The Project, HaydiKızlarOkula” (Hey Girls, Let’s Go to School) started in 2003. We put emphasis on female gender becuase when we compare the figures it is clear that the rate of girlswho do not gotoschoolregularyare higher than boys. Cultural prejudices, benefits from labour of female children, economical obstacles are the main reasons of this statistic.
It was launched with the cooperation between Ministy of Education and UNICEF. All educational directorates with the help of NGOs and local authorities were the implementer of the Project in local scale. In the Project, it was aimed to increase the number of enrollment of the girls who did nothave compulsory education and or can not attend to schools regulary so as to equate the genders in education.
Why isthe Project needed? Before the Project (in 2003) there were 640 thousand children who didn’t attend to school in Turkey especially in the eastern cities where the Project was implemented more intensively. By 2012, this number decreased to 179 thousand of children (110 thousand of girls). The 81% of girls were enrolled to school and educational directorates have been still trying to make rest of girls go to school and havea regular education
What is thesituation in Tekkeköy /Samsun? Comparingthefigures in Turkey, girlsenrollmenttoschool is high in ourdistrict, but there is stillsomethingto do toincreasetheenrollment rate as 100%.
What has been done so far? Withthehelp of AddressBasedEnrollmentsystem, we can easilyhavetheidentityinformation of thechildrenand can tracktheirattendancetoschool. Regularvisits, convincingtheparentstosupporttheirchildren , parenteducationseminarsorganisedbyourguidanceteachershavebeenbecome rutine activitiesof us everyyear.
What has been done so far? Besides, as a policy of theministry, parentswhosendtheirdaughtersandsonstoschoolarepaidmoneyfortheirschoolexpensesregulary. Theamountwhich is givenforgirls is higherthanboystoencourageparentstolettheirgirlsgotoschool. Alsobooksduringtheschooltermareprovidedbyministry,. Forthosecomingfromdistantvillages, freetransportationandlunch is provided.
Results As a resultall of theseinitiatives, the rate of schooling has increasedfrom 69.33% to 81% in Turkeyand 99,77 % in ourdistrict.