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Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) Characteristics and Common Medicinal Uses Dr. Mohammed Ellatifi Senior Forester President , SYLVA-WORLD for Development and the Protection of Forests and the Environment Casablanca , Morocco E-mail : sylva.world@yahoo.fr Website : www.sylvaworld.fr.fm
Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) Characteristics and Common Medicinal UsesDr. Mohammed EllatifiSenior Forester President, SYLVA-WORLD for Development and theProtection of Forests and the EnvironmentCasablanca, MoroccoE-mail: sylva.world@yahoo.frWebsite: www.sylvaworld.fr.fm International Symposium « Forests and Human Health » 30 April 2008, MARRAKESH, Morocco
Forest Distribution in the World International Symposium « Forests and Human Health » 30 April 2008, MARRAKESH, Morocco
South Pacific Zone Natural-growing Area ofMorinda Citrifolia( Noni ) International Symposium on « Forests and Human Health »30 April 2008, MARRAKESH, Morocco
Description Vernacular Names: Indian mulburry (Eng); Mûrier indien/Morinde (Fr); Mora de la India (Spanish); Noni (Tahiti, Hawaii); Nono (Cook Islands)… Family: Rubiaceae (Coffee, Madder,… Size: small tree / shrub: 3 – 10 m height at maturity. Sometimes it supports itself on others as a liana Ecology: 0 – 800m; t: 20 – 35°C; P: 250 – 4000mm; M:35°C; m:5-18°C (no frost); Very plastic (soil, climate). Shorelines, colonizer on harsh waste areas or lava flows; Very salt-resistant; withstands / thrives in brackish tide pools; tolerates flooded conditions for long periods of time; Shade: from sun to 80% shade (understorey) Rooting: deep taproot + lateral root system (cf. coffee & citrus) Regeneration: shoots/root suckers. Propagation from seeds, stem or root cuttings, and air-layering Logevity: more than 25 years Flowering & Fuiting: continuously throughout the year Fruit: has a pungent odor, when ripening Competition: grows under forest understorey. Is one of the few plants that can thrive beneath the canopy of ironwood (Casuarina equisetifolia) Seeds: 40000seeds/kg; germin: over 90% when fresh; 6-12 m 1- 4months(scarif) distinct air chamberability to floatwide distribution & occuence in many seashores (Inland distribution (due to fruit-eating bats and birds) Genetics: Big morphological variability in fruit & leaf, with the species - Morinda citrifoliavar. citrifolia: of great cultural, economic & medicinal value. Abundant in the Pc.R - Morinda citrifolia var. bractea: small fruit with conspicuous bracts (Indonesia, between Ind & Pacific) -Morinda citrifolia cv ‘Potteri’: Ornamental, with green & white leaf variegation. Throughout the Pacific International Symposium « Forests and Human Health » 30 April 2008, MARRAKESH, Morocco
Uses of Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) • Traditional & Commercial Use • -Greening of harsh waste areas and salty lands • - Fodder for livestock and forage for bees • - Woodlots • - Home gardens • - Ornamental (road sides, parks ….) • - Hedges and windbreaks • - Sand fixation on the littorals • - Traditional medicinal use of fruit, leaf, bark, roots, buds • Traditional and Commercial products: Beverages (fruit juice, • juice drinks), fruit powders (for manufactures of reconstitued juice • or juice drink products), toiletries(lotions, soaps, etc.), oil (from • seeds), leaf powders (for encapsulation or pills). • Market • Worldwide market for Noni products, with the largest markets • in North America, Mexico, Asia and Australia. • In 2002, the worldwide market for Noni products was • estimated to US$400 million International Symposium « Forests and Human Health » 30 April 2008, MARRAKESH, Morocco
About the Noni Fruit Juice Noni Fruit Juice: Very nutritive diet. It contains carbohydrates, ascorbic acids, proteins, fructose, fats, glucose, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. It, thus, fulfills many requirements to energies and treat a sick body very quickly. It is also known as « Pain Killer Juice ». Dr. Ralph Heinicke and Noni Juice Dr. Ralph Heinicke graduated from Cornell University in 1936 with a special interest in plant physiology, and got his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Minnesota. He lived in Hawaii from 1950 to 1986, doing research for the Dole Pineapple Company, the Pineapple Research Institute, and the University of Hawaii. After many years of research, studying Morinda citrifolia L.) and the nature of its healthful properties, he identified a new alkaloid to which he gave the name of "Xeronine“, which he patented in December 1981, as a new alkaloid.He discovered that the Noni plant, not only contains enormous amounts of Proxeronine, but that it also contains the enzyme that helps change Proxeronine into Xeronine, called Proxeroninase. Dr. Heinicke became the world’s leading expert on Morinda citrifolia L. International Symposium « Forests and Human Health » 30 April 2008, MARRAKESH Morocco
When proteins combine with xeronine, the combination becomes a powerful tool that produces energy and sends chemical signals between cells for proper and healthy cell growth and maintenace. Morinda citrifolia fruit contains a compound known as proxeronine. When consumed, proxeronine combines with an enzyme called proxeroninase in the intestine and the result is xeronine. Dr. Heinicke's theory is that, when released, xeronine actually works at the molecular level to repair damaged cells. Dr. Heinicke states that the primary function of xeronine is to regulate the rigidity and shape of specific proteins. Since these proteins have different functions within the cells, this explains how the administration of Noni. "Some of the problems which drinking Noni Juice might favorably affect are: high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gastric ulcers, sprains, injuries, mental depression, senility, poor digestion, artherosclerosis, blood vessel problems, drug addiction, pain, and many others."Dr. Heinicke. International Symposium « Forests and Human Health » 30 April 2008, MARRAKESH, Morocco
WHAT ELSE IS IN THE NONI FRUIT ? After the discovery of Xeronine by Dr. Ralph Heinicke, in 1972, scientists in over 40 major universities are actually exploring noni in an attempt to understand its wide range of benefits and appplications. So far, researchers have now identified over 150 health-promoting components in the noni juice, that help to explain its comprehensive role in supporting health. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Components Their Benefits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proxeronine &The building blocks our bodies use to manufacture Xeronine. With nutrient-depleted foods, Proxeroninase where these building blocks are not available, our proteins can become reliant on inadequate substitutes such as sugar, caffeine, cocaine, or nicotine to do their work. By promoting optimal protein functioning, Xeronine promotes cellular regeneration and hormonal balance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scopoletin Has anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, lower blood pressure, and binds to serotonin to help regulate sleep, hunger and temperature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AnthraquinoneControls infectious bacteria such as Straphylococcus Aureus, E. Coli & Salmonella -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dammacanthal Inhibits growth of pre-cancerous cells -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terpene Helps with cell rejuvenation, thus increasing nutrient-toxin exchange -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phytonutrients & Selenium Provide powerful “anti-oxidant”, protection (see “Anti-oxidant” below) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rich in soluble and Soluble fiber helps cleanse the blood, decrease cholesterol, binds to fats and insoluble fiberbalances blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber (“bulk”) is important for colon health. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rich in essential Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats and oils. The “essential” fatty acids in noni are the fatty acids important poly-unsaturated fats that must get from our diet. They maintain healthy skin, nerve cells, heart tissue and blood vessels and help balance mood. They keep cell membranes working properly and efficiently, improving the nutrient-toxin exchange. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Symposium « Forests and Human Health » 30 April 2008, MARRAKESH, Morocco
IMPORTANT OVERALL CHARACTERISTICS OF NONI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adaptogen An adaptogen is a substance that has a global balancing effect on all body systems. There are only 12 known adaptogens; of these 12, noni is said to be the first adaptogen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alkaline Tissues degrade and disease thrives in an acidic environment. Noni promotes an alcaline body chemistry, the optimal state for good health. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anti-oxidant Anti-oxidants, such as green tea, pycnogenol, and vitamin C, among others, are important in neutralizing « free radicals », or particals that cause DNA damage that can lead to cancer. Noni has been found to be one of the most effective anti-oxidants. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Low Glycemic Index A 3:1 ratio of carbohydrates to fiber in noni can balance blood sugar levels. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analgesic, Anti-inflammatoryUnlike typical pain releavers and anti-inflammatories, noni decreases pain (Selective Cox II Inhibitor) and inflammation while protecting stomach, kidney, and liver cells. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Humectant As a humectant, noni can help tissues retain moisture. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Immuno-ModulatorNoni intelligently supports the immune system, not just by boosting it, but by regulating it to suppress the allergic and auto-allergic responses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Symposium « Forests and Human Health » 30 April 2008, MARRAKESH, Morocco
SAFETY REVIEW-RECOGNITIONS/DECISIONS USA: A SAFETY REVIEW OF NONI FRUIT JUICS(publd. in the Journal of Food Science (JFS), Vol. 71, No. 8, , Page R100 – R106, October 2006(Submitted: 06/05/2006, Accepted: 08/20/2006). Authors: B.J. WEST (USA), C.J. JENSEN (USA), J. WESTENDORF (USA), and L.D. WHITE (Germany). Content: (1) Introduction [incl. Description of Morinda citrifolia L. (noni)], (2) Traditional Food Use, (3) Safety Evaluation (Toxicity tests; Allergenicity tests; Clinical safety studies) and (4) References. Conclusions: “Since Parkinson's description of noni fruit as a food in 1769, others have observed this practice in other cultures. The increasing popularity of the juice today has necessitated this review. Data from clinical studies, toxicity tests, and chemical test have substantiated the use of this juice as a safe food. More detailed examination of the few recently reported cases of adverse health effects reveals that these were likely due to factors other than noni fruit. This review has drawn together, for the 1st time, documented food usages and formal safety studies. It appears from this review that noni juice is as safe as other common fruit juices.” USA: Noni was classified as GRAS (GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS SAFE) plant by the Department of Agriculture and U.S. Food and Drug Administration. EUROPE: SECURITE DU JUS TAHITIAN NONI(Décision de la Commission des Communautés Européennes, relative à l’autorisation de mise sur le marché de « jus de noni » (jus de Morinda citrifolia L.) en tant que nouvel ingrédient alimentaire, en application de règlement (CE) No 258/97 du Parlement et du Conseil (notifié sous le No. C(2003) 1789 (2003/426/CE), en date du 5 juin 2003 (Bruxelles). Article premier: Le « jus de noni » (jus de fruit de Moringa citrifolia L.) peut être mis sur le marché communautaire en tant que nouvel ingrédient alimentaire à utiliser dans lesboissons pasteurisées aux fruits. Déclaration du Comité Scientifique sur les aliments, Direction Générale de Protection de la Santé et du Consommateur de la Commission Européenne:« Le Comité a évalué la sécurité du jus Tahitian Noni comme nouvel aliment. Le Comité a conclu qu’il n’y a aucune indication d’effet adverse…sur la toxicité, la génotoxicité et l’allergénécité subaiguës et subchroniques. Compte tenu de ces éléments, le Comité considère le jus Tahitian Noni au niveau d’ingestion observé, comme acceptable.» International Symposium « Forests and Human Health » 30 April 2008, MARRAKESH, Morocco
Thank you ! International Symposium « Forests and Human Health » 30 April 2008, MARRAKESH, Morocco