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Business and Leadership Development. IT Division. From Orders Clerk to Proactive S upplier. 2008. 2014. Impact Goals 2008-. The IT organisation offers a good working environment , has distinct roles and makes optimum use of resources ( time and money as well as staff )
Business and LeadershipDevelopment IT Division
From Orders Clerk to ProactiveSupplier 2008 2014
ImpactGoals2008- • The IT organisation offers a goodworkingenvironment, has distinctroles and makes optimum useofresources (time and money as well as staff) • The IT organisation delivers IT services thatareclearlydefined in terms ofcontent, quality and performance (time, cost and resources) • The agreed service levelto the business is maintained
Group seminars Continuous improvement Review Individual coaching Seminar 1 2 days Seminar 2 2 days Seminar 3 1 day Seminar 4 1 day Seminar 5 1 day Survey Survey (1day) C C C C Kick-off meeting The Gaia profile Values and behaviour My development plan Management, reviews Scopeof the Change Programme
Preconditions • A baseline survey wasconductedamong ITA managers • Strengths and challengeswereidentified • A common vision must be created and objectivesdefined • All managers need: • Increasedself-awareness and understandingof the organisation as a whole • To use the same tools and terminology • The same common values as a basis for theirleadership • All managers must be prepared to do what it takes to developthemselves and strengthentheir team – holistic approach
Vision The Cathedral Mission Focus area Focus area Focus area Focus area Focus area Leadershipphilosophy Common values
ProactiveLeadership • Interactionbetween the whole and the integral parts – between the business and the individual • Interactionbetweenstructure and culture • Managers and co-workersshare the viewthatweare all part of the same whole, and actaccordingly • Managers and co-workershave a coherentpictureof the overall challenges, and workindependentlytowards common goals • Managers and co-workerstakeresponsibility for the whole by applying a customer/supplierperspective • Managers and co-workers make useof the variousstrengths, differences and competenceof all individuals and of the group
Leadership upwards Really feeling part of the whole in my role and assertively docking my competence, talent and driving force with the needs and challenges of this whole, thereby creating value and positive development. Leadership My Personal Leadership - inwards Through more in-depth self-knowledge and contact with my own needs and driving forces, taking responsibility for my own development and motivation. Leadership outwards Based on a holistic perspective, identifying and leading events in the world at large. By creating partnerships with interested parties, being able to develop, both in the organisation and in society as a whole. Peer leadership Based on the needs and challenges of the whole, creating strong partnerships with other parts of my organisation, assertively contributing to the success and development of each and every one of us. Leadership downwards Being an attractive leader who challenges his or her co-workers to use their driving force and competence to achieve the desired results. Investing in staff development and creating important conditions for internal and external growth.
The ProactiveSupplier • Regards the commissioning body as a customer • Acts like a business within the business • Always thinksof the biggerpicture • Createshis or herownfuture and does not become a victimofcircumstances • Is the oppositeof the passive orders clerk
The ProactiveSupplier - Part 2 • Recognises the customer’sperspectivewithregard to the products and services thatareoffered. • Understands the customer’schallenges, needs and problems and cantherefore proactively adapt its products and services. • Understands the customer’sdreams and ultimate aims. • Has a goodknowledgeof the market and establishes partnerships withothersuppliers. • Understands the qualitiesofothersuppliers and successfullydevelopsmutualcollaboration. • Never findsitself in situations ofcompetition.
What is required for us to become… • ”A clear, modern, professional, committed and involvedparliamentary administration, offeringevenbetter support to the parliamentaryprocess.” from Roadmap 2014
Vision The Cathedral - Vision Mission Focus area Focus area Focus area Focus area Focus area Leadershipphilosophy Common values
Our Vision as a Role Model • Our IT operations serve as a role model for parliaments all over the world. We share our experiences and contribute to international developments through the exchange of ideas. Our methods, approaches and technical solutions are of great international interest.
Our Vision as an Employer • We have an open-minded culture – we try out new ideas, evaluate new technologies and working methods – where everyone has a role to play. • We want to be an ideal workplace where all of our co-workers, suppliers and customers are happy. Having a happy workplace means that we can supply the best products.
Our Leadership Vision • Clear leadership resulting in transparency and trust by providing feedback in all directions contributes to our credibility. • Clear leadership makes things easier for everyone working in the organisation, leads to higher energy levels and creates a positive atmosphere. • Dynamic leadership leading to creative innovation and development. We are regarded as brave and challenging, and are successful.
Our Partnership Vision • Winners want to work with winners. • We always base our work on holistic needs and challenges. Our leadership works actively to create strong partnership collaboration with all parts of our organisation and the rest of the world. • Partnerships are crucial for success – partnerships strengthen us in our mission and make us more skilful suppliers of IT. Our partners succeed in their missions.
Our Culture Vision • Stimulating approaches and culture leading to co-workers who want to learn new things and share their experiences. Ideas are carefully considered, which helps us grow as individuals, in our teams and as an organisation. • Clarity leads to efficiency, awareness and the desired results. • Modern approach – we use modern technology and modern working methods. This is stimulating for our organisation and our co-workers. Our trademark is strengthened – for both the organisation and our co-workers. We are perceived as an attractive and successful workplace. • Core values – we live and work in accordance with the Riksdag Administration's set of core values.
Our Product Vision • We intend to provide the best possible services, which means that they should be modern, flexible, innovative and practical. We provide the right product at the right time – our supply procedures are always correct. This makes us proud of what we provide.
Our Competence Vision • Our work at ITA is characterised by self-reliance and accountability. We take responsibility for our own development and are an asset to operations. • We have competent staff, making life simpler for all involved with a higher degree of efficiency. We are regarded as a professional employer. • We have skilful and competent colleagues, which helps to create an inclusive climate. • We help to strengthen and bolster each other and our services. We are aware of our talent.
Our Structural Vision • We work with clear management and follow-up of operations through systematic reporting structures. This helps us use our resources more economically and work with the right things. • We make well-founded decisions based on clear and thoroughly prepared background materials. This leads to better quality control of the services we provide. We feel satisfied in our work. • Transparency of information. Our information is accessible, comprehensible, complete and clear. This leads to a high level of efficiency and security, both internally and in relation to the world at large.
Vision The Cathedral - Mission Mission Focus area Focus area Focus area Focus area Focus area Leadershipphilosophy Common values
Our Mission • Primary mission of the Riksdag Administration and the IT Division: • To support the parliamentary process • This is accomplished by: • Providingsupportive IT services thatsimplify the parliamentary process and render it moreefficient • Joiningwith the Administration, the secretariats and the members in a powerful and well-functioning partnership • Wearecharacterised by: • Being a positive and energetic division thatresponds to challenges in an attractive and creativemanner • Acting as an integral part of the Administration’s operations • Contributingwithunderstanding and knowledge to developing the Administration with IT • Creating opportunities for the secretariats, members and the Administration • Beingwell-prepared for the challengeofchange • Maintaining an opendialoguewithour partners • Acting as a true IT partner • Thiscontributes to: • Inspiringconfidence, beingrelied on and trusted • Us being the IT partner of choice • Receiving and providingenergy • Us beingconsidered an integral part of the Administration’s operations Underlag till missionen 1
Vision The Cathedral – Our Focus Areas Mission Competence Culture Partnership Products Control Leadershipphilosophy Common values
Transformation Map Competence Culture Partnership Products Control
SyfteEn väl fungerande styrning är avgörande för att ITA ska kunna nå ett bra resultat och genomföra en effektiv och kostnadsmedveten verksamhet. En bra styrning gör oss handlingskraftiga, flexibla och resursstarka • MissionVi arbetar med tydlig styrning och uppföljning av verksamheten genom systematiska strukturer för rapportering. Det leder till att vi hushåller optimalt med våra resurser och jobbar med rätt saker. Focus Area – Control • (Kostnadsmodell etablerad i hela förvaltningen) (2017) • Kostnader och resurser syns för respektive PO (2015) • Modell för (PO) produktägarskap är implementerad (2015) • Samordnad verksamhetsplanering inom ITA (2015) • Övergripande uppföljning av ITAs leveransförmåga (2015) • Infört arbetssätt och modell för prioriteringar och avvikelsehantering (2015) • Formade arbetssätt och modell för prioriteringar och avvikelsehantering (2015) • Metoden ”Den offensiva leverantören och det personliga företaget” är etablerade som verktyg - Offertprocessen etablerad i hela avdelningen (2015) • Systematiskt mål- och visionsarbete infört. Utveckling och förbättring medarbetare delaktiga (2015) • Systematisk och strukturerad medarbetaruppföljning (2014) • Forum och ledningsformer fastställda (2014) • Endast avvikelser rapporteras (2015) • Chefsutvärderingsmodell baserat på ledarskap 5.0 implementerat.(2015) • Medarbetarutvärderingsmodell baserat på värdegrund, mission och vision implementerad • Löpande uppföljning av våra styrdokument (2014) • Verksamhetens mål är förankrade och tillgängliga på alla nivåer (2015) • Alla it-projekt följs upp, värderas efter nytta (2014) • Varje it-projekt har en beskriven livscykel där kostnader är presenterade (2014) • Leveranser till kund följs upp (2014) • All relevant information strukturerad och tillgänglig (2014)
Vision The Cathedral – Common Values Mission Competenece Culture Partnership Products Control Leadershipphilosophy Common values
Common Values • Honesty • Loyalty • Passion • Performance • Respect • Courage • Structure