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Departement of Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine USU. HORMONE SYNTHESIS, RELEASE AND TRANSPORT. The hormones speak : We are the chemical messengers of the body. Diversified in our structure and function; Act either directly or through messenger;
Departement of Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine USU HORMONE SYNTHESIS, RELEASE AND TRANSPORT
The hormones speak : We are the chemical messengers of the body. Diversified in our structure and function; Act either directly or through messenger; Growth, health, and welfare is our motto The structure of insulin BIOCHEMISTRY MEDICAL FACULTY USU
Intracelluler Communication • All cells detect and respond to environmental stimuli Intracelluler communication : - endocrine - nervous - immune • Endocrine glands secrete hormones BIOCHEMISTRY MEDICAL FACULTY USU
Hormone • Hormone: produced in small amounts by specific tissues (endocrine glands), control the metabolic and biological activities in the target cells • Active at low concentrations (picogram to nanogram)
HORMONE CLASSIFICATION • Categorized by site of synthesis • Endocrine hormones • Paracrine hormones • Autocrine hormones BIOCHEMISTRY MEDICAL FACULTY USU
HORMONE CLASSIFICATION • Categorized by water solubility • Hydrophilic hormones /The water soluble hormones • Lipohilic hormones /The lipid soluble hormones BIOCHEMISTRY MEDICAL FACULTY USU
HORMONE CLASSIFICATION • Categorized by the • location of the receptors • Receptors on the surface of the target cell, on the plasma membrane • Receptors in the intracelluler
HORMONE CLASSIFICATION Categorized by chemical structure • Protein and polypeptide • Amine • Steroid • Eicosanoid
PEPTIDE HORMONES • Consist of specific amino acids • Synthesized as large precursor proteins • Stored in membrane-enclosed compartments • Hydrophillic
PEPTIDA INSULIN • Di sintesa di Pulau Pankreas sebagaipreproinsulin • Untuk sekresi disimpan di RES → oleh enzim mikrosomal dibelah menjadi proinsulin sewaktu memasuki membran RES • Proinsulin diangkut ke golgi kompleks dikemas menjadi secretory granules • Di granula, C-Peptida dipisahkan insulin disekresikan
Protein and Polypeptide Hormones Synthesis : Peptide hormone synthesis and packaging
Proinsulin Insulin
AMINE HORMONES • Derived from the amino acid tyrosine • Includes thyroid hormones and catecholamines • Stored until secreted
Thyroid Hormones • Thyroid gland produce T3 and T4 hormones • Iodide (I-) actively transported into the follicle of thyroid gland • Oxidized to iodine (Io) by a peroxidase
Thyroid Hormones • Iodine attached to tyrosine within thyroglobulin chain MIT, DIT • MIT and DIT or 2 DIT molecules coupled together • TSH via cAMP stimulates hydrolyze T3 and T4 from thyroglobulin (inhibited by KI)
STEROID HORMONES • Precursor: Cholesterol • Lipophillic • Immediately released from the cell following synthesis
Hormon Steroid • Korteks adrenal sintesis : glukokortikoid, mineralokortikoid, sex steroid • Terutama dari kolesterol plasma (sebahagian kecil dari asetil koA) • Kolesterol plasma dirubah menjadi pregnenolon oleh enzim sitokrom P450 (mitkondria atau RES)
Hormon Steroid • Kekhususan seluler : • sintesis mineralokortikoid pada sel glomerulosa 18 hidroksilase dan 18 hidroksisteroid dehidrogenase hanya ditemukan pada sel ini
Protein Transport Thyroid Hormones Globulin alfa (85%)TBG TBPA (transferitin) Albumin sedikit
Protein Transport Hormon Steroid • Kortisol - 75 % terikat CBG (transkortin) - 10 % kortisol bebas - selebihnya pada albumin (mis deksametason)
Protein Transport Hormon Steroid • Androgen - DHEA terikat lemah pada albumin - Testoteron terikat pada globulin spesifik ( SHBG) • Mineralokortikoid - tidak punya protein pengangkut spesifik - membentuk ikatan lemah dengan abumin
EICOSANOIDS HORMONE • Produced from arachidonic acid, • Released from phospholipids by action of phospholipase A2, phospholipase C • Produced in almost every organ • In one pathway arachidonic acid is converted to prostanoids by a group of enzymes, the cyclooxygenase system • A second pathway to produce leukotrienes by the enzyme 5 lipoxygenase
Prostaglandins • SAIDS inhibit action of phospholipase • NSAIDs, such as aspirin and derivatives of ibuprofen, inhibit cyclooxygenase activity of PGH2 Synthase • They inhibit formation of prostaglandins involved in fever, pain, & inflammation • They inhibit blood clotting by blocking thromboxane formation in blood platelets
REFERENCES • Devlin T M, PhD. Text Book of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations 5thed. Wiley-Liss, New York. 2002 : 906-952, 982-983 • McKee Trudy, McKee James R. The molecular basis of Life. 3rded. McGraw-Hill. Americas, New York. 2003 : 541-559 • Murray R K, et al. Harper’s Biochemistry 26thed. Appleton & Lange. America 2003: 434-473 • Raff A, et al. Moleculer Biology of The Cell. 4thed. Garland Science. New York. 2002: 832-892 • Stryer L. Biokimia. Edisi 4. EGC, Jakarta. 2000.: 340-358