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AUTOMATED ANALYSIS OF HUMAN FACTORS REQUIREMENTS. Jan M. Allbeck Advisor: Norman I. Badler. Summary. Human factors analyses currently require laborious testing one task at a time. Use digital human models to automate the process of requirements checking of designs.

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  2. Summary • Human factors analyses currently require laborious testing one task at a time. • Use digital human models to automate the process of requirements checking of designs. • Framework using PAR to represent and store design requirements. • Link requirements to analyzers that use digital humans. • Reportsuccesses, warnings, and failures. • Less effort setting up and running repeated analyses on designs.

  3. Outline • Introduction to Human Factors Engineering • Related Work • Parameterized Action Representation • Extended Example • Framework for Requirements Testing • Contributions • Research Plan

  4. Human Factors Engineering • Physical and psychological interactions of humans with environments. • Analyses check designs to optimize safety and performance. • Analysis can focus on a generic product, specific environment or object, or aspects of a particular design. • Requirements, regulations, guidelines.

  5. Positioning and comfort Visibility Ingress and egress Reaching and grasping Foot pedal operation Multi-person interaction User maintenance Strength assessment Fatigue/Recovery Time Analysis Working posture analysis Test fit and accommodation Lower back spinal force analysis Static strength prediction NIOSH Lifting analysis Predetermined Time Analysis MTM-1 Rapid upper arm assessment Metabolic Energy Expenditure Manual Handling limit Human Factors Engineering From Tecnomatrix website.

  6. Guidelines • American Bureau of Shipping Guidelines • NASA STD-3000 • FAA: The Human Factors Design Standard • Human Engineering Design Approach Document - Maintainer • Army’s MANPRINT • DoD Human Engineering Design Data Digest • http://hfetag.dtic.mil/hfs_docs.html

  7. Related Work: HFE • Commercial products: Jack, RAMSIS, DELMIA, etc. • Task Simulation Builder (Raschke et al) • Change layout and figures. • Fill in needed actions. • User interface. • Research: Chaffin, Delleman, Santos, MIDAS, Maida, LMCO, etc. • SAE International

  8. Natural Collision-free Reach Liming Zhao

  9. Operational Reach Liming Zhao

  10. Related Work: Representations • Representations for ECAs. • Instructional agents. • Natural language processing. • 7 basic actions (Ianni 1999) • Smart Objects (Kallmann and Thalmann 1998) • WordsEye (Coyne and Sproat 2001) • PDM/PLM

  11. Parameterized Action Representation • Natural language and animation intermediary • Applications: VET, ATOV, ACUMEN • Action and Object representations • Stored in Hierarchies • Uninstantiated and instantiated

  12. Action Representation type parameterized action = (name: STRING; participants: agent-and-objects; applicability conditions: BOOLEAN-expression; preparatory specification: sequence conditions- and-actions; termination conditions: BOOLEAN-expression; post assertion: STATEMENT; during conditions: STATEMENT; purpose: purpose-specification; subactions: par-constraint-graph; parent action: parameterized action; …

  13. Action Rep. Continued type parameterized action = … previous action: parameterized action; concurrent action: parameterized action; next action: parameterized action; start: time-specification; duration: time-specification; priority: INTEGER; data: ANY-TYPE; kinematics: kinematics-specification; dynamics: dynamics-specification; manner: manner-specification; adverbs: sequence adverb-specification failure: failure-data).

  14. Object Representation type object representation = (name: STRING; is agent: BOOLEAN; properties: sequence property-specification; status: status-specification; posture: posture-specification; location: object representation; contents: sequence object representation; capabilities: sequence parameterized action; relative directions: sequence relative-direction-specification; special directions: sequence special-direction-specification; sites: sequence site-type-specification; bounding volume bounding-volume-specification; coordinate system site; position: vector; velocity: vector; acceleration: vector; orientation: vector; data: ANY-TYPE).

  15. Extended Example From ATOV slides

  16. Object Representations power_supply_0: Part_of: F22_0 Rel. Dir.: top, bottom, left, right connector_0…connector_4: Part_of: F22_0 Parts: joint_0, joint_1 Purpose: connect(power_supply_0, x) Capabilities: disconnect, grasp, push, rotate, pull Grasp sites: located on connectors Approach vector: vector Status: connected, disconnected Postures: pushed: joint_0 = -0.5, closed: joint_1 == 0, opened: joint_1 == 90

  17. Action Representation Disconnect(Bayonet _connector) Participants: agent_0, con_0 Preparatory Spec.: {grasping(con_0), grasp(agent_0, con_0)} Subactions: Push until pushed; Rotate until opened; Pull until disconnected; Failures: not reachable, not graspable, unable to turn, unable to identify, …

  18. Framework

  19. Distribute the Wealth

  20. Pre-preprocessing

  21. Preprocessing

  22. User Interaction

  23. Load Models

  24. Create iPARs

  25. Five top electric connectors

  26. Digital Human Brain

  27. Digital Human Body

  28. Distribute Complexity: Querying and Updating

  29. Results

  30. Reports

  31. Existing Components

  32. Contributions • Developing a framework for establishing databases of human factors requirements. • Creating procedures for testing those requirements against varying designs in an automated fashion using digital humans. • Representing requirements as parameterized actions in concert with an object representation. • Demonstrating the viability of this approach on real data.

  33. Not Focusing On • Tagging geometric features. • Building of analyzers. • Autonomous agents. • GUI development.

  34. Research Plan • Choose 4 or 5 requirements to use as prototype examples. • Port the existing PAR code to WinXP (3 weeks). • Enhance existing representations as needed for this application (4 weeks) • Create PARs for the sample requirements (3 weeks) • Design and implement APIs for the analyzers (2 weeks) • Extend PAR system (8 weeks) • New logic representation, Instantiator, Predicate manager, Geometry/spatial reasoner, Reporting system, World Model. • Run multiple designs through the framework.

  35. Thank you

  36. Prototype Examples • “Simple” geometry calculation (ABS) • Posture or positioning • Visibility • Reaching and grasping • Complex maintenance task

  37. 7 Basic Actions • Position, Touch, Get, Put, Lookat, Usetool, Operate • Failure codes: Success states, Warnings & Danger messages, Programming errors, and Task failures.

  38. ABS Table

  39. TSB • Natural instruction interface • Simulation automaticity • Refinement and reuse of actions • Immediate erogonmic reporting • Expandability • In development • Not representing or processing requirements

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