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This guide outlines norms for group interaction, mindset assessments, and strategies for fostering a growth mindset in the workplace. Topics covered include the definition of mindset, views on new initiatives, individual intelligence beliefs, and the importance of embracing challenges. Participants engage in self-assessment activities and discussion on mindset-related readings to cultivate a positive mindset in the workplace. References to studies and practical applications provide valuable insights for personal and professional growth.
Group NormsRESPECT • Rejoin whole group when signaled • Everyone participate • Side conversations to a minimum • Prepared for meeting • Expect to be here and present in the work • Cell phone and other electronics etiquette • Two feet rule
Mindset Vision of Assessment Literacy
Mindset: Define • On a post-it note, record your definition of ‘Mindset’. • Why are new initiatives often viewed as: “one more thing,” “latest educational fad,” “this year’s PD du jour ?” • What are the implications for district and building leadership?
Complete Individually • 1. Intelligence is a fixed trait. I have a certain amount of it and that’s that. • Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree • 2. I need easy successes to feel clever. • Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree • 3. I don’t want to have my inadequacies and errors revealed. • Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree • 4. I feel clever when things are easy, where I put in little effort and I outperform my peers. • Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree • . • 5. If I can’t solve a problem or figure out how to do something then it means I’m not intelligent. • Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree
Complete Individually • 6. Intelligence is something I can increase through my own efforts. • Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree • 7. There are differences between people in how much they know and how quickly they master things. • Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree • 8. I love to learn something new. • Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree • 9. I am excited by challenge. I throw myself into difficult tasks and stick to them. • Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree
Mindset • Letter off at table as A, B, A, B … • A’s will read excerpt from Shirley Clarke book , “The Ideal Learning Culture.” • B’s will read Carol Dweck article, “The Perils and Promises of Praise.” • Capture key ideas related to mindsets on your T chart.
As you read the article, use the T-Chart notes organizer to capture important facts, questions that arise, feelings that are evoked and ideas that you have. (You may want to jot down page numbers by these for future reference.) • Look back at your definition of Mindset - -revise it if desired.
Discuss the article and your definition with your table group. • What are your feelings about the topics presented in the articles/chapter? • What are some of the practical applications? • What do you want to remember/share from your reading?
Take Away Reading Even Geniuses Work Hard by Carole Dweck
Take Away Reading Chapter 7 from Super Teaching by Eric Jenson
Visible Learning: A Quick Walk • Bibliography: 301-374, # of studies page 18 • 6 Domains: page 31 • Appendix B: 297-300 • Page 7 figure 2.1 • Page 16 # 4 • Example: page 59, pre-school programs • Example: Ranking page 299, Homework, p.19