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Using AEDs and performing emergency resuscitation techniques are a part of first aid training that every individual should undergo at least once in their lives. Read more.
Blog1: Cardiaclife.net AED TRAINERS AND THEIR IMPORTANCE Sudden cardiac arrest can affect anyone! So here is the story of Olivia Cox (a six-year-old) girl who knows it too well. According to sudden cardiac arrest foundation, “Olivia collapsed during her first gym class in her school and her teachers performed CPR until the EMS arrived. So what they did, they used an automated external defibrillator (AED) to get her heart restarted before she could be admitted to the nearby hospital.” Now don’t you think Olivia was lucky? Just imagine what would have happened if the teachers tried to help her without the proper training for handling AEDs, the equipment, the supplies? So there are many educational professionals that understand the value proper AED (automated external defibrillator) trainers, programs and equipment, and ensure that most people, especially those dealing with public, are well aware about its proper usage. Plus there are varieties of nations many places such as New York, Kansas and even Pennsylvania that are actually mandating the placement of AED defibrillators in offices, at public places, and the other states are following the suit. Using AEDs and performing emergency resuscitation techniques are a part of first aid training that every individual should undergo at least once in their lives. In fact, most schools have special programs dedicated to teaching students about how they should be handling different medical emergencies. With just a little planning and research along with time and creativity, you can achieve what AED programs are supposed to achieve. Organize a BLS certification training in your school today!