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Religion in Scotland (and England): a historical perspective (work in progress)

Religion in Scotland (and England): a historical perspective (work in progress). Elisabet Weedon, Sheila Riddell and Linda Ahlgren. The reformation led to an education system based on protestant values – church dominant in education provision

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Religion in Scotland (and England): a historical perspective (work in progress)

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  1. Religion in Scotland (and England): a historical perspective(work in progress) Elisabet Weedon, Sheila Riddell and Linda Ahlgren

  2. The reformation led to an education system based on protestant values – church dominant in education provision 1872 Education (Scotland) Act – church had to relinquish control to School Boards; education compulsory 5 to 13 Denominational schools opted out of state system 1918 act state funding for denominational with guarantees for these schools to determine religious curriculum Education authorities emerged – the churches have right of representation on LA education committees (Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, section 124) Historicalcontext: Scotland

  3. Religion in Scotland today: Census 2001

  4. Ethnic group by current religion, all people (%): Census 2001

  5. Country of birth by current religion all people, Scotland: Census 2001

  6. Age composition and religion of the Scottish population: Census 2001

  7. Religion: England Census 2001

  8. England: religion Census 2001

  9. Ethnicity and religion: England Census 2001

  10. England: Religion andplace of birth UK/nonUK

  11. Young people self-reported religion by ethnicity (%): LSYPE survey

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