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Issachar Coaching Cluster. Exercising Spiritual Disciplines Year One Session Four. If you could have lunch with anyone (apart from Jesus) who would it be and why?. As we pray, let’s remember individuals on our Evangelism Prayer Lists.
Issachar Coaching Cluster Exercising Spiritual Disciplines Year One Session Four
If you could have lunch with anyone (apart from Jesus) who would it be and why?
As we pray, let’s remember individuals on our Evangelism Prayer Lists
A primary end-product of the WPA District is to produce Growing Spirit-filled Christ-like Servant Leaders at every level.
Growing Spirit-filled Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model
Abiding In Jesus Christ Competencies: 1) Growing in Intimacy with Christ 2) Crucifying Self 3) Claiming God’s Armor 4)Exercising Spiritual Disciplines 5) Practicing Sacred Pathways Growing Spirit-filled Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model
Exercising Spiritual Disciplines Dallas Willard asserts that a believers’ attempt to mimic Jesus’ life is similar to young baseball players who watch their favorite pros play flawlessly, yet when he/she tries to do the same on the field, he/she seems to always fall short. Why?
Exercising Spiritual Disciplines Answer: The young person lacks the hours of practice and discipline which are a part of the athlete’s life both on and off the field. An athlete’s entire lifestyle is focused to prepare him/her for that split second when the “spot light” is on.
Exercising Spiritual Disciplines He suggests that a critical element in living like Jesus is to regularly practice Biblical spiritual disciplines. Just as an athlete practices physical disciplines, so too believers must practice spiritual disciplines!
Exercising Spiritual Disciplines What do you think of Willard’s baseball analogy?
"This, then, is how you should pray… Matt 6:9 • "When you fast… Matt 6:16 • But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins… Mark 12:42 • Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Mark 1:35
Disciplines of Abstinence: Chastity Fasting Frugality/Simplicity Poverty Sacrifice Silence Solitude
Disciplines of Engagement: Prayer Meditation Scripture Memory Service Stewardship (time, talents & treasures)
Disciplines of Engagement (cont.): Study Watching (where is God at work & join Him) Worship
Of the spiritual disciplines, which has most assisted you in becoming more Christ-like?
As you envision becoming more Christ-like, which spiritual discipline(s) if exercised regularly might catapult you to the next level of abiding in Christ? Why?
Expressions of Exercising Spiritual Disciplines • Intentionality in exercising spiritual disciplines, (daily, weekly, etc.) • Partnering with others in exercising spiritual disciplines (Scripture memory partner, etc.)
Resources for Exercising Spiritual Disciplines • Celebration of Discipline- Foster • The Spirit of the Disciplines- Willard • Relentless Spirituality- Simpson
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”Gal 6:7 NIV
“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists”Eric Hoffer
Learning from Experience External Processes Experience Reflection on Experience Test concepts in new situations Form concepts, generalizations (make meaning) Internal Processes Figure adopted from D. A. Kolb Experimental Learning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentiss Hall 1985
Journaling to reflect on learning from experience (Yesterday…) • Transparent discussions with coaches & mentors to learn from experiences • Peer coaching focused on learning from experience Expressions of Learning
Experimental Learning- Kolb • 7th Habit Series- Covey Resources Related to Learning From Experience
Exercising Spiritual Disciplines • Principle of Sowing & Reaping • Learning from Experience With reference to Spiritual Disciplines, on a 1 to 10 scale, where are you currently? What would it take to lift you to the next level of Christ-likeness? Today we’ve explored:
As we enter into our triads, let’s: • Review last month’ SMART Goals • Explore what the Holy Spirit has brought to your attention • Determine next steps (Establish SMART goals) • Pray