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Resume Evaluation and Interviewing Techniques

Resume Evaluation and Interviewing Techniques. Heiko Spallek, DMD, PhD Center for Dental Informatics University of Pittsburgh 11/26/2002: 2201 Dental Information Systems . Agenda. What is management? Emerging Knowledge-Based Economy Human Resource Planning Job Analysis Job Description

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Resume Evaluation and Interviewing Techniques

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  1. Resume Evaluation and Interviewing Techniques Heiko Spallek, DMD, PhD Center for Dental Informatics University of Pittsburgh 11/26/2002: 2201 Dental Information Systems

  2. Agenda • What is management? • Emerging Knowledge-Based Economy • Human Resource Planning • Job Analysis • Job Description • Affirmative Action • Staffing + Recruitment • Selection process • Hiring • Firing • in-class assignment: recruit a manager computer operations for SDM

  3. What is management? • Recruiting is a managerial task. • The process of achieving organizational goals by engaging in the four major functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Organization: Two or more persons engaged in a systematic effort to produce goods or services.

  4. Planning The process of setting goals and deciding how best to achieve them. How does recruiting fits into planning?

  5. Organizing The process of allocating and arranging human and nonhuman resources so that plans can be carried out successfully. How does recruiting fits into organizing?

  6. Leading The process of influencing others to engage in the work behaviors necessary to reach organizational goals. How does recruiting fits into leading?

  7. Controlling The process of regulating organizational activities so that actual performance conforms to expected organizational standards and goals. How does recruiting fits into controlling?

  8. The Emerging Knowledge-Based Economy People are assets, not expenses! Machine Age: language of business = accounting = manipulating of financial abstraction = control-centric, procedural management Post-industrial or knowledge-based society: • Companies will organize around information, not things. • empowerment and leadership • 21st century Taylorism: workflow are set by workers not “experts” • knowledge is the “only meaningful resource” (P.Drucker) • creation and application of technology Engines of Prosperity : Templates for the Information Age by Gerardo R. Ungson, John D. Trudel 1999 Imperial College Pr; ISBN: 1860940927

  9. Human Resource Planning The process of determining future human resource needs relative to an organization’s strategic plan and devising the steps necessary to meet those needs. Essential steps before thinking about recruiting: • job analysis • job description HR planning  staffing  development+evaluation  compensation  maintaining an effective workforce  HR planning

  10. Job Analysis • systematic collection + recording of information concerning the purpose of the job • major duties • conditions under which the job is performed • contacts with others that job performance requires • knowledge needed • skills needed • abilities needed to perform the job  information used for job description

  11. Job Description • Job description • statement of duties • working conditions • other significant requirements associated with the job • current trend: broad description without much detail • Job specification • statement of skills, abilities, education, and previous work experience

  12. Supply of Human Resources • internal labor supply • skills inventory • replacement planning Department Chair 39 J. Smith O F. Johnson PT 33 E S. North N 25 age outstanding partially trained excellent newly designated, needs training

  13. Attracting • best people gives competitive advantage • target largest possible pool:  best people • e.g. advertisement at Pitt • external supply: • advertisement • employee referral • head hunters • Web • walk-in • job fare • recruiting agencies

  14. Affirmative Action v. Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action is any special activity undertaken by employers to increase equal employment opportunities for groups protected by federal employment laws and regulations. • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of (1964) amended 1972: prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin • Rehabilitation Act of (1973) • Pregnancy Discrimination Act (1978) • Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) • Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (1990) • Equal Pay Act (1963) • Family and Medical Leave Act (1993)

  15. EEOC U.S.Equal Employment Opportunity Commission • enforcement agency for discrimination cases • government agency, presents you against the employee • http://www.eeoc.gov/

  16. Staffing + Recruitment Staffing = set of activities aimed at attracting and selecting individuals for positions in a way that will facilitate the achievement of organizational goals. Recruitment = finding and attempting to attract job candidates who are capable of effectively filling job vacancies Realistic job preview = technique used during the recruiting process in which the job candidate is presented with a balanced view of both the positive and the negative aspects of the job and the organization

  17. Selection Process = determining which job candidates best suit organizational needs • valid selection method • omit adverse impact • bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) = legitimate discrimination • selection methods

  18. Selection Methods • Application blank (a lot contain illegal questions!) • educational background • previous job experience • physical health • = prescreening device • = preliminary comparison • Selection interview • popular • relative low validity: unstructured interview • better: structured interview • often used: semistructured interview • Reference: unreliable, worst of all • Employment test

  19. Employment Test means of accessing a job applicant’s characteristics through paper-and-pencil responses or simulated exercises. • ability test • personality test • work sample • e.g. assessment center programs are in operation in 2000 US organizations  Try to find out how person will perform later!

  20. Hired, what now? • “new employee orientation” mostly poor forgiven last chance to give the employee a vision • training / development "If knowledge is becoming antiquated at an increasing rate, we have no choice but to spend more on education. How can that not be a competitive weapon?" Gary Tooker, CEO, Motorola, Inc. • performance appraisal = best development tool

  21. Firing • Don’t lay people off: It gives them hope for re-hiring. • terminate people no reason = safe harbor for employer give no reason for firing

  22. In-class assignment: Hiring You are to hire a Manager Computer Operation for a US Dental School. • Review the provided resumes • Decide for the best candidate • Compile 8 questions for a semi-structured interview • Defend your selection for this individual All provided material is confidential and will be collected after the assignment!

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