objectives 2004/05

  9. Programme 1: Health Administration PRIORITIES • Improve governance and the management of the Provincial Health System (PHS) • Strengthen admin support services • Human resource planning development and management • Planning, budgeting and monitoring and evaluation • Prepare & implement legislation • Implementation of fraud prevention and risk management plan; • Management of records and information systems

  10. Strategic Objectives and Targets • In the next five years Provincial Health Legislation will be aligned to the National Health Legislation. • Achieve full implementation of supply chain management policy the end of 2005/06 • Outsourcing of the following: Renal dialysis, Concession of hospitals, Staff accommodation, Laundry services and EMS on a PPP basis by the end 2006/07.

  11. Continue… • Payment of creditors within 30 days by 2005/06 • 100% of staff must have signed PI’s by 2005/06 • Development of a full HR Strategy in the next by the end of 2005/06 • Approved organizational structures for the Department during 2005/06 • All institutions to have Governance Structures by 2005/06

  12. Continue… • 100% of all institutions in the Department have effective Risk management policies and practices by 2005/06 • Accurate information available and disseminated to correct stakeholders at all times by 2005/06 • 100% compliance with National Archives guidelines by 2005/06

  13. Programme 2:District Health Services PRIORITIES • Integrated Primary Health Care • District Health Services and Devolution • Communicable Disease Control • Malaria programme • HIV & AIDS, STIs & TB • Decentralization of Hospital Management • Strengthening of Partnerships with NPOs

  14. Strategic Objectives and Targets • 100% provision of comprehensive primary health care package at all PHC facilities by 2006/07 • 100% access to primary health care services by 2007/08; • All designated PHC Facilities to render 24 hrs service by 2007/08 • 100% implementation of devolution strategy by by 2005/06 • Service Level Agreement will be signed with District Municipalities for provision of Primary Health Care Services by 2005/06

  15. Continue… • 95% immunization coverage of children under 1year by 2007/08. • >1% reduction mortality and morbidity through rapid response to outbreaks of diseases by 2006/07 • Reduce Malaria incidence by 10 % per year.

  16. Continue… • 85 % Access to Provision of comprehensive HIV&AIDS, care, treatment, management and support including ARV’s and nutritional supplements by 2007/08 Cure rate of new smear positive TB cases at first attempt increased to 85% by 2006/07 • Strengthen partnership with EU on PDPHC, HIV&AIDS by formalising LSAs with NPOs by 2005/06

  17. Programme 3: Emergency Medical Services. PRIORITIES • HR development • Improve access to EMS services STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS • Outsourcing of Emergency Medical services Fleet by 2006/07

  18. Programme 4: Provincial Hospitals Services. PRIORITIES • Revitalization of Hospitals. • Implementation of Secondary Hospital Package. • Decentralisation of Hospital management • Specialised Hospital Services. • Accreditation of facilities for teaching purposes.

  19. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS • 100% full decentralized Hospital Management by 2006/07 • Complete Revitalisation Projects by 2007/08 • 100% transformed nursing services by 2007/08 • 100% revenue collection targets achieved by 2005/06

  20. Programme 5:Central Hospitals - Provincial Tertiary Services. PRIORITIES • Revitalization of Hospitals • Implementation of Tertiary Hospital Package • Decentralisation of Hospital management • Accreditation of facilities for teaching purposes • Development of a medical school.

  21. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS • Reduce ALOS to 5% by 2007/08. • Usable bed utilization rate increased to 84% by 2007/08. • Reduce patient waiting time to 1hr by 2007/08. • Complete consolidation of developing tertiary services package (MTS) by 2006/07; • Fast –track and consolidate efforts to develop Academic Departments to support the Limpopo University Medical School between 2005/06 – 2007/08 (budgets & other resources)

  22. Programme 6: Health Sciences and Training. PRIORITIES • Conduct research in nursing • Train mid level workers • Train nurses • Provide bursaries • Train Emergency Care Practitioners

  23. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS • 100% operational post basic diploma nursing program by 2006/07 • 80% student intake from rural and nodal communities by 2007/08. • Initiate and improve partnerships with institutions of higher learning and other relevant institutions by end of 2006/07

  24. Programme 7: Health Care Support Services. PRIORITIES • Supply of medicines to health facilities • Monitor rational utilisation of drugs; • Inspectorate Services.

  25. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS • Increase drug availability at the depot, hospitals, health centers and clinics to 95% by 2007/08. • Pharmaceutical programme managed in line with national policy on an ongoing basis.

  26. Programme 8: Health Facilities Management PRIORITIES • Upgrade and Building of PHC facilities • Hospital revitalisation • Maintenance of Health Facilities

  27. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS • Built 100 clinics in the next five years at the rate of 20 clinics per year • All PHC facilities have clean water and sanitation by 2007/08 • All PHC facilities fully electrified by 2008/09

  28. Section B MTEF Budget & Expenditure Trends

  29. New Equitable Share Formula • The growth in the provincial equitable share primarily caters for the three-year wage agreement for public servants and further adjustments to the remuneration of educators. • It also provides for funding of the primary health function in non-metropolitan municipalities, strengthening of school based education, and the expansion of developmental welfare services. • The division of the equitable share allocation among provinces is done through an objective redistributive formula. • The formula is reviewed and updated annually and takes recommendations of the Financial and Fiscal Commission into account. • A broad-ranging review of the formula has been undertaken for the 2005 / 06 and MTEF.

  30. New Equitable Share Formula cont.. The formula consists of 4 main and 2 minor components • Education = 51 % and uses census data for the school age cohort and official estimates of school enrolment weighted equally. • Health = 26 % is based on estimated number of people with and without medical aid coverage and weighted at a 1 : 4 ratio. • Institutional = 5 % allocated equally across provinces to cover core provincial administration costs. • Basic = 14 % is calculated on the basis of the population share of each province. • Poverty = 3 % reinforces the redistributive basis. • Economic = 1 % to cater for provincial revenue raising powers that have not changed

  31. Limpopo Provincial Equitable Share Allocations – over the MTEF

  32. MTEF Budget 2005/06 to 2007/08

  33. MTEF Budget 2005/06 to 2007/08 • There is concern for Non PE in the outer years. • As can be seen the allocation for Non PE reduces in the 2006/07 year by R 70.299 m with once off costs of R65.2 m from the previous year. • The 2007/08 year shown an increase above the previous year of R 6.803 m that leaves a almost no growth in the budget for Non PE for two years running. • The rest of the budget is ring fenced and cannot be rerouted to fund Non Personnel Expenditure. • The allocation for the purchase of drugs does show real growth and these funds are ring fenced.

  34. Summary of Conditional Grant Allocation

  35. MTEF Budget 2005/06 to 2007/08

  36. MTEF Budget 2005/06 to 2007/08- HealthBudget Allocation per Programme

  37. MTEF Budget 2005/06 to 2007/08- HealthBudget Allocation per Programme • The increase in the Personnel Budget is intended for the filling of critical vacant positions in both Clinical and Administration posts Clinical Posts Other • 2005 / 06 270 R 62.7m 424 R 22.9m • 2006 / 07 444 R 49.3m 481 R 46.4m • 2007 / 08 358 R 38.1m 351 R 34.1m

  38. Departmental Revenue Collection2001 /02 - 2004/05 & Budget 2005/06

  39. Expenditure Trends: 1995/96 – 2003/042004/05 Estimated and MTEF Budget

  40. Personnel v/s Non-Personnel trends

  41. The End ‘Working as A Team has potential to assist in rolling back the frontiers of Ill – health and Poverty globally’

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