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TENNESSE WALTZ. Your Health Part 1. Click to advance at your own pace. As a modern man you should be concerned with your health. As your friend I’m worried about you hanging around and continuing to send me emails for a long time.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TENNESSE WALTZ Your Health Part 1 Click to advance at your own pace.

  2. As a modern man you should be concerned with your health. As your friend I’m worried about you hanging around and continuing to send me emails for a long time. I’m sure most of you have read some of the recent health studies but just in case. . . . .for example:

  3. Snopes recently revealed as true that. . . .

  4. Another recent study by a group of German scientists also confirmed that staring at women’s breasts is excellent for men’s health and increases their life expectancy dramatically.

  5. The study showed that staring at women’s breasts for 10 minutes a day is as beneficial or as good as 30 minutes of strenuous exercise.

  6. The study was carried out over a 5 year period on a group of 2000 men. It showed that all men who observed breasts each day for a least 10 minutes suffered less cardio-vascular pains and had less hypertension than those who were not permitted breast therapy each day.

  7. The last finding revealed “that with daily practice, men can increase their life expectancy by at least 5 years”.

  8. So what do you say guys. . . . . . .are you ready to start some daily therapy?

  9. Here’s to your good health in 2010 and for many more years to come.

  10. Please share this health recipe with your friends – its better than anything Martha Stewart can offer!

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