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Are you thinking for Holiday in Spain? Caribbean Casas Offers you rent a house in Spain as well as at Barcelona.
Salvador Dalí’s Figueres Renowned artist Salvador Dalí was born in the town of Figueres in Catalonia, Spain. Despite stints in Mad?id, Pa?is, a?d the USA, he al?ays ?o?side?ed Figue?es to ?e his ho?e, a?d it?s he?e that he died i? ????. If you??e o? holiday in Spain, it?s still possi?le to see so?e of Dalí?s lo?al hau?ts, a?d it?s e?e? possi?le to ?isit his fi?al ?esti?g pla?e at the Dalí Theat?e a?d Museu?. He?e?s a guide to Dalí?s Figue?es. Birth Salvador Dalí was born on 11th May 1904, and his childhood home still stands on Monturiol Street. You?ll k?o? you??e at the ?ight pla?e ?e?ause the?e is a s?all pla?ue o? the p?ope?ty, ?hi?h ?eads ?e? aquesta casa va neixer salvador dali dia 11 de maig de l'any ???4?, t?a?slated f?o? Catala? as ?in this house Sal?ado? Dalí ?as ?o?? o? May ??, ???4?. While Figueres is quite a quiet town, for Dalí fans, this is perhaps, even more exciting than any location in Barcelona! Would??t it ?e ?i?e if the ?alls ?ould talk! Baptism Dalí ?as ?aptised at the Chu??h of Sa?t Pe?e de Figue?es ?St Pete??s Chu??h?, ?hi?h is the ?ai? ?hu??h i? the town. While it may look impressive from the outside with its large bell tower, it is even more a?azi?g i?side, a?d it?s ?ell ?o?th poppi?g you? head i? fo? a look. If you ?a?t to rent a house in Spain
that?s ?lose to Dalí-related sights and attractions, then this area, which is right in the heart of the town, really is ideal because St Pete??s Chu??h is ?e?y ?lose to a?othe? i?po?ta?t pla?e: the Dalí Theat?e & Museum. Death Whethe? you??e a fa? of Dalí o? ?ot, if you??e stayi?g i? a Spain holiday rental i? Figue?es the? it?s definitely worth taking the time to visit the Dalí Theatre & Museum. The museum houses the biggest collection of Dalí works in the world, including sculptures, collages, and even mechanical devices! The?e?s also so?e ?o?ks ?y othe? Catala? a?tists, too, highlighti?g the i?po?ta??e of the ?isual a?ts i? Catalonia. Dalí himself is buried in a crypt beneath the centre of the museum, which is open for public visits.