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THIS IS THE TITLE SCREEN. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME Your Title Institution Name. About me. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME Your Title Institution Name xlastname @institution.com I have used Blackboard for XX years. Here is an interesting fact about myself few people know. About my institution.
About me • FIRSTNAME LASTNAME • Your Title • Institution Name • xlastname@institution.com • I have used Blackboard for XX years. • Here is an interesting fact about myself few people know.
About my institution • Please limit to a maximum of two slides. • Be sure to include info on how your team is set up, how many people are on your team, how many people use Bb, etc.
What we are going to learn today • Takeaway number one loremipsum dolor sit amet, consectetueradipiscing. • Takeaway number two. • Takeaway number three. • (You can edit this slide to include only 1 main point if you wish.)
OUR challenge • Begin your main content loremipsum dolor sit amet, consectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibheuismodtinciduntutlaoreetdolore magna aliquam. • Remember: • Always design for the back of the room (think BIG) • Your slides should be a visual backdrop to your words—images are more powerful than words • What problem are you trying to solve?
Our solution • Give an overview of the pieces, processes and/or steps involved in your solution.
Here’s How We Used Blackboard • Ideas to guide you: • What areas of the application did you focus on? • Did you integrate with other systems? • If you show product screen shots make sure they’re readable from the back of the room.
Our Results • Describe the success or outcome that you experienced and what your audience can expect if they follow your advice. • If possible, show metrics or percentage change.
Do This Next • What’s the ONE thing your audience should do when they get back to their institution? • (This might be something in the Blackboard application, an article to read, an internal meeting to schedule, etc.)
Thank you! • FIRSTNAME LASTNAME • Your Title • Institution Name • xlastname@institution.com